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Cookie Jarvis

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Everything posted by Cookie Jarvis

  1. ...of course! I started this last night...no idea where it's going but at least I got it started ? Working title is Born In Fire but most probably will change- Born in Fire Bill
  2. We all have our own methods, good luck! ? Bill
  3. In PRV drag the notes up and down as much as you want...why would you want to script such a simple action? bitman hit the nail on the head! Bill
  4. Although my favorite form is progrock, I'm also into classical, new age, old school metal/hard rock, celtic, 60's and 70's pop, and some jazz fusion so it's hard not to write something related to at least one of the genres Bill
  5. Me: Doc, it hurts when I do this! Doctor: Then don't do that! Just a bit of fun, I don't use IE and haven't in over 10 years or so I'm no help Bill
  6. Turn off the scanner on start up...the only time you need to scan is when you add a new plugin. Bill
  7. Cool, I did not know that...now my collection is definitely incomplete Bill
  8. The last install discs were for Sonar X3 Producer...I have install discs for 8 through X3 except for 8.5 that was download only. X1 through X3 install discs were available for an extra charge...I like physical product so I grabbed each when I upgraded :) Bill
  9. Michael Palin has done a lot in his post Monty Python days...this is well deserved! Bill
  10. I would have thought a built-in tuner would be a no-brainer in a DAW...but I'm old school ? With that said I use the bx_tuner that chris.r mentioned! Bill
  11. I've been a Cakewalk user for years...everything is still installed and using CBB right now. I picked up Samplitude Pro X3 Suite last year but never really gave it a good look until recently. I found the audio engine to be superior to Cakewalk's but everything else is awkward and obtuse to use. Maybe I'll get used to it but I'm thinking Cakewalk will be my go to for a long time I also tried Reaper. It seems a decent app but I'd rather spend time writing music than creating scripts and buttons. My routine is to record in Cakewalk, mix in Mixbus...well Mixbus 32C for the new album, then Sound Forge for the mastering. Not only do these applications excel at these functions they also create a serious of psychological separations so that I have to finish each step in the process. I don't master in Cakewalk, record in Mixbus, etc. It's a great way to force yourself to make decisions and finish your projects Bill
  12. I had the same problem. I just closed BA, right-clicked and chose to run as admin, then reopened BA and it updated just fine...my DAW runs on Win7 Ultimate. Bill
  13. I prefer the separate MIDI/Audio tracks but minimize them and close down to the main header when I'm not working on them. I can fill the Track View with quite a few tracks ? I also like MIDI editing MIDI tracks, audio editing audio tracks...and for kicks I can copy and paste MIDI bits to other MIDI tracks. How does that stuff work with Simple Instrument tracks, it always seemed obtuse to me...but different strokes as they say! Bill
  14. When I first installed Cakewalk I chose a simple audio template to open. Next I deleted all tracks and setup my soundcard(MIDI and audio), Metronome settings, etc. Then I setup the GUI the way I like to work...Track view with all sidebars closed and Master hidden on left monitor, Console View on top monitor, and finally Synth Rack on left monitor. I saved the screenset and named Default, then saved the project as Default. Now I open that project every time I open Cakewalk and do a Save As when I start recording. No surprises this way! Bill
  15. Close BA, go to the location of the .exe, right-click and choose Properties. Under Compatibility choose run as admin. Now run BA again and it should install the update...at least it did for me ? Bill
  16. The one thing that most software companies take for granted is the fact that their users are computer literate...I see evidence to the contrary constantly It would be nice to see an Essentials section with Computer Essentials and DAW Essentials. I've always wondered why no one considered it before. It would go a long way towards heading off user frustration and negativity. For the someone new to computers and DAWs in general it would be priceless! Bill
  17. Is your interface set to 48khz before opening Cakewalk? Bill
  18. I always thought Twelve Tone would be a great name...talk about nostalgia Bill
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