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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. Agree v5 is realtime and v2 takes offline analytics. Very different things. Would have been nice but I'm betting HB won't be able to honor it based on previous screwups in the past where they copy and paste the marketing text instead of validating what they are actually able to give away. Im liking Video Pro X more than I thought I would. Works on lesser spec computers than Davinci will run on and the multicam sync with audio is useful if you have good sources not to mention a number of other things.
  2. That sounds amazing. For those of us that have the LE version and can't deep dive, have you made that available for us to use? (unrelated I downloaded the "beta" piano and while there are some bugs it seems like yet to be worked out using it in 15.02, it is easily one of the best piano VSTis I've personally ever used. The sound and control of different aspects of it is just outstanding).
  3. Seems like PA is really trying to corner the mastering market. So many Mastering EQs, COMPs, and Saturators
  4. Given that few people drop the cash on a current GPU I can understand why developers haven't tried to adopt it. It only benefits a small subset of an already niche audience It's a great idea but I can see the support complications going that route Melda has offloaded the graphics part to the GPU for a while. I wonder if he dabbled with the audio processing part too. But as mentioned above the key is just making efficient code in the first place and Melda has certainly focused on that
  5. Wow, now I have to figure out how to move my melda libraries to an external drive to demo that 40GB "beta" piano. That was quite impressive.
  6. Even with the video muted this announcement "sounds" like it will be expensive. ? Not much here but looks like it is software, not hardware. https://uspto.report/TM/97264459
  7. A reference to CPU consumption ramifications no doubt. Love how they sound, once I upgrade my system I'll get more use outside of Mastering and buses from them.
  8. $35 to get both Iron and Tantra 2 isn't exactly the worst deal out there.
  9. Perhaps not at this point but they were on the market for years without these kinds of price drops and I'm sure a few heavy hitters bought them as they are among class leading products. They have been out for 5 years or so I believe.
  10. Saving a Track Temple (doesn't matter if it is Audio or MIDI/Synth) closes/crashes Cakewalk every time. Never seen this happen before. When I re-launch Cakewalk the new template was saved though.
  11. I probably should have demo'd this one before pulling the trigger to get the EOS reverb "package" deal. But when I eventually get a super computer, it should be a good one. (pretty high CPU usage here. Think on a machine where a Channel strip like the AMEK is getting 3%, this Tantra 2 thing is at 12%)
  12. Wow you are correct, looks like a bug to me. Just confirmed on "N" and "Meter" Wasn't seeing this on other plugins I tested. (on social media they confirmed they are aware and devs on working on the fix)
  13. Nope that isn't it, because I get the same stupid pop up despite the fact I own everything that is in the version of AT5 I have installed (i.e. I didn't update when they released Mesa 2 as I don't have that and didn't update the program to give me stuff I don't have) But I also wish AT5 was lighter on the resources and everything didn't feel locked into opening up the whole thing.
  14. Or you could have spent a little more and got Bettermaker eq on top. By using vouchers for both the EQ, reverb and $25 loyalty for an out of pocket $25 to get both.
  15. You can not use the daily discount code and a $25 loyalty voucher to get it for $25. This is one that hasn't seen extreme discounts that I recall.
  16. Not a scientific test but I also opened gig performer and individually added some of the PA plugins to check "cpu" usage and doesn't seem like we are seeing any significant efficiency improvements in the update. At least not by percentage ponints anyway that are measureable. I checked about 15 out of the usual suspects in my 70 PA plugin collection. (Windows only related)
  17. On the Windows front, True Peak Limiter got a resizable update (which I think was in beta version then dropped previously), but sadly I spot checked a bunch of other plugins that actually need a resiable update and didn't see any. So I'm curious about the under the hood improvement they mention but don't detail across a large portion of the range.
  18. I've already got the XL version which includes this. But does this one come with the pro channel version as well? That is a selling point to the Cakewalk users if it does.
  19. this one sounds great, IMO. But if you are on an older machine, test drive it as it has rather high CPU usage.
  20. Hopefully you replied back with, what I'm really asking is how do I authorize my "beat making and drum mixing" products from today and moving forward that I purchased from your company. I got Regroover but never used it. So not a major loss for me, though any company that is still in business like they are should be able to honor the product even if they don't support it.
  21. In many ways they are different products. Waves Clarity is going to be the go to with unusual and inconsistant noise problems with a quick one knob fix. ERA has more tools to actually tweak the sound and works pretty well on small/normal noise like computer fan, AC, in an otherwise quiet room. I'll have to spend more time to figure out how to get the best out of voice de-click, de-breath, etc. I've had the de-esser for a while but never felt like it was very good compared to other options. Depending on the types of recordings one deals with both have their place in a tool box in my brieft testing over the last couple days.
  22. I've exported 3 tracks so far during a trial with no issues. I gave it some real world stuff that must be beyond what all the demos I heard. Results are certainly better than I was getting, but the results were not the same as the demos. Certainly run a trial if you are expecting it to actually get rid of a band playing in the same room as the vocalist. It does attenuate it fairly well however.
  23. It makes no sense to me why they made an announcement about the Install Manager update if even the basic maintenance update isn't avaialble yet. Correct me if I'm wrong, but seems like we have zero value add thus far. I think I noticed the update yesterday and wondered if I should run the installer on all 70 of my PA plugins, but held off as I couldn't find anything indicating they actually released updates yet.
  24. I wish virtually any other company released it. I agree it looks very interesting. I'm very curious how it performs on a live vocal in a room with a loud band as one use case.
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