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jackson white

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Everything posted by jackson white

  1. Perhaps just for you because your "(+)" count happened to = 1176? ... On a less goofy note, recently picked this up and in general find they do a number of things that make the GEM series pretty useful.
  2. Lawyers? (Keyboard players trying to keep as many notes as they can for themselves?) Right on!
  3. Don't believe so. It was (still is) a Region FX promoted as an integrated Cakewalk feature along with the VocalSync.
  4. Don't think he'd last more than one bar on a James Brown gig. ... DTuners have been around for quite some time. More respectable than buying a 5-string "bass". https://hipshotproducts.com/products/bt8-bass-xtender
  5. Some of these are accessible in the theme editor. (i.e. "Control Bar.Menu (wide)"). I've found it worth the effort to improve contrast in a few areas.
  6. Dropped Elevate into an empty project with default GUI settings (there's a bit going on with it). Engine Load went from 1% or so to 15-17%. CPU is an i7-5820K @3.3GHz. I like this one. Got it when it first came out and it gets regular use. The "detail/resolution" of the bands provide for a greater degree of finesse on the 2Bus if that's what you're looking for.
  7. What is the make and model of your motherboard? fwiw, I'm using a US-20x20 into a USB 3.1 port on a rack mount PC.
  8. @Dave Maffris What was your experience with the fan noise for this?
  9. Vahalla Delay is worth it imho. That and Echoboy get the job done for "acoustic"material, Electronic musos may have a different perspective or prefer more knobs.
  10. Wouldn't it be nice if BandLab could pick up the pieces?
  11. https://blackroosteraudio.com/en/products/vla-3a I found this to be a good one. Like it better than the UAD version. Certainly easier to see on a laptop. A very good deal at this price.
  12. Sounds like something a bass player would say.
  13. ? I might have to carve out some time to take a closer look at SD3. The lack of any update on BFD3 is making me a little uneasy. ? Just like working with a real drummer. Always got better results based on thinking what a real drummer might do vs. trying to pick a groove clip or MIDI pattern. Mixing real drums was an interesting exercise in managing phase for me.
  14. Actually -not- something to turn off if you prefer a "livelier" sounding drum kit. Here's a link on how to have some fun with it. https://www.soundonsound.com/techniques/spill-can-be-your-friend-podcast One of the reasons I liked BFD3, which built in a few bleed options.
  15. Have you considered this? https://www.2caudio.com/products/pbj#_Overview
  16. Most of this seems to be available in V4, certainly I've made good use of transitions and selected undos in V4. Robust ARA implementation in V5 is always appreciated given the proactive efforts of the CxB devs to stay on top of this. However, still thinking Celemony should offer a deal that makes more sense for Studio owners.
  17. In the same boat, haven't been able to identify any new V5 exclusive features for Studio. The extra capability in the Studio version: > "the Sound Editor, offering unique control over tone colors" but have yet to need or use it in a project. > "Multitrack Note Editing – edit multiple tracks in a single Melodyne window". might have a hard time giving this up. The features in V5 that sound useful; 1. "the ability to edit pitched and noise-like components separately with the “Melodic” algorithm" = 'smart' de-esser. Like the concept, demos. 2. "the Fade Tool and Leveling Macro for editing dynamics" (thx @bitflipper) looks like a nicer approach to managing dynamics These features are available in the lower priced Editor version with an upgrade price of $99, but as noted by @Brian Walton, being a Studio owner comes with a $50 penalty.
  18. Agreed. I've not found the extra capability in Studio 4 to be of much use. The new de-esser sounds promising, but for $150?
  19. I was wondering what it took to run Studio One 5.1.
  20. Interesting. I ran into their bass player when he was working at IBM in Scotland. Learning their songs would have been simples. Learn one, ya gottem all (jk, kinda, but if you're the least bit familiar with them, ya know...)
  21. Michael Brauer has a few tips on a similar project. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PS7f_Jsln04&feature=emb_logo
  22. https://fuseaudiolabs.com/#/pages/product?id=300989942 New release, credible devs, price good until Nov 21. Was looking for a more transparent, accumulative tape 'vibe' instead of a 'cloudy' heavy handed 'emulation'.. IME, the UAD ATR /Studer models work the best in a mix, but they've been a bit pricey ($349, currently on sale for $174). For $29, this is going to get a shot in a couple of current projects.
  23. This would have been my suggestion as well, if I understand what you're looking for. I've found this useful for "modern" or "cleaner" type projects over any of the vintage modeled channel strips, and good enough to justify creating a Focusrite SC template. Hard to beat the price.
  24. Is this in any way related to the one included in the ProChannel?
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