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Everything posted by pseudopop

  1. Sorry, bad phrasing on my part again. I was just wondering if owning V Collection 9 might get you a further discount on FX Collection, but apparently not.
  2. So you have Collection V 9 and they still ask 69 monetary units for the FX Collection upgrade?
  3. €149 for V Collection 9 . I think within the next three weeks I'm about to own a lot more synths from Arturia. I currently have only Pigments and Analog Lab. €69 for FX Collection upgrade on the other hand isn't as tempting, but we'll see. Edit: Do you think the price will change for either if I buy the other one?
  4. The fact that the price is inflated by 50% on the developer's site makes me immediately dislike this library.
  5. I know it's not as funny anymore but I have to finish what I started. Sorry everyone. ♫ On the second day of their sale UAD offered me A pricey channel strip It's a disappointing offer indeed! ♫
  6. I expect a torrent of cheap (compared to retail price) licenses available on the 2nd hand market in the following weeks...
  7. Alright, thank you for clearing that up. I sometimes try to read between the lines but I'm dyslexic when it comes to that. I have no idea what Cinesamples strategy is and I suppose that is why Musio confuses me so much. The quotes I shared were in essence the only things I found that pointed at something, but they seemed to point at opposite directions. Perhaps that is indeed because Cinesamples themselves have been figuring things out and learning along the way, like you said.
  8. Sorry, I'm not sure what is the point you're trying to make here. I don't think I disagreed with you, but perhaps I said something that you feel contradicted what you wrote earlier? In any case, when I said that the Musio isn't as pro as Kontakt, I phrased it poorly. I meant to say that "even if the current Musio libraries aren't as good as their Kontakt versions...". It seems that Cinesamples is definitely trying to make the Musio player as good as they can. They certainly have invested a lot of time and effort in it. BTW, Musio has a 14 day free trial, so you can try Musio if you want to.
  9. It seems you are correct. I found this on another forum: Which is further supported by this: But they have also said this: And there is also this: So even if the Musio isn't as "pro" as the Kontakt libraries, after my sleuthing I'm pretty sure it's going to be worth the money for me and I'm happy that I didn't buy the Kontakt version of Industrial Brass.
  10. Industrial Brass was released on Musio first. This Kontakt release came later, but I can't say if they added some fancy scripting to it or if it's a 1:1 port. But that's the reason I decided to skip the Kontakt version. And my understanding is that they are bringing more mic positions and articulations to Musio versions, but like you said their player doesn't support scripting on the same level as Kontakt does. I'm not sure if that means that they are going to sell Kontakt versions as upgrades, though. Do you have any source for that? It's very difficult to find reliable information about the exact differences between the different versions of the libraries.
  11. Hmm... Industry Brass is part of Musio 1, which I'm planning to get before the end of the year. I feel like nibbling but I don't think I'm going to bite.
  12. ♫ On the first day of their sale UAD sent to me... a disappointing offer indeed! ♫ Because I bought the Essential Edition upgrade I arrived into a funny place with UAD: I don't want to buy the Signature Edition Crossgrade because I have already paid ~$50 for some of the plugins in it, but I am probably never going to get a better "complete my bundle" offer from UAD. So I'm probably never going to buy any more UAD plugins. Not that I need any more plugins. I haven't registered my EE yet so I could try selling it, but that's one hoop more than I'm currently willing to jump through. I understand that those of you who have invested earlier and more heavily into UAD probably feel much more disappointed by the current prices, but it's kind of funny that I got (slightly) screwed over before I even managed to install a single one of their plugins.
  13. Pianobook link for alternative downloads: https://www.pianobook.co.uk/profile/jon-meyer/ There are only 11 libraries there, though.
  14. Forgetful Dictator is now permanently free on Steam. See first post for details.
  15. The free libraries are available on Pulse Audio and some of them also on Pianobook. Some more details on this video:
  16. Looks like everyone has the same prices and no vouchers available. If you're planning to buy more than one product you're probably going to get the best price at Don't Crack because of their discount policy. Buy 2 products: 5% off both Buy 3: 10% off all Buy 4: 15% off all Buy 5 or more products: 20% off all You can always add some $5 Sonivox products in the cart. Edit: Or Efektor Bass Smasher, Efektor Gainia Preamp Bundle or QuickMuse, $9 each.
  17. They do, you just need to... ...and they will give you a quote. I asked for one once but it was still too expensive for me.
  18. This week the free game on Epic Games is Golden Light. The game is free until November 16, 2023. "Eat weapons, be scared and question your own mind in this Survival-Horror FPS Prop Hunt Roguelike about meat. Now with online Co-op and Versus modes. Walls are watching you!" Steam link (for reviews and more info): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1245430/Golden_Light/ Gameplay video:
  19. Diminishing returns, just like Arturia's V Collection or NI's Komplete. I have participated in two group buys and the only new thing I would get is TONEX, I think. I have AmpliTube 4 MAX, MODO DRUM 1, MODO BASS 1 (so these would be just version updates) and I believe all the Syntronik libraries. I'm not sure if SampleTank 4 MAX gives me much either. Still, I'm pretty sure this "upgrade from any MAX for the same price as you would from previous version of TS MAX" is a new thing.
  20. Are you sure? On their website they specifically say: "for registered owners of Total Studio 3 (or 3.5) MAX, AmpliTube 5 MAX, T-RackS 5 MAX, SampleTank 4 MAX, TONEX MAX, Syntronik 2 MAX and MODO MAX". Then again, the last time I wanted to buy the Maxgrade I wasn't eligible, so perhaps they have changed something.
  21. I have learned my lesson with IK and I have been patiently waiting for this instead of falling for the individual discounts. It appears that I'm eligible for the maxgrade (I see the maxgrade price on IK's site), but I'm not sure why. Is T-RackS 5 Total Studio MAX 2 the same as T-RackS 5 MAX? All my other MAX products are even older.
  22. That is true. They also have some not so good libraries. Both of these statements can be true. I'm pretty sure no one on this thread has done so. Some of us, me included, have been disappointed to realize that a product wasn't as flexible as the demos led to believe, because the demos used pre-recorded phrases but didn't point it out. As a counter-suggestion, perhaps stop doing ad hominem attacks and try to keep the discussion friendly and polite? The world has enough negativity already without anyone adding to it. I've used some pretty bad joysticks in my time that definitely limited my ability to play games. Like the hand grenade one: It was impossible to hold the short stick comfortably. It was good for those games where you had to move the stick from side to side as quickly as possible, but that's about it. It gave me blisters, too. I'm sure there were plenty of people who enjoyed playing with it, but it wasn't for me.
  23. A generous discount, IMO. Yes, but I haven't used it in a long time and the only thing I remember about it is that it had a lot of options! I'll probably have to take the new version on a test drive.
  24. If you have to pay VAT it might be cheaper at BestService. For me the price is 95 € vs. 102 € at PB. https://www.bestservice.com/en/pitchmap.html
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