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Everything posted by pseudopop

  1. I haven't tried that either, but the description makes it sound like it's intended for creating crossfades.
  2. Have any of you compared this with Melda's MMorph? Is this $89 better or are they roughly in the same ballpark? I haven't tried either yet, but I'm looking for something that can help me create so called augmented instruments using the orchestral VIs and synths I have.
  3. pseudopop

    Phew, we're back!

    You just need to break more stuff!
  4. pseudopop

    Phew, we're back!

    This is what I usually mean when I tell people I'm self-employed.
  5. pseudopop

    Phew, we're back!

    Gaah! Sorry. Did anyone else feel weird about not being able to write posts even if you didn't have anything to say? It was like someone had put a gag in my virtual mouth. Some introvert I am.
  6. Haha! The chronic procrastinator scored again! I too had received a free Drumazon license from Plugin Boutique but I never got around registering it. Guess who just got Drumazon 2 for free?
  7. pseudopop

    Phew, we're back!

    I didn't realize Larry was powering this forum literally.
  8. That sounds like the family plan. How do you get it for 69 € a year?
  9. So for the next 10 days I don't have to go all the way back to page 5 to start seeing the deals that were posted over 24 hours ago?* Enjoy your trip, Larry! * NOT a challenge to Satya!
  10. Not an exceptional price. I paid the same for it last year. I'd wager that the intro price for v3 is going to be less than €59 + upgrade price, at least that's how it was with Synth Anthology 3.
  11. Status update for @Reid Rosefelt and @Fleer: UVI support said that they don't really have an official grace period, but since I'm such a loyal person they decided to give me a free upgrade! Much more generous than I expected, though I have had nothing but good experiences with UVI support. Thanks again, Reid. Your suggestion was obvious but I wasn't seeing the forest because of all the dang trees. I will mark this day on my calendar as the only day when I actually saved money in the literal sense because of this forum.
  12. Wasn't there a similar incident with NI where they basically just said "sorry, but since this was obviously a mistake we don't need to honor those prices" and just cancelled the transactions for pretty much everyone? Or was it just a bad dream I had? Anyhow, fingers crossed that those of you who managed to purchase some goodies get them. I wouldn't get my hopes up with the hardware, though. That seems unlikely.
  13. Ah, the classics. Allow me to reminisce with some classic pricing here, too. Metal Foundry: 49 € Metal Machinery: $47 Indiependent: 49 € New York Studios Vol 3: 35 € Progressive Foundry: 78 € (after Best Service promo discount) The Rock Warehouse: 78 € (after Best Service promo discount) Those are the prices I have paid for said extensions. But of course, plugins and sound banks age like fine wine.
  14. What a splendid idea! Why didn't I think of doing that? I just opened a ticket with them about it, I'll let you know what they say. Thank you for your suggestion, Reid, sincerely. ? Well, actually, just last night I... Oh, with the Synth Anthology? Gotcha. Will do!
  15. I have to say I'm a bit disappointed about the upgrade price. I purchased Synth Anthology 3 for about $50 a couple of weeks ago thinking I might get v4 cheaper that way. (Faking) loyalty is not rewarded, it seems. Not that it's anything new in this business.
  16. The one I've been waiting for. Missed it last time it was on sale.
  17. I think this is more like a prepared/augmented synth. I have their Lost Piano, and while I was slightly disappointed by it I don't regret buying it. It's interesting.
  18. It's definitely creepy. Personally, I think mannerism is something that the individual has come up with by themselves, so combining that with the likeness of someone crosses the line. I'm not sure if it's against the law, but if some human artist started to dance and sing like Michael Jackson (with the occasioanal "woo-hoo!") I think people would be quick to point it out and be opposed to it. I imagine the same thing would happen with a virtual artist. Yes, this is most definitely wrong. But Amazon is full of counterfeit products (just google "amazon counterfeit" to find plenty of articles), books have not been an exception for some time: I can't remember the article, but I recall someone telling how they put a unique technical gadget up for sale on Amazon, and after only a few weeks, cheap Chinese copies started to pop up. I would be surprised if studios weren't already planning something like this for the near future, without the drugging and killing, of course (probably). There are only so many Mission Impossible movies Tom Cruise is able to make before age catches up with him.
  19. I don't mean to belittle anyone (though I obviously am) but if all it takes to replace you is a software that sounds like you or a 3d model that looks like you, were you really that unique and skilled in the first place? Or perhaps I'm not seeing the big picture here, I don't know. I'm not a lawyer either, but I don't think your voice or your face can be intellectual property, unless they were artificially created by someone or you use your face to brand your product. According to WikiPedia (and many other sources) intellectual property (IP) is a category of property that includes intangible creations of the human intellect, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names etc. In any case, you can't copyright a voice, there are court decisions about that (in the US at least). Of course, you can't duplicate someone's voice and pass it off as the actual person performing, but if you clearly state that the voice is "Michael Jackson's AI sound-alike", I don't think there is anything anyone can do about it. Personally, I think I would prefer completely artificial but unique voices that sound just as good. The thing with recognizable voices is that they are just that. But I would definitely muck about with the famous singers just for fun.
  20. Isn't this issue one part of the current SAG-AFTRA strike? I believe (don't quote me on this, though) currently nothing prevents the studios from ripping the voices of voice actors and using them in future productions however they want. Same thing with the faces of actors and writing styles of script writers.
  21. Yeah, that makes sense. Uh... yes. I also settle for expensive top-of-the-industry EQs when I'm just doing some basic stuff. I have never demoed ProQ but this has been my impression from other people. I have pretty much removed FabFilter from my must-have list a long time ago, since this is just a hobby for me and I already have Kircchoff and plenty of other plugins. Thanks for the info!
  22. Out of curiosity, why do you prefer Fabfilter for tracks?
  23. Does the future have any love for the owners of Total Studio 2 MAX?
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