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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. NOTE: I was not planning to bring the issue up in the EA thread thinking it was too trivial, but then I saw others commenting on visibility issues. So I brought it up here. I made a mistake a year or so ago not bringing up how (at the time), the Basic Workspace forced a specific theme only to learn later on that it was an error in the release (fixed shortly thereafter) and I should have mentioned it when I stumbled onto it. I assume @Colin Nicholls will be interested in the answers as they might necessitate changes to his still amazingly awesome and much appreciated guide.
  2. I like the text references instead of the images (easier to read) and I expect the new cascading/flyout lists will be met with appreciation). (1) Assuming the changes to "DX," "VST2," and "VST3" will be in the official release, will they be editable when a new Theme Editor is released? [UPDATE: partially editable currently] (2) If so, will they be text so we can just change the colors/colours (as opposed to images with text that will need to be re-colored/re-coloured)? [UPDATE: partially editable currently] (3) If text, could they be set up as bold so they are more visible? (4) If there are changes (either text or text within image), will those be included in the list of recent changes? [UPDATE: not needed]
  3. @Noel BorthwickI saw in another thread these (the new non-scrolling lists) were referred to as cascading menus and fly-out menus. I see also that others are using different words. To avoid confusion, what have they been called internally, or rather what will they be called when officially released? (Apologies if its in the EA features/changes description already.)
  4. Maybe they will be changeable when the EA is released along with an updated theme editor? Or maybe we are seeing place holders pending additional changes that are forthcoming? I seem too recall that sometimes there have been changes planned for the official that were not included the EA release. In any case this is probably relatively trivial for the UX of most users.
  5. I didn't check today--are these changes listed in the list of changes (you know, the ones when we click on the link in the new incompatible theme warning box)? I only checked on that yesterday and don't remember seeing the change; but maybe the changes are just additions, resizings, etc. not this type of change.
  6. Re: recent EA Release: I noticed a difference when I used the right click track context menu to start the Insert wizard. Will take a while to get used to columns. I like the readable letters over the previous images, but I am worried that the dark grey on light grey (at least in my Mercury based theme) for VST2 is foreshadowing they greying out of VST2s. I know some people hate VST2s and don't even bother to install them any more, but I'd be very sad if CbB gets rid of them entirely. ? Maybe they can be changed in the theme editor? UPDATE: YES!!!! [See 5th post below this one.]
  7. I am biased: my first experiences with a commercial synth was with a Moog, so for me using patch cords to route modules, using control voltages and triggers, etc. seems like second nature. And thanks for reminding me to get the demo before the upcoming Live Stream. BTW, it looks like its a 7-day demo.
  8. I have demoed a number of modules. Some I bought; some I didn't. IIRC (at least in my experience) its just like a purchase in that you get a license via e-mail and when you start VM and it connect with the CA server and gets added to your library as a demo. I believe you can order the demo (for modules that have demos) either through the store in a web browser or from the store in VM itself (presuming you have VM). Sec, I will try it.
  9. This brings back long-forgotten memories. I had both the HESWare Forth cartridge and the C-64 Macro Assembler and you are 100% right! For me MIDI data processing in C-64 asm was straight forward and very doable; trying to do anything in Forth required greater skills than I wanted to develop at the time. Yup!!
  10. RE: UI theme compatibility checker (1) I like this feature!!! (Simple, but very handy.) (2) It worked for me (fairly straight forward repair for my custom themes, most of which are minimally tweaked--five to fifty or so changes from one of CbB's base themes). (3) Wording above seems awkward: I think you mean (plus a suggestion to add a link to the list in the feature description):
  11. Theme makers might be interested in the "UI theme compatibility checker" section in the 2021.04 EA Release. Probably not of immediate interest for non-theme makers. Oh, I suppose that people who use outdated themes might also be interested.
  12. Hope this is the right place to share this: VM has announced their "Mighty Piano Roll," free for VM Core owners .
  13. Definitely! Last night I successfully tested (1) a soft synth instrument (2) within VIP (3) within a modular soft synth (4) inserted as an soft synth (instrument track) (5) within Cakewalk being played/recorded (and then playedback) using a legacy usb keyboard. The virtual midi led on the soft synth instrument (1) flashed on and off much like hardware connected via midi din cables and midi routing circuits/devices but I have to assume each software package in the chain had its own midi data in / out / thru virtual "devices" [software code]. BTW, the throughput was much faster and less problematic than daisy chaining mid hardware. I have no idea how they make the virtual data chain so efficient, but I was impressed by VIP. Interesting. I didn't explore whether the plug-ins VIP was controlling were VST2s or VST3s. The ability to successfully switch presets for plug-ins that don't respond to MIDI bank/program changes has to be sorcery (to use your term)!! I only have VIP preset maps that VIP magically came up with after scanning the two plug-in folders I listed, but I need to figure out how to create the maps for tons of other virtual instruments. Thanks also to @cclarry for posting this and to @Grem for asking the question about VIP's abilities. I got it in November as part of an Akai/AIR bundle (est. $8.00 USD for each item in the bundle) and only got as far as doing some test-of-concept presets using VIP as a sound source manager plug-in within a modular soft synth (January). So, the discussion here has inspired me to get out my modular presets and to go beyond what I had been doing.
  14. On several occasions I have learned that what I could do on my PC others couldn't and vice versa. This might be one of those situations. Without going into the details of various mini-tests conducted before and after my reply to @Starship Krupa earlier, on my PC VIP3.1 receives and passes on midi program changes to the current plug-in. However, since different plug-ins handle program changes differently, the results vary. I tend to use legacy gear and legacy settings, so it is entirely possible that others might get different results.
  15. OK. It makes sense that Spur 4 (this: ) is going to the Korg Radius via the midi output port listed. It also makes sense that the audio output of the guitar and the audio output of the Korg Radius are being recorded together. Thanks.
  16. (1) Are you recording a real guitar or a software synth? (2a) Can you record only the audio track (Spur 5) and not the midi track (Spur 4)? (2b) Can you delete the midi data on the midi track and keep the audio on the audio track?
  17. I generally prefer VST2 to VST3 because I was under the impression from discussions I have seen online that VST3 plug-ins don't support midi program change commands. Not sure if that's true, if the VST3 standard has changed, etc., but for a number soft synths I tried in a couple of hosts, only the VST2 versions responded by switching patches. So I am wondering if a VST3 version of VIP3.1 would have the ability to change patches of the plug-ins it manages on the fly via midi?
  18. Does the hardware manual give you any clues? In older gear, the velocity curve setting was a function of the hardware. Not sure if this changed. If the gear has a command (such as a sysex string) to change the controller's velocity curve remotely, you could enter that in Cakewalk's event editor. Another option might be to use an MFX [Midi FX] plug-in, such as a velocity compander or a multi-parameter compander. So, if you want to squish all velocities to 88, you can set a very limited range.
  19. Again, my legacy Creative driver for my legacy PCI E-Mu DAS was tops and worked fabulously well with Windows 10 for years until about 6-8 months ago when a Windows 10 update made the otherwise excellent ASIO drivers useless. Clearly you had a bad experience with your first sound card (Creative SB Audigy) but you seem to use every opportunity to indict all Creative drivers.
  20. (1) My comments in this thread relate to the difficulties I faced moving to the Skylight UI and seem to fit your difficulties as well. (2) You seem to be using the Staff View. If that meets your needs, no need to pressure yourself to give up using the old version. (3) Regarding the simpler UI in older versions, you can greatly simplify Cakewalk by Bandlab (CbB) using the Workspaces feature. For example, I've made some personal/custom "Staff Entry" Workspaces that enable me to focus on recording notes from my usb keyboard and editing in the Staff View. As for CbB's "congested" UI, you might want to spend some time tweaking/designing a Workspace (including Control Bar Moules) that better fits your workflow.
  21. The ad (whatever its for) always reminds me of troubled water: "Sail on, silver girl"
  22. Maybe its not the last day. If not, sorry. I just followed the links in the "last day" e-mail. The specific page for the VA-3 just says "Exclusive Limited Time Offer." If it still works tomorrow, I will revise my posts. Thanks for calling this to my attention.
  23. For anyone interested in upgrading from Ultra Analog Session to Ultra Analog VA-3, according to an e-mail I received, today is last day (April 7th, 2021) for the current sale on a number of items at AudioDeluxe, but as Mark B pointed out, the VA-3 sale (see original post) continues. 2021-04-09: It's still there. ?
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