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Starship Krupa

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Everything posted by Starship Krupa

  1. That would be an evil move on their part if you think about it. If they ever removed sounds from Swatches, there would be a chance that someone's older projects would no longer work. Anyway, it's been updated yet again, this time the sounds are from Jazz Café. Unfortunate news for people who like to use the Strum 2 sounds, this time they've thinned out the number of articulations, so Jazz Café's examples (ugh, Swatches is so difficult to write about because there are no good synonyms for "sampler" and "sample") don't have the more extensive complement of loop and rhythm ones. Whaddaya want for nuttin', I know, but I finally figured out how to work the articulations in A|A|S Player and have used some Swatches sounds in projects. But of course the ones I used are still there, just not for new ones it seems.
  2. In a year or so when they remove the exception on the Unfiltered Audio Battalion+LION two-fer, I'll likely snag that. I'm a 'ho for wacky drum machines, and this looks like UfA's take on Break Tweaker. I wasn't impressed with LION when I demo'd it. It ate too many resources.
  3. Is it catch 22 because track 22 is the first one that doesn't respond?
  4. Strictly speaking, .VST3 files are dynamic linking libraries, hence they too are "DLL's." VST3 DLL's have the extension ".VST3" while VST2 DLL's have the extension ".DLL."
  5. Funny about those vaporDAW's, isn't it? Behringer has/had one. Maybe it's way more difficult to come up with one than the people who make the announcements expect. I don't know how long the bakers were working on Next before the first builds were dropped to the beta team, but the beta team had it for a good long time before last year's announcement. And Next is a DAW made by people who already had decades of experience in the craft. We do know that it took years after the MacOS release for UAD to get LUNA to open beta on Windows. Of course, some of that time was probably devoted to re-coding LUNA to run on Apple Silicon....
  6. As I mentioned earlier, they do have Unfiltered Audio, whose plug-ins are about as creative as they come, and who continue to release new ones at least yearly. If you're referring specifically to Brainworx, I agree. How many variations on bx_masterdesk does the world need?
  7. Same. I also wonder whether the advances I've seen with my two main DAW's (Cakewalk and Mixcraft) would be as far along if they had to bother with chasing Apples.
  8. I'd say that Unfiltered Audio BYOME and TRIAD are worth that fee. TRIAD is BYOME with multiband functionality. Sort of Snap Heap meets MeldaProduction meets Glitchmachines. The insane versatility and depth of MeldaProduction multi parameter/modulation options, choose the blocks you want in any order like Snap Heap and the capacity for sheer weirdness of Glitchmachines. I snarfed so many plug-ins for so little cash from PA that my perspective on their monetary worth is broken.
  9. Long requested feature that, and one that I approve of wholeheartedly: double click on the channel strip EQ plot to open the full UI.
  10. Mine didn't come with the pop filter, unfortunately. I suspect that when Logitech bought the brand and started having the mics made in China, they did away with it. Still, it came with a very nice shock mount and the traditional wooden box. I've tried singing into it without a pop filter and it is very resistant to plosives on its own.
  11. I suspect that the women who would hold less respect for you for not driving, you probably wouldn't want to go with anyway. It's kind of the opposite of the old joke about not wanting to belong to any club that would have me for a member: I wouldn't want to date a woman who doesn't want to date guys like me. As a fan of the Buggles for the past 45 years, I am going to need a citation on that. My understanding is that he did some programming for them in the studio and appeared as a keyboard player in the video, but didn't play on the record.
  12. I appreciate it when deals from the same retailer are posted individually because it makes it easier to search by scrolling titles.
  13. Larry is the man, no doubt, and things do tend to slow waaaaay down when he takes breaks but sometimes other people come up with stuff. Sometimes. ?
  14. The best way to keep it going is to use it as intended in a respectful way. Contribute, thank those who contribute in ways that help you, and have respect for those who continue to host it. Treat your fellow forum contributors (and heaven knows how many lurkers) with kindness and respect the forum rules about personal/political/religious attacks. If you're a user of Cakewalk by BandLab and/or SONAR or Sonar, visit the other forums on this site and help users with their issues (which is the overall purpose this site is supposed to serve). Beat not the dead horses. In this forum we're allowed free rein to advocate for the purchase of other companies' products, even ones that compete with BandLab's. I don't know if that's something you'll find elsewhere. If you want to thank the people that make it possible, I believe that @Jesse Jost is the BandLab employee who has the most to do with it, and then there are moderators. I'm not sure who all of the mods are, but @Wookiee in particular recently suffered a devastating personal loss and has continued to soldier on. They would probably like to be told how much you appreciate the (unpaid in the case of the moderators) work they have done and continue to do to make it possible. As for me, almost entirely thanks to this forum I've managed to assemble a vast assortment of industry powerhouse tools that far exceed my ability (and time) to make use of them. In my life and creative and professional pursuits, knowing that I have the best tools possible is freeing. If I see or hear something that I would like to incorporate into my own work, I know that the people who made it don't have any magic toys beyond what I have. Since I'm old enough to remember when one visit to a professional studio to make a 4 song demo cost as much as I've spent on my entire collection of music software, this is all like a dream world. If an experienced professional engineer were to sit down at my DAW computer, they might even be impressed, although they might notice the relative absence of Waves and UAD products. So I thank my fellow forum participants for sharing what they know. Moreover, I've managed to avoid lasting beefs with anyone despite what I'm sure are divergent political views between me and multiple others. But political opinions are merely one aspect of what makes up a person, and I believe that the things people have in common should be emphasized.
  15. What they said was that they (the Cakewalk staff) were already aware of our preferences in licensing and that discussions of licensing models were no longer welcome on the forum. Then a BandLab employee told us that they are indeed interested in hearing from us and provided a means to do so that doesn't involve the forum. As a veteran of multiple software companies, I have a theory as to what the situation may be. The person(s) at BandLab who calls the shots on this may have a single mandate which is to sell more memberships. Period. Their bonuses and possible promotions are tied to how well they do that. If so, then to them, Sonar and Next are merely further incentives to buy a membership. At worst, in this scenario the sale of perpetual licenses is actually at odds with their mandate, because they don't require signing up for a membership. If my suspicions are correct, then the best we can hope for in the short term is a hybrid plan similar to the Studio One+ hybrid, where a year of subscribing nets you a perpetual license and use of the membership benefits during that time period. That would satisfy the mandate to sell memberships as well as satisfying our desire to own perpetual licenses. As far as the issue of being able to work on existing projects goes, CbB is still free to use, still being bug fixed, and will open Sonar projects just fine.
  16. Thank you very much, Ashwin, having an approved way to contact BandLab will allow concerned parties to be heard without disturbing the support forum.
  17. It's nice what you can get just by asking. So I asked. The Cakewalk team who read this forum most definitely already know that many people want a perpetual license option for Sonar, and they've stated in word and action that discussions/questions/rants about that subject are no longer welcome. They haven't said it outright, but I suspect that they have done their part to convey the already expressed opinions and are just tired of it because there's nothing else they can do. But if you would like to be able to purchase a perpetual license for Sonar, Next, or both, an actual BandLab/Cakewalk employee has told us how to tell BandLab about it. And that they are "keen to hear more from [their] users." It would be a kindness to the folks who would like to buy perpetual licenses if we could keep it as civil and respectful as possible, whatever positive words of encouragement seem appropriate.
  18. We have been told (and it's been demonstrated) that further statements about people's preferences in licensing models for Sonar and Next are not welcome in this forum, so in the interest of peace I'd like to respectfully ask whom people should contact regarding their preferences in this matter. The Cakewalk development and support teams already know that there are many people who wish to transition from Cakewalk by BandLab to Sonar (and/or Next), but are waiting until such time as perpetual licenses are made available. I'll presume that the person or persons who are in charge of making decisions on licensing would also be interested in this information. What is the best way for Cakewalk's loyal and passionate fanbase to contact the people who will be making the decisions on licensing?
  19. Okay, this is the information that I needed. No, I haven't been clicking on clips, but I have been clicking on track numbers to select tracks. What I need to be doing before I record is click somewhere other than the track number to focus the track without also selecting it. The difference between selection and focus when it comes to tracks has been a source of mystery for me since I started using Cakewalk, so thanks for setting me straight. This may have a ripple effect in regard to other actions that send me to Ctrl-Z.
  20. Same. Please let us know what they have to say..
  21. Background: I've been trying to pin down why it is that of all of the programs I use, Sonar is the one that I most feel like I have to tiptoe around in it to avoid doing something that I didn't want to do. I use Ctrl+Z more in Sonar than in any other program. Not coincidentally, I've found it best to map a single keystroke to Select None and use that a lot, too. This led me to suspect that what's tripping me up in Sonar has something to do with its selection and deselection behavior being something that I'm not expecting. That is, there are common actions that result in objects, or multiple objects being selected that I don't expect to result in objects being selected, and/or there are common actions that I expect to deselect things that don't result in the objects being deselected. So I've been watching out for that. Tonight, I identified something. The problem: This has to do with MIDI recording and editing. If I have a MIDI track or MIDI clip selected in Track View, this results in all the MIDI notes from that track/clip being selected. It often happens that I have a MIDI track (and therefore all of its clips) selected due to the fact that I must select the MIDI track in order to have it echo what I'm playing on my keyboard. Having the track selected is as it should be of course, otherwise how does Sonar know which track you want to play into. However, what happens over and over and over ad nauseum is that I record a MIDI track by playing notes from my keyboard, then I go to Piano Roll View to tidy up the notes. INVARIABLY I click on the edge of the first note that I want to tidy up and end up moving the edges of all of the notes in the track simultaneously. Then I curse under my breath, hit Ctrl+Z, then hit my dedicated Select None key, after which I'm finally able to do what I want, which is adjust individual notes. I. Am. So. Tired. Of. Doing. This. I understand that having all notes selected is handy if you want to run quantize on the notes right away, but I usually don't. My most common task after recording is manual adjustment of note start and stop times. There are plenty of times when I do want my editing actions to affect all of the notes, what I'm saying is that this never occurs right after I've finished a take. Ctrl-A is fine for when I want to do that. For comparison, I tried the same operation in 2 other popular DAW's. I didn't have this issue with either of them because selecting a track or clip in their track views doesn't select all the notes in the piano roll. In both cases to select all notes, you right click in the piano roll and choose "select all" from the context menu. I was able to go directly from recording the take to editing a note with no deselecting or undoing or any of that mess and it was like a breath of fresh air. The best solution I can think of is to have the OPTION not to select events with clips much as we now have the OPTION not to select events with arranger sections. It could even have an override, where when you have selecting events with clips turned off, an Alt-Click will select the events.
  22. I had no idea either! I only knew from reading the by-lines! Even after reading William M. Gaines' biography they remained men of mystery, as were the rest of the other artists and writers! I learned more in that book about Arthur the avocado plant than I did about Mort Drucker! The biography went into some detail about the career of Harvey Kurtzman, who by that time had not been with Mad for many years. It was like looking at record sleeves and seeing the names of session musicians and engineers and producers. If it wasn't George Martin or Phil Spector, it was a mystery! We knew that Elton John's records sounded great, but who was Gus Dudgeon? They didn't seem to get much work outside of Mad! Jim Davis at least did some work for Sports Illustrated and did some movie posters for Hollywood! If I remember correctly, one of the original lobby posters for Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (known to Mad readers as "Botch Casually and the Somedunce Kid") was drawn by Mort Drucker! I do know that the influential French illustrator and cartoonist Jean "Moebius" Giraud was strongly influenced by Drucker in his early period! This was before he developed the style he later became known for! If you look at his early work, especially the Western comics, the shading and crosshatching are Drucker all the way!
  23. This has been my playbook for some time now.
  24. Even using the Cakewalk Plug-In Manager doesn't stop them from being scanned, it just keeps them from being displayed in the Browser and other lists within the program. The first thing I do to keep things clean is make sure that my music and video programs aren't scanning anything they don't need to. Only install VST3's, and since plenty of manufacturers' installers install unneeded formats anyway, I manually go into my VST2 folders and delete things that are already installed as VST3's. For tidiness' sake, I also go into my C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins folder and delete anything I find in there because I don't run Pro Tools. I don't do it as often as I once did because fewer and fewer vendors seem to be scattering clutter around. Every so often some installer will also dump something in C:\Program Files\VstPlugins or C:\Program Files\Steinberg, and I just delete whatever I find there because I have custom folders for my VST2's. Other than that, it's harder to do with VST3's because there is a canonical standard location for them, but it is possible to disable them just by moving them to a different folder. I do this with all of the non-purchased T-Racks plug-ins that IK Multimedia's installer puts in my VST3 folder. I have a folder called C:\Program Files\Common Files\T-Racks where I drag all of the .VST3 files that I haven't purchased. This could also be done for others that you just don't want to scan. I've been doing these things for years and have yet to run into any issues regarding registry entries, although anything is possible. I'd say just make a subfolder of your VST3 directory called VSTNO or whatever where you will put the plug-ins you don't want to scan every time. Then drag that folder out of the VST3 folder tree when you don't want to scan for those plug-ins and drag it back when you want to use them again. The only problem there is that installers will just happily put the latest versions of their VST3's in the top level and you'll wind up with 2 of them, maybe even different versions, being scanned. There's also this, which I'm kind of surprised I don't see anyone talking about on this forum. I haven't tried it so I don't know if it would serve your purpose: https://www.kvraudio.com/kvr-studio-manager
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