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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. There have been many comparison tests of the various driver modes over the years, and none are as accurate as ASIO. I wish I could find a link. In order to use both devices at the same time with USB, they both must use a driver other than ASIO.
  2. It's not necessarily that everyone is tired of hearing about it, I think it's more that most of us are always online and haven't had to deal with it. Does going through the usual offline authorization procedure still work?
  3. I thought it was the other way around?
  4. What driver modes have you tried in CbB? WASAPI Exclusive generally is quicker than Shared or WDM/KS, and definitely faster that MME.
  5. You will continue to get poor performance when trying to use a driver mode other than ASIO. You cannot use more than 1 ASIO driver at a time, forcing you to use a slower driver. I would connect the synth with RCA cables to the Fireface. I think. 🙂
  6. By the way, I don't have either of these devices, but they look pretty good. And another occasion I would be glad my hearing is bad.
  7. Well, I think you're going to have to live with it, since 2 different ASIO drivers can't be used at the same time. Are you saying WASAPI Exclusive doesn't work at 48K on your system?
  8. I just select the track, drag across the timeline above the unwanted section, press Delete on the computer keyboard.
  9. Welcome to the forum. Have you tried connecting it to the Antelope audio interface via audio cables, such as RCA cables?
  10. I tried to find a picture of his grave, but his "grave" is the Pacific Ocean.
  11. If 2 oases reunite, does that make it a lake?
  12. So, did you ever get the latest updates and drivers from the Focusrite web site?
  13. Welcome back. I think you'll like the Solo. I have used Focusrite interfaces for about 20 years and they've (almost) always worked flawlessly. High quality, good electronics and drivers, plus, they're not too expensive. There should have been some sort of Getting Started guide included if you bought it new. I currently have the Scarlett 4i4 3G and it was printed on the inside of the box cover. It was pretty simple; Connect the Scarlett and follow the directions. Those directions should have taken you to the Focusrite web site where you need to download and install the latest software, including drivers (it appears that you haven't done that, yet). Once you have that completed, then you should be able to select their ASIO driver and get ready to rock!
  14. If you draw in a note in the Staff or Piano Roll views, do they behave the same way?
  15. Don't let the glasses fool you. But I do know how to read a compass.
  16. And check the Korg web site for driver downloads. Welcome to the forum.
  17. Many synths allow loading your own samples in their libraries. You could load your 'real' drums into one of those and play it plus another track of the drum synth with its samples.
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