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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. I thought the same other than for the obvious creative effect. Need to make a track sound like the neighbors are blasting the stereo but you are hearing it next door? One click and done! Make sure to scale back the slider in the upper right to reduce intensity overall. This is one I'd expect to need to use sparingly and the presets seems like the this is how much you can alter the sound type. I basically started building from scratch to see what the possibilities are. I would have picked up the recent deal for VYBZ for $10 if I'd known about it when it was live. But this deal at twice that I'm on the fence.
  2. Does it suffer the same authorization problem as Addictive Drums where every windows update you have to reauthorize the computer?
  3. I don't follow EDM at all but I assumed this was basically going to be a nod to Avicii which might be limited to a few tracks such as Hey Brother.
  4. I don't usually use them either, but I'm thinking more along the lines of using for Talking voice work where I'm needing something quickly. Pull a file in and a few seconds later needing to be outputing it for the project. Not projects where I'm getting into the weeds on or care about. And honestly there are very few things that do de-essing really well, IMO. Melodyne is one, but I don't want to use that on a 2 hour talk unless it is a really important talk.
  5. But is it any good and what is the cheapest junk to get it? Normally with these it seems like I can find something for $6 or less. Not seeing that option this time (the sorting system isn't very reliable)
  6. Interesting obsesrvation as it was exactly along the lines of what I was thinking yesterday with Polaris. The main pull on the Strymon Blue Sky for me is the shimmer (otherwise I find it to be a little too modern and sterile for my normal use). And Polaris covers some of that ground. In my short testing, I found it a bit warmer than what I remember from the Blue Sky. I didn't do any side by sides. The additon they made givnig it the "swell" function adds to the value tremendiously, IMO.
  7. Which seems absolutely insane for a HP and LP individual filter plugin, right?? Not sure I really get this one and perhpas I should test drive before such judgement, but when you have something like Melda's MBandPass for free and has a "20-20" range on either end, 11 slope options and a seemingly endless Q range and super low CPU hits.... Don't get me wrong, HP and LP filters are super useful. But they are also a dime a dozen, with top manufactures giving one away for free.
  8. It has a serial number and unlock code in my PB account, so I'd assume you could get rid of it as long as you don't redeem it yourself. You could always wait to see if they add other option, I thought about going that route myself but went ahead and got Polaris figuring if they add another freebie that I actually want then I'm sure I can find some junk for ~$5 to buy.
  9. Yeah, it basically explains that on the actual website, which gives at least a little more warning than the best service listing: https://unitedplugins.com/Mirror/ Mirror uses DAW latency compensation to keep correct timing, therefore it will not work when tracking live. Please see the documentation to understand some DAWs' limitations. Recommended Workflow Mirror needs time to record your audio into the buffer before reversing it and playing back before your original sound. This causes latency, which means that playback will not immediately start. Please be patient and give Mirror time to work its magic, in the long run, it will save you lots of time over the tedious manual process. You can shape the effect in context with the rest of the audio in perfect sync. When you are happy with the result, simply bounce the effect to remove the latency.
  10. Can't confirm for sure, but would seem odd if it isn't based on this: https://www.audiority.com/shop/polaris/ INTEL MAC SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS OSX 10.8 or later Intel i5 or higher 2GB RAM Screen resolution: 1024×768 VST2, VST3, AU 64-bit host PT11 or higher, AAX 64-bit host SILICON MAC SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS macOS 11.0 or later Apple M1 or higher 2GB RAM Screen resolution: 1024×768 VST2, VST3, AU 64-bit host PT11 or higher, AAX 64-bit host CHANGELOG v1.8.1 (July 2021) – FIX: Rare condition where licenses get invalidated v1.8 (May 2021) – NEW: Universal 2 Binary (Mac Intel + Silicon) – NEW: Retina display support – NEW: Corner Resizer – NEW: Global HQ – CHANGE: Framework update
  11. Just gave it a 5 min spin (post purchase) with a live guitar and seems to be what I hoped, great for some ambient style textures. (GUI is resizable)
  12. I grabbed Audiority Polaris for $10 https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/3441 Didn't even bother to demo it.
  13. I got a couple of these when they were on sale on GOG...so DRM free. Would like to grab the recent Myst Remake when it eventually hits real sale discounts. Certainly don't have the time to actually play them though.
  14. Well if you check out without the voucher and just use the $75 one that puts it at $25 which is about as good as it gets for this thus far.
  15. Sorry this is much better than the old one, and is resizable. While I don't think it is the best looking plugin I have, it is an order of magnitue better than the old original klunker. Hopefully this is a sign that Boz is going to start making resizable updates, as the plugins are starting to feel long in the tooth without such feature sets.
  16. I haven't played around with it yet, but will say I loved the video and the sounds he got out of that lamp he pulled out of the trash.
  17. I don't think they are going to release actual numbers, but Cakewalk staff indicated in posts that the influx of user base exceeded expecations. I'd have to imagine they had pretty high expectations when they went from "lets charge $500 for the flagship" to "we are going to give it away for free (minus some of the 3rd party stuff)" It is fair to assume there are more Cakewalk users now than there ever have been. That said, it is still a small market in general and Cakewalk is a fraction of that base. I'd imagine that if they sold the products for a low price and got some advertising around here, we would see some sales. The only reason I picked up some of the Boz plugins were because of PC compatibility. It really can't be that much development work if you already have the plugin and the controls are simple. Yes, this is what I mentioned above I did with the Boz Pan Knob. It is annoying to have to manually add it by searching in a menu for each individual track. If it was a PC module with 2 clicks I could add it to all my channels in a project, just like God intented.
  18. This +1 I remember someone making something so some of the blue effects could run as a PC. But every time the pro channel topic comes up I can only think about how much I want the damn Boz Pan knob in there. That or just let cakewalk implement the concept in their own. I setup a Fx bin preset to host it in the PC strip but you can't add it to every track instantly on a whim like you can with actual PC modules and it is a little more clunky.
  19. Wonder what the CPU hit is like. Love Audiority but amazing sounding plugins like Echorec are massive resource hogs, and another reverb/delay unit could fall under the same trappings. Hopeing XenoReverb is on the list for one of the new updates that adds things like the resizable interface. (it seems to be the one plugin they haven't updated in almost 2 years)
  20. That does explain the absurd $400 retail rate justification. ?
  21. You are basically getting Scaler for the regular price but get the multi effect thrown in. Scaler 2 itself, gets down to about $50 on sale.
  22. The updated TurboEQ gives you the option of the old Generic Melda GUI or a GUI that switches for each EQ type/emulation. Yes, you do not have the edit screen which hides all the DSP and advance settings. I think of it a AutodynamicEQ with a limited control set on the front end and a different user interface. It basically locks you into what feels more like a hardware platform with a number of built in limitations (like hardware) but the sonic charactaristics are Melda traditional DSP in the background. I own Turbo and MADEQ, honeslty Turbo could have easily been an add on feature to MADEQ rather than selling us another plugin. I'm positive they both are basically the same backend with a customized GUI and limitations.
  23. Cakewalk is the ultimate freebie. However, some of us using Sonar for the past 20 years (has it really been that long?) and spent a fair amount of change along the way in the development of the product to get it where it is today don't exactly think of it as free (especially after paying for lifetime updates). But anyone paying for another DAW on Windows when Cakewalk is available, I don't quite comprehend it.
  24. In terms of instruments: Decent Sampler Spitfire LABS Melda Piano Honeslty I've gotten to the point where I don't use any free effects with any regularity. Not that there are not good ones, but are there any that are better than the paid options I have? Perhpas not, other than arguing something like Airwindows TAPE is way more CPU efficient than IK Multimedia. And something that gets used once every 50 projects like Acon Multiply for chorus. I'd put the Melda Free Effects on the list, except for the fact the "paid" version of the free ones is worth it, and therefore I consider them paid. Then there are also Computer Music effects/instruments that again are not technically free to anyone. You have to buy a magazine or get it through a library. I should be clear that I'm also only talking about truly free products. I've gotten many "free" for a limited time things or free with purchase that were worth it and get used. But the you can get this any day for free stuff, typically doensn't make it after all these pandemic timeframe hording purchases. Me 5+ years ago would use free products more often.
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