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Starship Krupa

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Everything posted by Starship Krupa

  1. Oh I like that idea. There are BandLab versions for Android, IOS and browser, why not a BandLab VST? I don't know if it would even need to have the full BandLab Mix Editor UI, It could do something similar to what the Cakewalk BandLab integration does.
  2. Firefox hasn't used RealPlayer in at least a decade. They too decided it was best to dump it. If you are "punishing" Firefox for having once used RealPlayer, you are fighting a battle long since won. Tip: since you are using Chromium-derived Edge, and concerned about security, I recommend Brave, which is a Chromium-derived browser oriented toward privacy, security, and speed. I've been using it as my default browser for a couple of months and like it lot. It delivers on the speed for sure.
  3. In an amazing move, Ocean Swift's entire line of synths is now freeware. If you do ambient textures and sound design, there are a couple there that will surely become go-to's. There are also a couple of more standard type synths and one that does nothing but drone. Really, nothing not to like. They are pad machines. They remind me a bit of the late great HG Fortune, if you like that stuff, you should check these out. Download them, save the installers, because who knows how long they'll keep their servers up.
  4. (Uh-oh, drum geekery. A topic I can't stay quiet about, to say the least) Nice looking kits there! Ain't it great to be able to leave it all mic'd up and ready to go? What are your rack tom diameters? They look a notch smaller than mine. I am a vintage drum nut. I'll see if I can find a presentable photo of my 1970 Slingerland New Rock (12, 13, 16, 20) outfit. Cymbals are all vintage A Zildjian save for one Sabian AA Thin Crash on the right side over the floor tom (I love my backhanded crash). Gotta have lightweight hats, I foot splash and "pssht" a lot. I bought up a few old A Zildjian sets on CL and picked out the 2 lightest. The ideal cymbal sound for me is Ed Shaughnessy. I have a small collection of vintage snares, my desert island one is (ohhhh, ohhhh) me Acrolite. Rotated in and out are a COB Gene Krupa Sound King (original to the kit), an 80's 6.5" Ludwig Rocker, and a WFL Barrett Deems (later known as the Ludwig Jazz Festival, the Ringo snare). Wrap on the Slingies is Blue Agate, the WFL is gold on black duco. Sometimes I rack up an old Rogers COB timbale to the left of my snare. This was easier when I was using my Rogers Supreme big R hi hat stand, I could mount it on that. It's fun for little latin or ska accents. Cymbal stands are flat-based DW, with a Slingerland hi-hat stand. I, too, rock the DW5000 kick pedal. Mine is a strap drive frankenpedal, started as a 2000's DW, modded with earlier DW and Camco components. Strap is Gibraltar's kevlar. Sticks are Vic Firth American Jazz AJ4's. The tips really flatter a ride cymbal. Tony: whoa, got those rack toms cranked. I tune lower. My first drum idol was Ringo, then Moon and Graeme Edge, thud tuners all. If I can get my snare to sound like the legendary "Nights in White Satin" THWACK, that's when I know I've done well. Pinstripes on the tom batters, sometimes even damping rings. Ambassador with gel on the snare. Boom we like, ring, not so much. Re-rings and vintage round-ish bearing edges on the shells help further this goal. Ed: I think your set of kick drum mics exceeds my entire mic locker. I mic mine with a single dynamic pointed at an angle to the beater impact spot (reso head intactica). I'm kinda "less is more" with my drum mic setup. Single mics pointed at batters of snare and kick, matched overheads in "Recorderman" configuration. I've tried tom tom mics and reso head mics on snare and kick, but found they are more trouble than they're worth. It turns into a Gatey Watey rabbit hole and I find myself spending twice as long mixing, to pretty much the same result.
  5. What do you mean by "pre-roll?" There is a metronome setting that allows for any number of count-in measures. It's also easy to insert empty measures at the beginning of your project using Project>Insert Time/Measures.
  6. Which means you have the only version of Cakewalk that's on the market. ? There are many Cakewalk users who have Scarlett 2i2's and get great results. It's a fine interface, wish I had one myself.
  7. I'm on EAP (Build 125), just like you. This is weird with a beard. There must be some condition or other that I've set that's triggering this. It's this way on both of my systems, so it has to be one of my settings. Thanks for checking it out.
  8. Did you raise it via official Cakewalk by BandLab support ticket or did you raise it in a peer support forum where the vast majority of the people reading it are powerless to address the underlying issue? This forum is not the best way to get the attention of official BandLab support. If you look at the descriptions of the forums, none of them say "official Cakewalk by BandLab support." They're forums for user discussion. Sometimes the developers chime in, but that's not guaranteed. You may, if you wish, bump it every day and continue a pointless and increasingly hostile discussion about web browsers and security settings with a bunch of people for whom it's not an issue or you can take it to those who have the power to see that it gets addressed (if it is possible to address it): https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us I will second Collin's suggestion regarding the Cakewalk Reference Guide. It's much more comprehensive. I'm not saying that the issue with the broken images shouldn't be repaired, but for your personal use, the Ref Guide is a better tool. Drawback: not context sensitive.
  9. I'm glad it sorted itself out, but it strikes me that you tried 5 different things and were on the verge of giving up without having contacted Cakewalk by BandLab support to see if they had a solution in their database. From time to time I see similar "I've tried everything to get CbB to install and I'm just going to give up" posts where the person having the distress hasn't contacted support. Is it because the program has a free license and people think that therefore there is no support? There is official free support and by all reports they are helpful and attentive.
  10. For tech support issues like this, the best thing to do is go to https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us and submit a ticket. As it says in the forum description, "This is the place to ask questions about operating Cakewalk." The people here are less likely to know about installation issues and the BandLab Assistant than the official support technicians.
  11. A thing I don't understand: official support for Cakewalk by BandLab is only an email message away yet no one in this thread has related any instructions or solutions suggested by official support. This is a peer forum, this is not the way to get official support. Mostly the advice is going to be from veteran users who won't be experiencing such fundamental issues as complete failure to install. So it can only be educated guesses. We're able to help with just about any problem someone might be having figuring out how to use the software, but the chances that we've faced brick wall failure to install are low. Support technicians have access to a database of issues and solutions. The choice is to keep groping for a guessed-at solution here or to get in touch with them.
  12. I'm taking another crack at creating custom workspaces for my 15" screen'd laptop and running into a problem. Specifically, my understanding of the Workspace Manager is/was that the left column is for selecting which program elements you wish to have available in the workspace. The right "Load from Workspace" column is for selecting which options will override ones default settings. If it's not checked in the left "Show in GUI" column, it won't be available, if it's not checked in the right column, it won't override the settings. However, what is happening is when I uncheck Control Bar Layout in the right hand pane, the Control Bar disappears and I can't bring it back using "C" or via the Views menu. The other options in "Load From Workspace" don't have similar results; if I uncheck Track Control Manager, the Track Control Manager is still available in the pull-down menu above the track headers. Is this the way it's supposed to work? I expect it to leave my standard Control Bar layout alone (if unchecked) or override it (if checked).
  13. Perhaps it's just a mild case of appendicitis.
  14. I went down the list in Preferences>Customization>Colors, and, using the search function in The Young Lady's Illustrated Primer, found the entries that seem to have no corresponding entry in Theme Editor. There were more than I expected. Some of them appear to be UI elements that don't have their own entry in Theme Editor but have been determined by Colin to follow other elements' entries. Whether changing them in Colors overrides only the named UI element and not the associated ones can be discovered via testing. Not all of them are described in the unfortunately non-alphabetized documentation. At some point I might try Colin's "purpletrator" idea of changing these unlisted colors to eye-searing fluorescent in order to see what jumps out. Some of them are listed with description in the documentation but don't seem to have any corresponding actual UI element, like Folder Clip Text. One or more of them may have no effect on the UI element it is said to control. (such an entry is "Console Hardware Output Name Text") One of my goals with this is to get a better handle on it so that I can offer Racing Green users a customized color set to go along with it. Vertical Beat Lines, Vertical Measure Lines, and Tempo Envelope (which has an entry in Theme Editor but only obeys its Colors entry) are especially of interest. I find the standard grid lines in both TV and PRV too dim. Without further ado, here are the Colors entries that appear to have no direct counterpart in Theme Editor. Additions, subtractions, clarifications welcome: AudioSnap Marker AudioSnap Pool Member Marker Vertical Beat Lines Vertical Measure Lines Bus Send Angle Bus Send Focus Bus Send Front/Rear Balance Bus Send LFE Bus Send Width Clip Fades Clip Gain Envelope Clip Pan Envelope Clip Velocity Envelope Comp Header Console Hardware Output Name Text (purpletrated and has no visible effect) Disabled AudioSnap Marker Drawing Erasing Event List ChanAftEvents Event List Control Events Event List KeyAft Events Event List Note Events Event List Patch Events Event List Special Events Event List Sysx Events Event List Wheel Events Events First controller/surface channel number display Folder Clip Background Folder Clip Text Folder Line Fourth controller/surface color choice Front/Rear Balance Envelope Maximum stretched AudioSnap Marker Musical Snap Pool Markers Navigator rectangle Note that is on Peak Marker (<=0dB) Peak Marker (>=0dB) Peak Marker Text Region FX Clip Background Second controller/surface color choice Snap Offset Markers Snap To Scale Excluded Rows Surround Angle Envelope Surround Focus Envelope Surround LFE Send Control/Envelope Surround Width Envelope Tempo Envelope Third controller/surface color choice Track View Bus Send Level X Control/Envelope Track View Bus Send Pan X Control/Envelope Track View MIDI Chorus Track View MIDI Reverb Control/Envelope Track View Mute Envelope Track View Pan Control/Envelope Track View Volume Control/Envelope Values
  15. I know that a UI color that has been customized via Preferences>Customization>Colors will override the same color as set in a theme. I also know that there are some UI colors that may only be customized via Preferences>Customization>Colors. Examples of the latter include Clips Pane/Vertical Beat Lines and Clips Pane/Vertical Measure Lines, which control the color of the vertical grid lines in the Track View Clips and Track View Bus Pane. Has anyone made a list of which colors are exclusive to Color Preferences? The only ones I know of are the two I listed above. If so, I'd like to see it, if not, it seems ripe for some "purpletration" testing. (going through the list in Colors, there are bunches that I suspect are deprecated)
  16. I want to ask @Colin Nicholls because my suggestion is to hit RTZ and go up to Project/Insert Time/Measures and make sure all of the boxes for what to "slide" are checked. I just enter the number of measures I want and everything scoots right over. Is the result or possible result any different from turning on Ripple Edit and then dragging everything? I prefer Insert Time/Measures because with dragging, I have to make sure that everything is selected (something that the OP ran afoul of), and then I have to remember that Ripple Edit is on. Which, even with the indicator....?. It slides markers, tempo changes, key changes, arranger sections....
  17. This is readily doable using Theme Editor. As a matter of fact, I agree with you and will now be adding this feature to my own custom theme. Thanks for the idea. Once you install Theme Editor, under C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Themes\Theme Editor Toolkit, there are complete sets of meter images in 6 different colors, with multiple variations of each color. If you don't feel like doing it yourself, wait for the next revision of Racing Green, which will have contrasting meters for MIDI. Possibly blue, even.
  18. We recently saw the addition of "Insert Audio Track" and "Insert MIDI Track." We have Ctrl+T for Audio Track, Ctrl+Shift+T for MIDI Track, so why not have Ctrl+Alt+T for Insert Synth Track?
  19. My understanding is that Cakefolk doesn't alter Cakewalk's code, it's an overlay you run when you start Cakewalk that traps input and runs macros (correct me if I'm wrong about that, Murat). As such, there's no license violation (Cakewalk code doesn't need to be disassembled), and if using it were to interfere with some Cakewalk function or other, then the user can just stop running it and wait for Murat to fix it.
  20. Thanks for the clarification. I agree with the command additions you suggest for saving the various file types (and why not have them for every file type). Keystrokes are cool.
  21. I don't understand what you mean. "Changed file structures?" Did file structures change recently? From your picture, it looks like you'd like to be able to assign keystrokes to save the current workspace and to save the current project as a template. Do you mean that you'd like mappable commands for the various things we can save in CbB like arranger templates and workspaces, and then also for the project save types Normal, Template, and Bundle? (I still don't understand the difference between File/Save As and selecting MIDI and File/Export Standard MIDI File so I'll leave those out)
  22. Or even for FX processing of live instruments. I've lately been pondering what I would do if I wanted to play live. My stompboxes and whatnots are not the same thing as all the sounds I can get using my plug-ins. It's a thing in our post-Ableton world to use the DAW on stage as the instrument it is in the studio (always with that SD card or CD-R with your set on it so you can play something and wave your left hand around in the air while you're frantically getting your laptop sorted out with the right hand). I suspect that most people who want to do that do use Ableton Live or one of the other purpose-built programs for doing that, but is there any reason Cakewalk couldn't be put to that use? It's been stable enough so far that I wouldn't feel too unsafe trying it. An interesting question: how to handle a situation where you want to perform live with Cakewalk. For me, I think if I want to bring my mad improvising skillz with me to the stage, it's probably best that I get good with that copy of Ableton Live Lite.
  23. AFAIK, Cakewalk reads audio tracks on the fly as it's playing them back. For MIDI, resource use for the song itself is minimal. What drags down the engine is plug-ins. What I see in the screenshot looks like on single long project, not a way to load individual ones. When loading individual projects, there is load time, but that overhead is more for, again, plug-ins and settings and all that ancillary stuff to playing back audio or MIDI. Once the project is loaded, it doesn't have to pause to reload more stuff later in playback. The possible technical hitch in doing what Matthew is doing is having multiple different plug-ins on multiple tracks loading down the system. Some plug-ins take resources even when they are not processing or generating audio. However, this is easily solved by freezing or bouncing. At that point, Cakewalk is just playing back audio files. It gets to the end of one song, then it starts streaming the next one from disk. Low overhead. I must say, pretty ingenious use of the feature, @Matthew Carr. And a setlist that opens with The Cure and segues into Joy Division would capture my post-punk heart. Although later in the set I'd be calling out for The Smiths and New Order. Also, "***** Dwarf" over "Tainted Love." ?
  24. Somehow disappeared for me on one system, but it seems to have sorted itself, so a glitch I guess.
  25. I like them too, mostly because they all fit on the screen at one time and they're easier to read. The thing of listing the type (VST2, VST3, DX) would be good to have everywhere, not just on the last 5 plug-ins I've used. Showing me the type of plug-in it is only after I've used it seems kinda....backward.
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