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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. There's always a risk of buying someone's code and hopefully retaining those people responsible for it. It's rare to have that same staff. There's a lot more turnover than we know when enshitifcation sets. This is nothing new under the sun.
  2. At this rate it's more like do I new to add another one or upgrade to a bigger one.
  3. I can't think that they don't. Their money isn't tied up in a lot of admin costs. I don't think they do NAMM booths. They probably don't have an extremely large staff. Think of the users who use it casually will always buy another upgrade.
  4. They are good plugins. Once released they rarely have to be updated. The same goes for Waves.
  5. Most DAWs are that way. I get the popularity of Reaper because of all of it's features. FL and Live are quite popular because you can start right away with very little knowledge but once you get past their simplicity FL Studio has they features I have no clue what they are about. I doubt I understand 10% of the features/fixes released in Reaper. Cubase seems to be for the heavy orchestra user but I've seen people use those EDM type DAWs and do the same thing. I also seem trance templates for Cubase. People left Sonar for Cubase because of the superior staff view. It will probably upset a fanboy or two but there's a large thread on Vi Control why they left Cubase. I think there is one for Reaper as well.
  6. You don't belong here. Lemme guess you also work on music as well. ? Disk space is kinda helping me to not buy stuff. I'm also getting to the point of avoiding free stuff. Sort of.....
  7. No. Try a demo instead of listening to others. I always like the look of Studio One. I don't like the rounded corners in Cubase. Sometimes it's not always about features but does it gel with you. What I like about Reaper, FL Studio, and Live, you click on it and it opens up ready to do something. Cubase is a click twice to exit.
  8. All of my older versions of Acronis have always worked. Macium is pricey for the home user.
  9. When I first tried it I called is Cakewalk Not.
  10. That's common ins the business world. There are plenty of people who helped founding a company and leave because the goalbecomes where 99% is about profits and the 1% is about the service they provide.
  11. 79 for 1 machine. I have 3 machines. I was going to ditch Acronis that went sub but now offer the perp license again. My only reason for ditching Acronis is it's like a security suite that wants a lot of control. I've had it pause unattended installations to mark it as trusted. You can't selected it to avoid certain folders. Somehow it messed with Ableton Live (maybe because Live is not installed in the programs folder). I had to have Acronis leave the Live folder alone. I never had any issues with any Acronis product either. I can upgrade for 3 machines far less than Macrium. I've also considered EaseUS.
  12. In this age it does make them better by not changing. If it aint broke don't "f" it has a bigger meaning than ever. Interesting that when Gibson killed off Sonar there were a lot of DAW deals. Enshitifiction is here to stay.
  13. Steinberg under Yamaha WA Production, Melda Production, UVI, under Image Line who vows not to interrupt the 3. Some FL users were disappointed hoping UVI would be iLok free but not so.
  14. Steinberg seemed to avoid the enshitification being bought by Yamaha. No more hardware dongle, 3 machine license. Unfortunately they have that odd distribution system. As for the Studio One vs. Cubase try demos. There's nothing wrong with having 2 DAWs. It is not polygamy.
  15. Great Quote: Here's a wild idea: terminate NA all together. Just let people download the install files for their NI account online. You will save a ton of time and resources that can be used elsewhere, and at the same time get rid of the biggest nail on NI's coffin (both for NI and us).
  16. 3.9.1 somehow broke itself. It will not show any of your products. Reported on Vi-Control and NI forums. I will assume its probably an issue with a server. Products show up in Kontakt.
  17. He will fix it instead of "cakewalk is not supported"
  18. That's more common than not with just about every developer. I don't mind giving this developer a few bucks. There's more positives than negatives. I get the impression he's not really into it for the money.
  19. Sometimes that is a wise move. I learned from being a Gigastudio user promises are not kept. It's better to not rush something full of flaws.
  20. It's the usual mention other DAWs in a thread about a specific DAW. Th real test in this is about loyalty with the end user and developer. It isn't really about using a DAW but selling a license. I stopped using Sonar around v4 but I bought a license even the lifetime update. It's difficult to sell a 1st time license than selling upgrades that is a concerning someone who has never used a DAW.
  21. I admire them avoiding the race down to zero. The only thing I would buy is their older stuff for Kontakt.
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