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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. I'm counting 16 at the $40 level. and coming from someone that owns over 50 PA plugins - some in that catergory are gems and there are also a number of them I don't even have...so I'd say there are options for the average person in that list.
  2. I haven't run the installer yet for the piano either. Hopefully it allows full sound installs on a seperate drive.
  3. Yeah that isn't bad as the initial buy in. Those of us that had GP3 have been given a $99 price for the upgrade on a daily basis for months now.
  4. I wouldn't go that far since they have the $25 survey code and many would have the $25 loyalty vouchers. There are some good picks to be had for $15 assuming someone is using those at the $40 tier. Of course we have seen these prices before but this sale at least gives options instead of the usual one at a time sales. And the multiple products at $99 tier should give the $75 voucher people options when they are frequently shafted.
  5. Guess that makes the sale less apealing then. After they swept the $30 Gig Performer 4 deal from my cart during the last sale while I was shopping around. I learned you have to pull the trigger immedatly.
  6. Prices start at 29.99 EDIT:: They removed the dynamic discounts being applied to the sale items. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html
  7. Guess I wasn't quick enough (and yes, I took the survey)
  8. I'm hoping for that one too one day, but "low low price" is likley a long way off. It might not even hit the $130 price point within a year. That is the carrot they dangle for the subscription buy in. Until they release another "best console emulation ever" plugin I think the expectaiton is it will keep a premium price.
  9. WIthout the inspection, makes me wonder if they shipped out of a different warehouse under the new management for that one... I haven't bought anything from them for a few years.
  10. I've never attempted for software but I did that for Hardware many times until the point where I realized the 3 sales reps I've been through didn't have the power to play ball well enough. They would always provide some additinoal discount but never got to teh same price I was getting somewhere else, so it turned into what is the point? They would tout the extra support, etc. To which I'd reply with I'm incapable of seeing a situation where your team would actually have to exercise that support with me.
  11. At that price might have almost been worth it. ?
  12. Except they are not known as a cost leader. Will see if they run anyting other than the standard 50% off Melda discounts. But they are one of the largest and most reputable music suppliers in the US.
  13. CLA EchoSphere with an upgrade path to the bigger version if my memory serves. Sibilance was given away in a previous year though.
  14. This isn't the full version that has been available for purchase. As soon as they put this verison up for purchase, it looks like it tells you that it is free for a limited time right on the web page (no subscription email necessary to get the code) Though I can understand if this stripped down version is all you wanted how buying the full version previously could feel like a waste of money. I don't remember exactly how much I paid for it (sale plus voucher situation) but I think it is a pretty nice plugin. It gets compared to something like Lurssen Mastering Console, IKM One, or Ozone Elements with different interface, workings, etc. And I'd say I tend to prefer it to those options overall.
  15. I'm guessing this is going to have some functional overlap with Sonible's Proximity EQ based on what I'm seeing in the demo.
  16. Wonder if we will get a teaser like in previous years to let the wild speculation begin.
  17. I haven't used it yet, but the hard/soft comp and Tone presets could potentially offer something that is sort of a short cut to the more exhaustive comp and EQ controls, I'm also curious about the presets on this one if they perhpas differ at all based on the controls on tap. I never really used the presets on the full version myself but it seems they are touting a number of presets to give the end user a jumping off point. I don't expect there are sounds you can get out of this that isnt' in the full version, but perhpas the thing gained here but maybe the tone preset options helps eliminate tweaking. I'll grab it if for no other reason than perhpas the ability to install on another computer that I don't need the extra controls for. Never say "no" to a PA freebie.
  18. Also shocked they haven't at least made resizable updates to the current lineup either...
  19. Though this crispy tuner deal it was part of the all plugins for $30 basically a few days ago.
  20. Jimmy Johnson (guitarist and founding member of the swampers) invited myself and a few friends to come jam and hang out a few years ago at that studio. Sadly he passed away not all that long after the invite, so the trip never happened.
  21. Interesting I have AutoGain Pro and never even realized they made an MKII Also have Melda's Auto Volume. Haven't really used either much though I had intentions to. Upgrade price from Pro to MKII has me thinking about it.
  22. Listened to the demos, got excited then "full Konkat required" came into play.
  23. Melda's deal is a great BF one IF you are a new user and add on a refferal code (mine: MELDA31209027) As that means you can pile on a bunch of 50% off stuff and then add another 20% off of that. For establised users, I agree without some type of dynamic discount not as much incentive or extra special deals.
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