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Milton Sica

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Everything posted by Milton Sica

  1. Many applications are implementing the use of the ChatGPT API in their functionality. I suggest that the same can be implemented in Cakewalk where many things could be requested and implemented by the application, such as: 1) Analyze performance improvement to be implemented in this project. 2) Adjust the configuration parameters that best suit the user's machine. And so on.
  2. Any predictions for this release? Will there be an Early Access time?
  3. @msmcleod Just as it is possible to show/not show, front/back of the track the vertical lines, I suggest that the same be implemented for horizontal lines, as seen in the image (white lines).
  4. Yes. I will post there. I asked the question here, because I thought it could be something that was showing me in the documentation or even something related to the topic I'm using. In fact, there is no such functionality.
  5. Thanks for the information, but if you look at the image, this sampling is already visible. What I need is to be able to visualize a horizontal line for each Db mark. @msmcleod Is what I'm suggesting very difficult to implement in some future version?
  6. It is possible to show the vertical lines according to the chosen time visualization type. The question is: Is there a way to show horizontal lines according to the chosen volume visualization type? In the example of the image, I placed the horizontal lines that I would like to be able to visualize in white. This way of showing could be along the same lines as the vertical lines: ahead or behind the wave.
  7. Very good job ! As I had already discussed. For the use of keyboard macros like this, there are several interdependencies that I think require a lot of individual effort to make the whole process, especially the "environment preparation" so that the program runs smoothly. I still think it would be a great evolution for the tool if it added more power to the CAL scripts for direct manipulation of all DAW objects, just like EXTRA IBM does.
  8. Very good what you are doing. Most of the problems to be addressed for the perfect performance of some tasks in programs like this is that you have to do a lot of preparation of the screen that will be manipulated, because if the application itself does not have a number of SHORTCUT KEYS that can facilitate this. For years I worked as a developer in a financial institution in Brazil where I developed many keyboard macros, because the application that made the "emulation" of the IBM Terminal (EXTRA) has a very powerful language for that.
  9. Thank you very much. I'm studying a lot. It's a good idea to start from the focused MASTER, but I end up bumping into the "positional" question of the mouse. I think I would have to create a View that would always position the MASTER channel in the same position on the screen. I manage to add a new stereo BUS, but this BUS, thus created, is not visible to the SEND of the MASTER or of another BUS. We evolve as we go. Suddenly, it's more worthwhile, to avoid so much development effort, to create a TRACK MODEL that does this creation and only I do the directing.
  10. In fact, there aren't many examples and I ventured to develop some code from programming experience and AutoHotKey's own help. I managed to evolve using existing shortcut keys in Cakewalk, but there are some things that are positional or I don't know how to do it: 1) How to focus on the Master channel? 2) How to focus on +(Send) to insert a new Bus or direct to another Bus? Anyway....Several things to study. Here is a piece of code that worked. /*======================================================= Verifica se o Cakewalk está aberto, ativa e maximiza e faz o envio de Alt+b, Alt+D e Alt+c ======================================================= */ Result := MsgBox("Atenção, você quer continuar ? (pressione SIM ou NÃO)",, "YesNo") if Result = "Yes" { if WinExist("Cakewalk") { WinActivate "Cakewalk" WinMaximize "A" Send "!b" Send "!D" Send "!c" } else MsgBox "Cakewalk não está carregado !" }
  11. Thank you very much. Would you have the url of the old forum so I can try looking for some examples?
  12. Você tem alguns exemplos de uso no Cakewalk?
  13. I'm looking for suggestions for a keyboard macro generator program to use concurrently with Cakewalk. In several projects, I need to do many operations that would be much more automated and faster if I could use a keyboard macro generator program to perform, in principle, these operations in sequence: 1-Insert a STEREO BUS in the MASTER channel; 2-Rename this created channel to FINAL; 3-Move it to the left of the MASTER channel; 4-Change your volume to -6 Db. 5-Change the identification icon. Or even a CAL script that would perform such operations, because in keyboard macro generator programs there is a positional handling of the mouse. Maybe Cakewalk itself will provide an OWN MACRO Cal RECORDER.
  14. Hello, I know that the post is about using other channels for Kontakt, but I would like to rely on the forum friend's knowledge regarding the configuration for using it in Cakewalk, as I have experienced a lot of latency whenever I insert Kontakt (5 ). Any tips?
  15. Hello. This is an old request from me and other users who asked for the possibility of being able to use it in the Console VIEW environment so that the same folders from the tracks environment could be manipulated there and also in the BUS environment. We remain waiting for this to be implemented. Heim, @Herbert Zio ? Great 2023 !
  16. @msmcleod I think we could double click on the taskbar so that all export tasks are used. This could also be done in the other option bars (titles) that allow multiple choices such as Tracklogs, Export Types, etc.
  17. Look this video. Search on the Youtube like: mixing with pink noise; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qyl1_UC6y0&t=181s&ab_channel=EDMTips
  18. I don't know if I understood well what you said. I always start my MIXES using the PINK NOISE technique, with a PINK NOISE plugin on the Master channel. I have had good results with it.
  19. This could even be done directly on the MASTER channel at each export, but the solution I was looking for was given to me above and it works perfectly, as it allows me to keep the MASTER volume at 0 Db, but export as -6 Db. This is justified, as I use a project to record, edit and mix and another project where I do the MASTERING. For my use case it is justified, therefore, when exporting with -6 Db I gain more Low End for the MASTERING plugins to act in their essences. I suggest you try this technique, because, to my ears, it has sounded much better in the final result.
  20. Is it possible to parameterize a task so that the Master channel, even if it has another configuration in the volume project (DB), is done in another amount of DB? Example: In the project the Master channel is set to 6 db, but when exporting I would like to do it with -6 db. Does this already exist or should this be a request for a new feature?
  21. Hello, even if it is an alternative solution, see if this would be a step-by-step to carry out this operation. 1-Select the CLIP and open the SNAP palette 2-Choose Quantize 3-Export to CLIP 4-Select the clip again and open the SNAP palette 5-Select a type off - something like Elastique PRO 7-Quantize again 8-Export to CLIP
  22. I know there is a tool PROCESS -> APPLY EFFECTS -> REMOVE SILENCES. My question is whether there is any tool or way to verify the existence of silences in a given Project/Track. I ask because my music distribution site (OneRPM.com) checks the file to be distributed. If you verify that there are more than 5 seconds at the beginning or at the end of the WAV, it does not allow the upload. On the other hand, I think it would be, as a suggestion for improvement, that after running the REMOVER SILENCES tool, the application would inform the statistics of silences effectively removed according to the parameterization made.
  23. Hello, Happy New Year! I had problems when using the advance version (EA) and this happened when autosaving, as I mentioned there. After installing the production version (2011.22 - 21) the problem was fixed. I can't detail how and where the correction was. The only attempts I've made is to change some autosave process info which is currently at 60 minutes or 2 changes to the project. I warn you that I cannot specify if it really was that.
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