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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. I would also copy the project and Bounce to Tracks all of them. I have read a couple threads here of folks having problems opening projects with many frozen tracks that have multiple plug-ins and VSTis. That seems to occur after some time has passed, often due to uninstalled or unauthorized synths or effects. I always Bounce.
  2. Looks purdy. Besides the label maker, what's it do?
  3. Every version of Cakewalk software I have had for the last 22 years has a list of chord diagrams with about 1,200 entries. Once you have the name of the chord, and you want to know how to play it on a guitar, you can look it up. But it won't draw the diagram in. You would still have to do that.
  4. One of the easiest ways (if the effect supports it) is to automate the on/off button or preset selection by clicking the W (write) button in the track pane, press Play then click the appropriate controls as it plays.
  5. Many computer sound chip manufacturers have released their own ASIO drivers which are not good. The ASIO driver supplied by Behringer (if this is one of their better units) will be compatible with Cakewalk and other DAW programs. I don't know the exact wording of that message because I have always used hardware made for recording to record and the ASIO drivers have always worked since Cakewalk began support for ASIO way back in the aughts. Make sure you have downloaded and installed the latest driver from the manufacturer's web site.
  6. So I was thinking that maybe you meant to have several open projects and somehow extra time was added to the beginnings of some of them. I went back to the ones that I did a while ago and no measures were added to their beginnings. But, I hadn't saved it that way.
  7. I know the end result will be well worth the wait, and I think it's really cool that you can do that. Everybody sing along! Anticipation, anticipay ay shun.
  8. I watched the video and I was wondering where you got all those Windows. Usually, that control is for cycling between open views, such as Track, Staff, Piano Roll, etc. At least, that's what I have always used it for. Then I thought, "maybe he has more than 1 project open and he's cycling between those open projects". So, I opened one of my own, went into Preferences and unchecked 'allow only one open project at a time', which is checked by default. I then opened a few more projects and they all appeared under the Window gadget. I believe you are switching between different projects. Is that what you intended?
  9. Do you have any older versions of Cakewalk programs that included the DropZone sample player? That does what you want. I don't think Cakewalk by Bandlab has a sampler/player. Don't know about Sonar or Cakewalk Next.
  10. I'm not sure I understand this. After exporting, when you play the bounced track in Cakewalk, it's too quiet? Without changing a thing in any setting? What do you listen to the exported track with? Windows Media Player? Some other media player? Do you use busses in your projects? While not an absolute necessity, they are handy for mixing your music. I see your export source is the Focusrite and not a Master bus. Most of us use busses, with like instruments routed to a single bus that then is sent to a Master bus that leads to the Main outs. I usually export or bounce from the Master bus.
  11. They do know the house is already built, right?
  12. There is an entire forum dedicated to instrument definitions here, probably thousands, your keyboard might be one of them.
  13. How did you do that? Where did the MIDI file come from? Directly from the Yamaha or from the hard drive of the computer? Or a thumb drive?
  14. Naugahide. When the nauga became endangered, Kustom had to stop making them.
  15. Welcome to the forum. That could be almost anything, including loose cables. What are your export settings? If you could provide a screen shot of that window that will help. Are you using MIDI with software synthesizers? What audio interface or sound card are you using? Under Preferences (P), what Driver Mode are you using with that device? What device are you using to play the exported track? Try Bouncing down the song to a single stereo track in the project, then mute all the tracks except the bounced track. How does that track sound?
  16. You should always make copies of your tracks or projects before doing any major editing or rendering.
  17. For audio, select the track/clip, (go to the top, Process>Length, set it to maybe 125%, which will slow it down but keep the pitch. Welcome to the forum.
  18. You would think that the Pearl Jam concert I went to in the mid aughts wasn't memorable, but it was a good show. I just forgot it. ?
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