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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. For people considering Pigments, there was a live stream earlier today from Plugin Boutique:
  2. I will defer to others on this. I do recall that some people have posted comments about changes with the Korg software, not sure if it was related to changes in the drivers, the Korg configuration software, or what. As for my own experience, I have used nanoKontrols (pre 2 version) and at one point something changed and I had some issues. As for problem-solving elevation/permissions issues, maybe other Cakewalk users who have faced them (not necessarily with Korg) can offer some help.
  3. Did you try Googling "Create Process failed; code 740." I did, and there seems to be a lot of information about it.
  4. I haven't tried this, but if the virtual instruments have coarse/fine tune parameters available as CCs and/or automation, couldn't a tuning meter be used to change the tuning on each instrument? In other words, play A on a keyboard and retune each soft synth so A = 432. If there are no master coarse/fine tune parameters, each layer of the virtual instruments might need to be retuned. Also, maybe scala files for has retuned files. I'm not sure since I haven't done anything with scala files in a long time. If there are scala files for A = 432, and if the virtual instruments allow for the use of scala files, that might be an option. I just Googled "432 Hz scala files" and it seems there are some Pythagorean tunings that use A = 432. I have not tried any of the ones I found. Here's one: Another option, if you are not using pitch bend for the music itself, might be to set the tuning on the virtual instruments to A = 432 using pitch bend. Again, I have not done this to synchronize several virtual instruments, but I have used PB globally to add layers to digitized audio tapes where the tape speed was not "in tune."
  5. Changes from version 1.0.4: WHAT'S NEW New redesigned and clearer user interface for easier usability and faster browsing New Librarian section to transfer and manage TONE MODELs and PRESETs using the new TONEX Pedal PLAYER Added Tuner Added settings for Input and Output levels Added multi-import and multi-export for PRESETs Added choice of 10 new amp skins to select from the MODELER's collection Added cab lock option to keep the same cabinet when browsing TONE MODELs. TONE MODELs and PRESETs can now be browsed using the keyboard's up and down arrows A cabinet can now be added to a TONE MODEL STOMP Download numbers are now displayed for each TONE MODEL MODELER Improved MODELER's accuracy when modelling hi-gain tones MODELER can now work at every sample-rate FIXES Fixed an issue that could cause the modeler to get stuck on Creating Network when modeling a TONE MODEL Fixed an issue that could cause incorrect tagging at the end of a Modeling process General reliability improvements NEW (2023-02-16 update 1.1.1 ) Changes from version 1.1.0: Fixed an issue that could cause communication problems between TONEX Pedal and TONEX Librarian General reliability improvements
  6. Note: I can't answer this since I never retune all virtual instruments. Maybe someone else can explain how to do it.
  7. It sounds like we are all in agreement. I certainly hope you didn't infer that I was saying no one gave them credit. That's what it sounds like you inferred. If so, I wasn't saying that in the slightest, but I can understand how someone might think that. I have been to his site many years before 2018 totally unrelated to Ensoniq products. "Just ran across this yesterday from Starsky Carr. In this video from a year ago he links to a thread in the Gearspace forum where a moderator shared an ultimate Ensoniq patch collection for ESQ-1 and SQ-80 owners back in 2018." Having spent a great deal of energy myself maintaining an archive of lost documentation for a line of gear, I hold people who preserve such materials over the span of decades in high regard. I was certainly not implying that Starsky Carr or Don Soilaris didn't give him credit. Apologies if my reply ruffled your feathers or bothered you. It was not intended as a slight. (PS, nor was I being snarky! ?
  8. LOL--thoughout the video I wondered if someone corrected him on his pronunciation. Glad to see they included that clip at the end!
  9. Some credit must go to Ranier Buchty who over the decades has maintained archives of some very important historical content/documentation for several pieces of gear. As Don Solaris (who also deserves credit) wrote in 2018:
  10. https://www.meldaproduction.com/downloads https://www.meldaproduction.com/changes/#changes-16.04 [no need to click on link 2; Frank was kind enough to post the change list (immediately below)]
  11. Thanks for the info about other sales/promotions. I remembered about some promotion within the past year where there was something bundled with several possible "collections" of pre-chosen sound banks. Possibly that was when the upgrade to the whole batch of synths was $249 to me based on what I already had. As for previewing the sound banks, I looked at the _Sounds in a web browser and saw the 50% off prices, but soon switched to the Store in Analog Lab V to preview which ever sounds they had available for the demos. At first the store inside of Analog Lab V showed the full price, but after about 3 or 4 minutes it started showing the 50% off prices. I ruled out a lot of sound banks. Not really into "dance" music, some of the banks were too similar to other products I have from other manufacturers, ruled out banks for which I don't the the virtual synths, and made mental notes to revisit a handful of sound banks that might add to the range of editable sounds I already have in some synth or another. Since I got on board with Pigments 4, I got the 3 "contemporary" sounding banks. Towards the end of the month (if I don't forget), the plan is to revisit the banks and see if any of the ones on my short list inspire me. Oh yeah, for those who don't know, the suggestion to periodically look to see what's available at the _Sounds web page for new free banks is an excellent suggestion.
  12. Does Arturia ever have sales on bundled sound packs, such as 5 (or 10) prechosen sound packs for Pigments for a special price?
  13. Another software option is to use a virtual modular synth than can play files where the speed (pitch and rate) is altered by a virtual control voltage.
  14. Thanks for the clarification. There's an *.ins file posted here: https://yamahamusicians.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13827 . I have crossed paths online with the writer of that file many times. I would encourage you to reach out to him if you have questions about the *.ins file. The file seems to contain MODX ROM Performance Names. Not being familiar with the MODX, I have no idea if that's everything or just what Royce needed for his purposes. In any case, I hope this helps.
  15. The best ways I have found for finding *.ins files are to search on line and to ask user groups for specific gear. Usually, though, I would have to find something close and edit it with a basic editor like Notepad. I see that the artist known as deepsonic has the reference manual on line. A few decades ago deepsonic was kind enough to share with me some personal presets for the Casio VZ. Not sure that deepsonic uses CbB, but sending an e-mail couldn't hurt. By the way, what is the correlation between not having an *.ins file and being confined to using a VST3?
  16. Thanks for undertaking this. I have played around with the GS-2 and tested a few ideas in some songs, but haven't done anything with Articulation Maps in CbB yet. Hosted in Voltage Modular, I have access to all of the exposed parameters, but I might be able to get into Articulation Maps with your articulation map. As for Default MIDI Maps, I was under the impression from the manual that the default maps were determined by users (by saving MIDI Learned parameter assignments as the default). I'd be interested to know if AAS provides a factory default map. Are you looking for where user-saved Default MIDI Map.txt is saved?
  17. Even with the issues, it still sounds like a groovy little jam!
  18. I assume this mean you Beatoven users can use the music generated without having to pay royalties for media content (e.g., background music) but cannot resell the music generated, distribute the music to streaming platforms, etc. If so, it makes sense because Beatoven users are not the creators of the generated music. I'd say this relates more to capitalism than to freedom and democracy.
  19. I checked my PC which has default keyboard shortcuts. Although Tab and Shift+Tab do not map to Next Marker and Previous Marker, you have a good point here--that those functions can be mapped using Preferences [Advanced] > Customization > Keyboard Shortcuts (Global Bindings). Hmmm. The Online Documentation has this: Also, in answer to a different matter we have this: I don't use MIDI binding shortcuts, but maybe those would work to map to marker navigation functions.
  20. Because of the wording, it was not 100% clear to me if @Mike Franklin was asking for Cakewalk demo projects or Music Creator 6 demo projects. Even with the ambiguity, it really is a simple, straight forward question. I answered in case the question was about Cakewalk [by Bandlab]. I never had Music Creator 6.
  21. Warning: The song drops an "F-bomb" in a single line ["Who gives a **** if . . . ?]; the Q-word is also used in one spot; the plural version a slang term that rhymes with sticks happens once. So if those offend you, feel free not to listen. Other than the end being cut off, its a chance to witness humor in music that really can't be done on stage any more.
  22. You are not the first to have issues with the requirement to periodically activate / reactivate software, so its not just you.
  23. I agree! @Muzician Here are some quick links you might want to have bookmarked (browser, desktop, etc.). Both "Snap" and "Snap to Grid" are in the index. While the "Online Documentation" has a search feature, I have found that many times the Table of Contents and the Index are more efficient for me when used with my browser's Find feature [Ctrl + F].
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