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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. For me it's also licensing, jam points, always had great support I haven't totally walked away from Waves either. Bad habits = never a quick death
  2. What happens when you mix an IK with InMusic? You get Korg.
  3. and it still shows up as legacy bundle........ so legacy collection pay the same price is the same price as those who have M1le. That smells like IK . I'd rather give that $149 to Arturia, or some other developer. The Korg eco system sucks. Synths are a dime a dozen these days no matter how good a certain claimed hardware emulation is.
  4. Same here but I need to start saying no. The only benefit is it takes a DAW plugin manager to scan two more and I'll forget to use them. I never go far in anything to make use of them. I'm a better purchasing agent.
  5. Nothing to see here. I've seen these prices many times. They also change the paint on their advertising.
  6. That nails it for me. I've started to avoid more rompler type synths namely for Kontakt. I have all of the flavor of the month VSTs.
  7. I guess the Riser is very underrated. I watched a tutorial and the producer always used this.
  8. That doesn't bother me. With all of the player libraries in Kontakt it's annoying to find anything. I often drag a patch from the system folder most of the time.
  9. I don't even bother with these "tweaks" anymore. Most of them are already done. Most machines don't need this anymore.
  10. The best way to tweak W11 is install W10 over it.
  11. I delete the original orchestra. This is part of my point that the Suite is never really updated but added on like 3rd party stuff.
  12. These are a dime a dozen so I didn't install it.
  13. kitekrazy1

    Windows 11 Lite

    That's suppose to be the cure all which the PROfessional multimedia world ignores.
  14. I'd get it if is came with a free loaded gun so I could shoot myself.
  15. I think they do but it would cost your more.
  16. I'll take that as sarcasm. I guess so if you only use a laptop. How long would it take for someone to be screaming for Kontakt and libraries. Sell off AT5? It took me years to figure out why Live was designed the way it is.
  17. It's waste of money. Most of the Suite is never updated like the Sampler. The whole Suite is 80gb and not necessary if you have 3rd party stuff.
  18. Usually the crossgrade is half off. I was surprised since I have The Legend. They changed this.
  19. At one time I would go that far for something free. If it's on bandcamp I don't bother.
  20. kitekrazy1

    Windows 11 Lite

    I bet MS will eventually drop that one hardware requirement, that TPM or TDMWTF. If not I will only support developers who wont abandon W10.
  21. I have both. Groove 3 seems to be more up to date with new releases. Plus I like their stuff that is non DAW. If you buy a tutorial the format is better as well for offline viewing. While having both I find myself buying more from Udemy. To this day no one has made tutorials at the level that Sony did Acid and Vegas. They were expensive but every lesson had project files. You rarely see that. I think the best marketing in a high competitive market is developers providing more learning resources. I think Reaper's popularity would have happened sooner if they did that. I'd like to see Melda do more. There does come to a point where playing around with something probably benefits more than watching someone else do it. If there is a shortage of videos it's guitar tone for idiots at the simplest level. Like the difference between humbuckers and single coils. No high end gear, just a cheap solid state amp, the real beginner guitar, ect. No one does that.
  22. Stuff like that makes me laugh. I can spend all day watching videos with farts.
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