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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. Yeah, and surprised it doesn't have the FrontDAW high pass filter on this one. (Same thought I had about Autoformer...which is another one with what I'd have to expect to be FrontDAW built in as the pre-amp)
  2. After the IKM group buy, with multiple buy ins I would sound like a crazy person wanting more plugins. That said, I've already got others since the sale and no doubt I won't be able to resist another deal that comes along. Honestly if the IK plugs were more recource efficient, I'd be less prone to look around. OP mentions of AAS freebie and $10midi from Toonrack are in my list assuming the MIDI is one I have any interest in. Will likely grab the free waves whatever and then never use it.
  3. Actually the terms of the survey voucher clearly state it can't be combined with loyalty vouchers. And I was hoping my voucher went up to 75 so I could get GP4 as I missed the window of getting it during the last sale for $30 by literally minutes, but didn't happen.
  4. Wonder if they are going to update this one. Lack of Re-arrangement between EQ and Comp as well as inability to turn off the preamp section seem like missed opportunites. (And some of the effects sections are also needlessly crippled in terms of bands/options. Though I get the idea of making them more true to hardware from the era)
  5. No dice, this actually means a live internet connection for the thing to work...it is absurd. PLEASE CHECK THE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Please Note: This product requires an internet connection to use please check both the features and system requirements tabs before purchasing this plugin
  6. Yeah but no doubt the monthly vouchers are going to drop this week and there is also the survey vouchers that are good anytime (assuming one hasn't used it yet). That said, intro pricing for PA always seems out of grasp unless you are on a top voucher tier and even then sometimes not good enough. Will have to see.
  7. Brian Walton


    Hate that about Waves too, but it is a toss up for me between that and the unreliable installs and system breaks, WUP practices, and single authorization....they are all bad. Very happy this place lead me to deals with other plugin makers, I feel happier now. But regretful of all the waves "deals" I jumpped on that are now basically worthless.
  8. Brian Walton


    Full Kontakt is a fairly big deal since it requires a hefty investment to get in the door. ilok is annoying but most don't require physical dongles any longer. But most won't authorize to more than 2 machines at a time. Always appreciate knowing what I'm getting into on a deal. Exponential Audio requireing iLok and only giving you 1 single authorization can be a deal breaker for some. I know I picked up two seats for a number of plugins to get what I need. And now try to even avoid using them with the other options I have, though they are really good sounding.
  9. Gave the trial demo a spin. Sounds good enough and the concept could be useful. Have plenty of parallel comps (including I Heart NY) but can't think of any that also have a parallel saturator that can be separately mixed to taste. GUI is not resizable and that is pretty annoying for new plugins and the developer indicated an intent to try to make it have one a year ago, so leaves me concerned it might not see such an update. Not much of an issue at 1920x1080 but those running higher rez could be a drawback.
  10. Haven't used it yet but picked up United Plugins Autoformer as I appreciate the no-nonsense authorization system. Seems like this is a combo of Front DAW Preamp, Auto Leveling tool (volume riding), and compressor in one package
  11. Form outside the UK, didn't have a good experience myself
  12. Yep, I remembered and found it. When you posted it, I thought I should find my referal code for the newbies to help with the initial buy in to the Melda echosystem. Sales like this with the extra 20% are one of the best ways to do it.
  13. And for any new users that want 20% off on top of that, my referal code: MELDA31209027
  14. A tape sim seems long over due in the line up!
  15. 100th anniversary was almost 10 years ago. And the restoration has been around for at least 5 years. They used the same restoration for the new 4k box set as has been released downsampled to numerous BluRay releases over the past few years.
  16. I bought in for a 5th time to get the gear I'll never use, but at least that should remove any nag screens.
  17. Across 4 different Windows 10 computers over the past year. Thankfully I now own almost everything but the demo process was anything but enjoyable, getting it to work without the periodic noise was rare. And before and after the new AT updates that allegedly let you demo in the product. I realize that it isn't supposed to happen but 4 computers and before and after version releases suggests to me it isn't perfect. Once purchased no problems.
  18. Well that and very persistent frequent white noise that makes the demo close to worthless. It is supposed to only do this after a trial, but I did this with at least 7 products, even while keeping custom shop and install manager open. (I usually just bought it or made it as my freebie to get rid of the noise.) YMMV
  19. Yeah, that is what I thought is the case but unless it is actually "free" then it isn't a feature of the product offering as @Matthew Sorrels eloquently stated. I appreciate an affordable pricing model....but saying we never go on sale isn't a banner worthy claim.
  20. I've spent the last hr trying to make up my mind if they think never on sale means no discounts or if they are "not for sale" as in free. Also with new instruments released every week, and the piano is at something like 6 gigs, have to wonder about space.
  21. Listening to the demo it sounds like they were processed through amps already. Hopefully they have a DI option within the set?
  22. Yep I'm in the same boat. Upgrade price isn't anywhere close to what I'd want to spend given how little I've used GP3 (and it doesn't have a VST version to cross save settings). But at $30, I was going to do the upgrade.
  23. Nope, they took it away before I could pull the trigger.. ☹️
  24. You have to register by the end of October, then you have -30 days to make selections from what I understand.
  25. Yeah I did 4 buy ins to try to get everything to reduce the stress and still came up just a little short...
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