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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Easier way to see two formats at the same time: Would the suggestion made here help? (The following is from a test I did a few months back. I didn't check, but the second field looks like milliseconds.)
  2. I don't use this, but I can see how having an option to display milliseconds with the markers would save an awful lot of time zooming in and out. PS: In case its not clear, instead of cycling through the different time formats, I just added all three, went to the marker, and zoomed all the way in. Maybe others with more experience than I have can suggest an easier way. I was just curious and decided to take a quick look.
  3. Works from 25 year old *.syx files dumped to *.wrk files. I will just assume that the older tape dumps work, too (unless I find that I saved a *.wav file). Patches sound different than what I remember, but everything else does, too. A very handy replacement for the real thing hardware!!!
  4. @Vernon Barnes Just stumbled onto the Fury-800. Have you tried importing either a tape dump or a syx file, and if so, how did it go? If it works, I might want to find some of my old EX-800 cassette data dumps (or syx dumps, if I did them). Thx.
  5. I had this happen this evening. I was playing along on a soft synth while watching a video feed of a friend's live performance. I had to play different notes (not sure if it was one or two half-steps) to match the notes being played in the video feed. Somehow my interface had switched to 44.1 KHz. Changing it to 48KHz and rebooting the soft synth solved it.
  6. When I saw this today, I said, "Yup!" But like you, I tried again, and again, and one last time. I tried the usual tricks, including updating from within the app, quitting from the task tray, killing the left-over processes manually (task manager), and maybe a few others--I don't remember. As far as I am concerned (as other have said), it really doesn't matter to me as long as the update mechanism works in Cakewalk. Its just like the downloadable loops style/genre filter which doesn't scroll--doesn't work and not a problem for me. Very happy, though, for all the Cakewalk fixes, features, etc. and the responsiveness of the Cakewalk team.
  7. FYI: other mentions of similar usage for MNotepad in the forum: here, here, among others.
  8. Piggy-backing on the feature request: If they do decide to do this with the plug-in browser, I'd like it for Workspaces as well.
  9. You might be right!! I went from X3 to CbB (with a slight detour via the free Home Studio edition release at the very end and a quick look at the SPLAT demo). I was busy with my hardware sequencer and sound modules at the time, so never got into SPLAT (though I kept peeking in on what was happening). Sorry for any confusion: my solitary comparison was between two CbB Reference Guides. I defer to you on this (and to anyone else that wants to compare pdfs).
  10. I do recall that at one point there was a dramatic drop in number of pages which was due in large part to an increase in page size/more content per page. ** I recall doing a brief comparison of several sections and concluded it was not reduced to there being less content. Not sure if substantial sections were removed since then. One comparison of two versions was enough for me!!!! **"The version I downloaded 7-12-2019 (25.05.00) was 2188 pages. The . . . 25.07.00 version . . . was 1724 pages." [I did the comparison because a user expressed concern about having the correct version since the number of pages was so different.]
  11. I don't use the PRV; I have more experience with the Staff View. When I change the "key" [short for "key signature"], the key signature changes. However, if I had any notes previously entered as B when the key signature is changed to F, Bb, Eb, etc. the existing notes do not change to Bb; they remain as B natural. All notes added after the key change (to the right on the staff) are added in the new key based on the key signature. I assume the PRV works the same way, but maybe not. It has been unclear to me if you are expecting the key change to change all existing notes. I am not sure if anything I said addresses what you might be missing, but maybe. (My Audio PC is updating some things, so I can't check, but I thought the left hand side had a piano style keyboard; not sure what notes would change there.) Just did a quick test. They both seem to work as expected for me. Hope this helps. ADDENDUM (after the two posts immediately below): After @Colin Nicholls's post, I realized that I always took for granted the Staff View's snap-to-key-signature/scale for the above. I hand painted both measures using the Staff View and then looked at the PRV to see how it displayed there. Being a non-PRV user, after @scook's post I just had to check out the Inspector's snap-to-scale feature in connection with the PRV. That works!!! (It took me a while to get used to the mouse movement and placement of rectangles in grids, though.) I'm not ready to use the PRV yet, but that feature has taken me one step closer particularly if I ever want to force my hand into placing notes based on specific modes. Cool compositional feature. Thanks. (See posts immediately below.)
  12. As far as I know, E-Mu software synths were never intended to work with Windows 10--much like PatchMix DSP ? . They did work on older versions of Windows 10, but I have also been having audio routing issues with the *.dlls. I have tried to understand Windows Audio for years and it is always a mystery--sometimes it works the way we expect it, sometimes not. In Emulator X (standalone), I also get Direct Sound as well as other sound devices/ports including a Magix-branded version of ASIO4ALL.** I suspect Direct Sound in more recent versions of Windows is somehow tied in with Windows 10 Sound. I am not sure though. In Emulator X Direct Sound shows up, but not my High Definition Audio outputs. I am pretty sure I have various versions of E-Mu softsynths on my PC (including Proteus VX), though I seem to recall I removed them most of them from Cakewalk (either via scan location or by plug-in exclusion). Proteus VX might be a 32-bit plug-in which I haven't had working in years. If no one can help directly with your questions, in a few hours I could take a look and see if I can get Proteus VX to work. BTW, I only have a non-working Proteus Ultra, but I have long admired the control it offers of the legendary E-Mu filters. What version of Windows do you have? I know the upgrade to 1903 borked the use of PatchMixDSP on my PC (and others from what I have read). **For what its worth, I do have Emulator X standalone routed to my HD Audio out via Magix's rebranded ASIO4ALL: I will try this in Cakewalk and Proteus VX if I have it and can get it working. Update 1: Proteus VX (standalone) also works the same way: Update 2: Emulator X works within Cakewalk using WASAPI (Shared) directly to my HD Audio outputs: Since my version of Proteus VX is 32-bit (not sure if there is a 64-bit version) and BitBridge doesn't seem to allow the Proteus VX UI to display correctly, I cannot get any audio from it. But it does show up in Cakewalk's Plug-in Browser and I can insert a non-working version of it. What version of the Proteus VX plug-in do you have? BTW, another soft synth (standalone) does work with Direct Sound on my PC: Not sure this helps answer your question, but maybe someone else can use the results I get to help. Sorry; I tried.
  13. As a temporary measure, could you use the analog audio outputs of the Roland FA-08 in to the Realtek Audio In and listen via the Realtek Audio Out?
  14. For me, its been my go-to file finder. No need to get lost in the first place! ?
  15. To try WASAPI (Shared), go to Preferences > Audio > Playback and Recording. At the top you can choose different Driver Modes in the drop down box. The ASIO4ALL Control Panel can be accessed from the Windows task bar's hidden icons. A small arrow displays the hidden icons. If you hover over the icons, there should be a tooltip if its not clear which one is the ASIO4ALL icon. Once you open the control panel, there is a wrench in the lower right corner that toggles between basic and advanced mode. In advanced mode you can turn different ins and outs on and off (Device List on the left side).
  16. You want audio in from FA-08, but audio out through realtek? Some people have had success with ASIO4ALL, but WASAPI (shared) might work better for your needs.
  17. Try unchecking the Realtek ASIO I/O first.
  18. I would like this when setting up a template or creating a new project from scratch. However, knowing me, I'd forget it was check and accidentally overwrite several track names before realized I had done that. So, if this option is implemented, I'd like to have an additional option: [ ] uncheck upon close [ ] keep checked -- or something like that.
  19. I tried your *.ins file with another manufacturer's gear that uses the same bank switching method used in your *.ins file. Changing the [ B ] ank and [ P ] atch values in the track control widgets successfully changed the Bank [MSB/LSB] and Patch on my sound module. Hope this helps you sort out the issue.
  20. Have you tried a solution using Workspaces? Not sure it will meet your needs, but I have a number of special project workspaces that retain the location, size, and state of various windows including floating windows and other windows/panes. Just a thought if you haven't tried it yet.
  21. Is this solved yet? I tried it the day it was first posted and got to the point that in order to get the Bass on Track 3 to make sound with SI Bass, I needed to double click on a bass program in the Program Browser after each time the sequence stopped. I just opened the *.cwp I saved and its the same thing--any time I stop/pause the transport and then I restart it, SI-Bass [Track 3, Midi Channel 2] makes no sound until I double click on a prog. I did not send the sysex banks. I did not see any NRPNs in Track 3. I did not look in every track for sysex or RPNs or NPRNs. All track are pointing to TTS-1 except Track 3 [Fingr Bass]. Just did another test--while the song was playing (including the Track 3 bass part), I used the rewind button [and the FFwd button] and the bass part stopped sounding until I double clicked the prog in the Program Browser. I can't look under the hook, but as a lay observer, I am wondering if something having to do with chase is dislodging the preset/patch/program/sample. 100% speculation. I defer to others. I don't think I can add anything else, but maybe my tests and observations point to something other than the prior comments suggest. Good luck with this. UPDATE: At least with my version of the file and the observations I had, it was solved by getting rid of the PB Sens. RPN per scook's suggestion. To confirm, I saved the file with that RPN deleted, even said OK to send the two sysex files and the SI-Bass played. Pausing/stopping & restarting + Rwd and FFwd do not silence the bass. Seems to me the transport observations pointed to something being resent. My "guess" is that the RPN in the Fingr Bass track at 1:02:032 caused the problem at start and every time the transport was used.
  22. The Going-Out-Of-Business-Sale That Almost Got Away! Talking about bankrupt music stores, does anyone remember Mars Music? I lucked out (in part)!!! I stumbled onto the very last day of the "Going Out Of Business" sale (1) when I actually had money to spend and (2) on the day they cut the sale short because someone made an offer to buy all the remaining stock, they locked the doors with more good buys I was still considering, and they ended the sale several days early.
  23. If Cakewalk ever implements an optional "Did you know . . . " utility [with page-by-page "Do not show this tip again" check boxes] patterned after the old "Did you know . . . " start-up info/dialog boxes, I would nominate this tip for inclusion. (Easy enough to add to my personal "affirmations" as a reminder until I use it enough times to remember. ) Thanks for this tip (and the countless others!) . And thinks for marled and to jimlynch22; I glossed over this tip the first time I read it.
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