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Cookie Jarvis

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Everything posted by Cookie Jarvis

  1. Personally I'd double the size of the SSD if not get a 1TB one...the prices have really come down. Also, if you do a lot of orchestral or complicted projects with a lot of sample libraries bump your ram to 24gb, otherwise 16 is fine! And you want a third drive as well...SSD for Windows and programs, plugins, etc., 2nd drive for sample libraries, 3rd drive will be your audio drive...save your projects here. Also start thinking about using more than one monitor...one for the console, one for tracks, and a third for other programs, plugin GUIs, browser, etc. I have 3 monitors right now...28" main, 32" above that, and a 22" to the right...waiting for delivery of a 10' dvi cable so I can hook up another 22" to the right of my keyboards to view better while recording my keys. Bill
  2. A friendly suggestion, switch from using bundle files and just .rar your project folder...you can even use a nifty little program call Quickpar- Quickpar Quickpar allows you to create repair files so if your files become damaged you can fix them easily. Too many people have had trouble opening older bundles...and todays bundles become older bundles tomorrow Even broken .rar files can be partially opened, damaged bundles are toast! Bill
  3. If you two don't stop I'm turning this thread around and we'll go back home and nobody gets ice cream...is that what you want! Bill
  4. Thank you for the time and effort that went into this, it's greatly appreciated! Bill
  5. I don't use templates...I opened a simple project and set it up the way I liked, saved the Lens as Default, then saved the project as Default in a location folder called Default. Now I open the Default project, then do a Save As with a new name and location. Never a problem! Bill
  6. I've slowly started learning Samplitude and recently I'm spending a lot of time in Cubase Pro 10. The only other DAW I'll give a try one of these days is Pro Tools...I'm old school...I play 3 instruments so no loop stuff and I don't care for cartoon interfaces(still using BFD2 ). Bill
  7. Now that you mention it I'm not sure...I like challenges so I picked up Cubase and started a project based on everything I have learned in Sonar since 8.0. I also started a project in Samplitude...but years of familiarity with Sonar makes me less likely to change...the whole "old dog" thing going on ;) I'm trying to learn other software so I can work with others...looking to start an internet progrock recording group of some sort and I want to be flexible. Generally I write and record in Sonar(though it's now strictly using Cakewalk!), mix with Harrison Mixbus 32C, and master in Sony Sound Forge( yup, I'm using version 11.0 I bought from Sony :) I've gotten further with the piece but I'll save that for elsewhere. Bill
  8. ...in my continuing tradition of posting works in progress here's something I'm been working on since Friday(first day ;) ). Right now I'm calling it Dawn but that can change at any time...just like everything else in this project- Dawn(Cubase WIP) Take 2 Bill
  9. Here's what I've been working on...definitely a work in progress- Dawn As far as the plugin manager I'll wind up creating my own list, I have a feeling I'll be using Cubase quite a bit Bill
  10. I forgot to say Hub wasn't connecting but thanks to a member here's post at the steinberg forum all is well. Thanks msorrels! Hub Connection Problem Fix Bill
  11. I started a new project in Cubase yesterday...so far no headscratchers I upgraded to Padshop Pro for 9.99 as well. So far the only "bug" has been the way the plugin manager sorted some of my plugins and for some reason I don't have the darker Padshop Pro GUI. Other than learning a bit on the go it's going painlessly, I'm liking it so far! Bill
  12. e-licenser arrived today...activation time finally! Bill
  13. Mark is right....I have to wait for the e-licenser to arrive to activate so I'm all installed and reading the manual right now :) Last time I used Cubase was about 10 years ago...we'll see how quickly I get back into it. My key is in a USPS regional center in Indianapolis right now, I can wait a few days. Bill
  14. I'm downloading right now- 22gb or so. My e-Licenser is on the way so I'll use the soft option and transfer to the dongle when it arrives :) Bill
  15. I ordered it from Sweetwater yesterday...they called today...out of Steinberg branded e-licensers so they are sending me a VSL one....same key :) $166.00 crossgrade and $27.00 key...but free shipping...though I do have to pay sales tax. Ordered a $10.00 t-shirt(normally $20.00) as well just for kicks. Bill
  16. Vocal doubling was a great suggestion, just make sure you record the double as a separate track and not just a copy and paste, the slight differences in phrasing and timing will thicken those parts you choose to emphasize Bill
  17. The simplest things played in time sound a thousand times better than the most complex things played out of time! Bill
  18. Thanks Bjorn, you're no slouch either, I check your material out as well...I'm just not much of a poster! Bill
  19. Thanks, that was a quick Sound Forge "master" from an exported two-track. Still have to finish writing, recording...maybe mix it, etc. Bill
  20. Well done...you did more than "phone" this one in Bill
  21. That's no alternative rock, that's a space station! Metal fusion at it's best, a joy to listen to! Bill
  22. Nice chugging...chunky...just like I like it! Bill
  23. Great cover, well done! The video work was entertaining and really complimented the song...keep making them like this Bill
  24. Sounds fine here! Clear and present Bill
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