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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. That looks way to complicated to me. I got the BxOB and like it. I do wonder though with all of IK, Melda, and Izotope why I do this. I may be foolish enough to get that complicated compressor. While typing this I stoopidly did. I need to progress further to actually use a mastering compressor.
  2. This was released before in Kontakt.
  3. This should be under "are you joking" instead of Deals.
  4. I went through the annoying yada yada yada and think of not installing it.
  5. Same here. I'm gonna nickname them Steinberg. Thought about going for the Suite for $250 but I have multiple VST equivalents.
  6. You probably wouldn't use them anyway.
  7. You should put that in the comments on the link.
  8. It will probably be (if it hasn't already) in the CM downloads.
  9. For some odd reason I like to collect their stuff. They put in a lot of programming for what they charge.
  10. The wiser part of me that I never listen to says to blow this off. I have way too many plugins. Who has the OB? I need another synth like I need another compressor. Nothing really floats my boat in this other than they are quality plugins for the Waves price.
  11. I have to wonder with such a half assed setup that developers like this are ever worth supporting. I give small developers like Hornet and Rast Sound they have their act together when it comes to their websites. I'm starting to loathe web developers since they are reaching higher levels of incompetence. Another heads up why I may no longer deal with APD is the history of your transactions is no longer in your account. Did I say half assed web development?
  12. It should work for EZ keys. There are plenty of midi loop libraries for piano. The advantage to EZ midi is they are laid out in a structure. I find most of the EZK demos not that impressive.
  13. I'm not always impressed with Toontrack EZK midis. I do find some nice midis from Nanomusik that are half the price. On the fence about this one.
  14. Vague for me is valued at $7.99 not $79. More and more I'm falling of the Steinberg bandwagon.
  15. Just about anything I buy now is FOBASS. If it's over $10 I usually have no trouble saying no. I have FL which has Patcher. You can throw anything in Live's Drum Racks, plus I have VE Pro.
  16. They got this confused with working n public education.
  17. Seems not to work without a serial number. So far this seems like a half assed outfit and not worthy of existing on my systems.
  18. Funny how they zip these and the file size is exactly the same.
  19. I'm moving away from sampled synths. I do like the Arturia stuff because they come with great presets. Spire, Sylenth, Thorn, and Harmor don't require much disk space. The ones in the Kontakt factory get overlooked.
  20. Where have we heard that stuff before? It will bloat your OS drive since they haven't come up with a way to store extras on another drive like other DAW do. I'm not into the makelink crap since I don't do that with any other DAW. It has more value than Live's Suite. When you have other DAWs you've probably have an arsenal that's much better than those REs.
  21. No longer exists. This company has great reviews and a 5yr warranty.
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