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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. I would wager large parts of my anatomy that they A. Don't know or 2. They know but were told not to say anything or Also, they like playing with your head.
  2. I'm not sure what you mean by "paint in the dots", but all Cakewalk programs I have ever used have tools to write chords. You can use the Staff View with the internal Fret View to click in notes on the fretboard. Those notes will appear in the Staff. You can click notes in the Staff and they will appear on the fretboard when played. Usually. Sometimes a note is missed which I've always written off as my slow computers/graphics issues. You can open the Chord dialog which has a database of over 1,000 chords you can click in above the Staff. It defaults to 'C' but clicking on that will open up the complete chord writing app in Cakewalk. You can open a New Grid, click in whatever notes you want, name it, save it and use that diagram whenever you want. Note that entering a chord diagram above the Staff will not enter the notes on the Staff, you still have to do that manually.
  3. I am positive they're not "refusing " calls for clarity.
  4. I wore leather pants yesterday and got caught in the rain. It was a tightmare.
  5. I would first check the track's properties for the exact time the clip/track starts, i.e. 13:04:936. If I wanted to paste it 16 measures later, assuming the timing is right in the first clip, I would copy it then do a Paste Special and set the start time to 29:04:936.
  6. I would do that on the bounced audio track.
  7. Welcome to the forum. Is that TASCAM's ASIO driver or just some random ASIO driver on your computer? If possible, an ASIO driver made for your device by the interface's manufacturer is usually the best solution. It looks like the most recent driver for the 1800 is from 2014.
  8. This just appeared on FB:
  9. Now I have a Sam Ash ad on FB showing numerous instruments, Gibson Les Paul, Fender Telecaster, Yamaha Montage, all for "$130 or less". Where are they? he wondered while thinking it was all a scam.
  10. The Grateful Dead Presidents of the United States of America.
  11. 57Gregy

    Tascam US-2400

    Welcome to the forum. It looks pretty old. Their latest support link is for Vista 64-bit. But, it reads that it was compatible with SONAR (in 2003). Someone smarter than me will be along shortly. Good luck!
  12. 57Gregy


    Welcome to the forum. What would be helpful is if we could see what the outputs of your MIDI tracks are.
  13. I uploaded the video to youtube. I had downloaded several Hawaiian songs, chopped them up into 1–2-minute clips and stitched them together for a soundtrack. As it happens, they were copyrighted and youtube picked up on that. Fortunately, the authors allow their songs to be used there. It's 14 minutes of bad photography from the 1950s, terrible lighting, worse rendering, thumbs over the lens and some "oops, I left the camera on" moments, but I still tear up a little. Here's the link, or maybe it will embed. I never know what's going to happen when I try to insert links.
  14. The salesclerk told me that there was a "rumor" going around in the store that their remaining inventory had already been bought.
  15. I would do a 'Save As' with the new title.
  16. They are separate programs. Many folks here have both installed as well as older versions and for the most part, will all play together just fine. Welcome to the forum.
  17. Found myself in north Raleigh today so I popped in to see what was left. A lot, actually. No Fenders at all that I could find. Lots of Gibsons. Prices on most items were 15%-25% off retail. Lots of lesser-known brands. Just a few keyboards. Lots of expensive microphones. Very few interfaces. I bought a few cables, and a pair of Samson monitor speaker stands for $63, MSRP $354.98. I was looking for some stands, too. Score! My brother the programmer is looking for a Telecaster but the only ones they had were Michael Kelly and 1 Squire. The Squire was $400.
  18. Are you familiar with busses? Typically, we would group instruments together, like Guitars, Keys, Voices, etc. and run them through audio busses. All of those audio busses would then be routed through a Master bus which has its output set to the interface.
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