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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. Perhpas with even more limited functionality. I passed on PA's Dangeous BAX for $10 last month. Of course the BaxterEQ is now 64bit and also free: https://varietyofsound.wordpress.com/downloads/ Not that these are not good quality and useful, but $100+ actual asking price is a bit much these days. PA released BAX at least 5 years ago, and has been fairly cheap time and time again.
  2. I'm curious who has the cash to spend this kind of money on a couple high/low filters. Seems absurd to me. Even $20 is a little questionable for a non-resizable interface with a couple filters. Curious against something like MBandPass which is free or a plethora of other options on the market.
  3. Looks like it is 50% off at United Plugins https://unitedplugins.com/UrbanPuncher/?_fid=dhto But seems like full price at ADSR Great liscencing program, but too expensive for me on this product.
  4. Considering how light those things are on the CPU as it is, I'd rather them "update" them in the sense of getting on board with the rest of the Izotope authorization systems so we are not stuck with 1 seat per liscence. Granted I have 3 copies of R4 and Nimbus thanks to recent sales, plus A couple Phoenix and Excalibur.
  5. Perhpas you turned on the Oversampling while you were mixing? I opened up Gig Performer and loaded/comparied the 50 to 80, 4k, 9K, console N, Focusrite, and the IK Strips. 50 looked like it was at the same or less than everything other than 4K and Consle N (which were lower).
  6. Agreed. But at Free there are some tasks it can do faster than other non-free options. Sky replacement would take me an hour or more to do at the level Luminar can do in minutes. But yes, regular develop duties are painfully slow compared to other products on the market. I used to run it as a Plugin in Affinity Photo to really only access those kinds of features. Since getting AI, I never open it any more and I hope that once the plugin for Neo comes out, that I don't have to use AI anymore as it is also quite slow. Beta testing the pre-release of NEO now.
  7. They are just throwing their weight around letting Monster Cable know they can't be sued for trademark infringement and are more of a market leader than they are in the audio industry.
  8. I honestly can't believe anyone would have picked anything other than the AMEK Console as the seleciton today with a $75 voucher. (unless they already paid an arm and a leg for it) (not to mention the combo you mentioned doesn't get you to the $99 tier needed to use the voucher. BX Opto was $10 for a few days straight with the anyone gets it voucher, and Big Al is $25 with the generic $25 one. These both should be pretty easy to pickup heavily discounted where a $75 voucher isn't necessary.
  9. Don't know about this month with certainly, but in previous months I remember it was confirmed $25 was generic and the $50 and $75 were unique.
  10. Nope, it was v4 they ran a $30 on "most plugins" sale and they failed to exclude it for part of the day (it was not in the fine print as an exclusion). Later in the day they updated the system not to include it. I had it in my cart, then came back later and the price was adjusted. A number of people reported being able to get it at $30. I ended up getting it on another sale with a voucher at a reasonable cost.
  11. After they ran Gig Performer for $30 a few months ago and then took it away during the sale, I figured it is the mixture of the two. But really didn't expect this kind of drop, when it was allegidely already part of the sale at $200. The good news is they are willing to drop that low, so perhpas it will happen again when I have a big voucher again.
  12. I can't believe I picked door #1 yesterday when I could have had door #2 today with the big voucher. The one I'd been hoping for and I blew it. ?
  13. In addition to the two known plugins, there is also always the chance we get something nice in the "pop up store" and honeslty so far those have been more in the reasonable price to get value out of a voucher territory.
  14. Goes on sales Jan 4th, FYI which is no doubt tied to the fact the deal above ends Jan 3rd, so it is a roll of the dice on what intro deals might be.
  15. The negative reviews on the site itself are related to "no mac version" to which I say "who cares." That said, the demo on Youtube didn't sound like something that would interest me.
  16. For the big spenders with a $75 voucher, this could actually be one of the better sales of the year. (assuiming they don't have everything already, of course)
  17. I agree, I might have stopped after the group buy but the IK plugs are on the resource hungry side and therefore I don't feel like I can use them across the board until I do some major hardware upgrades. But hardware is at a bit of a premium so I'll be waiting on that for a while, I'd imagine.
  18. If I only used plugins I purchased or had updates/upgrades in 2021, my cup would still be running over. I'm hoping 2022 affords me some time to get value out of what I have.
  19. Quite a bit of diversity in that line up though certainly some overlap in approach and styles in a few of them. I'd prob demo the Shur and Train II as starters I think Marshall for Schon, Beck Liefson, and Rothery. Gilmour is obviously a Hi-Watt guy but really runs it more as a high headroom clean platform for pedals and therefore the tone of the amp itself doesn't always feel like the signature.
  20. Depends on the Tone you are looking for and the style you want. Train II is IMO extremely unique (and fairly versitile, just mess with the Input under the FX rack section). I've played a number of real Trainwrecks and it is pretty amazing to get something with that flavor in the box. I like the Overdrive Supreme for clean tones but certainly demo it as there can be some noise in the high end that bothers some people, I think it is pretty acceptable in the context of a mix. On the cheap (at the $10 out of pocket level) Chandler is cool for classic rock/southern rock stuff, but don't think it has the responsiveness and complexity of the other two. The Suhr PT100 is quite good for the plexi thing but with more versatile than a straight plexi amp. Train II has to be my top choice though as it offers something special that can cover a fair amount of ground. Note I'm not a metal player as the "audio assault lineup" is going for. Things like the Diezel VH4 or ENGL Savage 120 fit those shoes well. Highly recommend running a few demos real quick. I found I could get the idea of how well I could mesh with a amp within a very short period of time. Yes, some of these take a bit of tweaking (the Train II for example with adjusting the input way more than you would think necessary to bring the amp to a lower gain range then mess with the 2 gain knobs to get a sweet spot).
  21. You can disable the Cab sim in the PA amps and then use the IR Loader after the PA amp. It works well that way. I do have the free Blacksun Amp, still have it installed, but seems pretty unlikley I'll ever really use it. It is one of those things years ago I'd be thrilled with, especially for free. But given what I have and is available now, I think it isn't top tier.
  22. None of the amps did anything for me (comparing them side by side to PA offereings) via a demo. However, I did grab the IR Loader plugin and signature cab pack. If you buy the sig cab pack for $5 it gives you the option to get the IR loader for $6. Now this won't compound with the 20% off coupon, but that is $1 less than if you used the 20% discount on each.
  23. Check to see if your local library offers free press reader access. If so, your library card and pin number will get you access on any android/ios device.
  24. This thread is helping me with the Jan 4th target of aquisition date (if at all). ?
  25. It just doesn't sound like a clean DI guitar with any dynamics at all to me. (note I'm a guitarist used to higher end guitars and boutiqe effects/amps in the real world). Even decent sampler has a free DI guitar that sounds more authentic to me. I really like PA plugins, but this one is a dud in my limited experience. The discount sales and voucher method really works as a business model, I've spent way more money with them in a single year than any rational person would have. Lots of plugins were not even on my radar and someone makes some comment about what it does, I demo it and sure enough it is awesome.
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