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Magic Russ

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Everything posted by Magic Russ

  1. I'm not really impressed by this. Then again I've noticed that a lot of musicals coming out lately, excluding jukebox musicals, don't have memorable songs. Maybe that's what they were going for?
  2. It would be nice to see Sonar eventually on that. Of course it would have been nice if they had functionality to export P5 to Sonar.
  3. Recently we have seen a wave of updates to Kontakt libraries for the NKS2 standard, which requires Kontakt 7.6 Here are the latest Kontakt Factory Library Hypha.
  4. I just downloaded the installer and when I highlighted the CreativeFX bundle it was selected, so I am guessing it will be part of that once it gets out of beta.
  5. Just saw a similar update for Noire and two Session Electric libraries. It looks like everything is going to require 7.6 before too long.
  6. Hard to believe Vinyl has been around and updated for 20 years and still on 1.12
  7. Most companies don't update bundles with products that have come out since the bundle came out. That's why it is not in Komplete yet. It is in the Izotope bundle because that is a new bundle and they are owned by the same company and some of the new features in GR7 comes from Izotope anyway.
  8. I don't use it that much because I have TRacks and Amplitube from the group buys. I haven't seen the need to introduce this one. That being said, there are some great effects in there. For someone starting out this is a no brainer.
  9. Tagged browsing wouldn't hurt either. It would be nice to be able to quickly find things based on the intended application.
  10. I also got updates to a few of the Play series libraries - Analog Dreams, Ethereal Earth, Hybrid Keys
  11. WusikStation was actually something special when it came out. Unfortunately at some point it became unstable and the releases became more about content than features.
  12. The other one should be Phasis. You might have already had that from a holiday giveaway.
  13. Guitar Rig 6 was a bit of a step up from version 5. The new IRs made a huge difference to existing amps. The ICM amps, Chicago, Fire Breather, Fire Eater (or whatever) were improvements over the existing models. Hopefully the new ICM Vox, Twin, and SLO models are also improvements over the old versions. I'll also say I'm not typically a Fuzz Face fan, but the Red Fuzz has something special about it. Hopefully the new Seattle fuzz is worthwhile. One other thing about 6 was that it was the first version to include all of the "Pack" effects as well as a version of Replika. TLDR GR 6 made a lot of significant improvements over v5. It looks like v7 continues to go in that direction.
  14. Persist compatibility updates for VST Would this fix an issue where state for a VST2 plugin was not saved when migrating to VST3 version, or is that something else?
  15. So when do the deals on 3rd generation start?
  16. Actually I have no idea as to how good the Gem is. Having more than enough compressors (especially considering my ears and production skills) I haven't bothered to demo it. I'm just saying if you truly think it sounds better and can get it for a steal, than it would be a better purchase than any of the the things we've all bought because it was on sale and haven't used.
  17. I'm not normally one to be an enabler here, but if you can get it for $29 and you think it sounds better, why not?
  18. They had a group buy like that included a number of ST libraries a few years ago and I got a fair amount of content. Some things were okay, some were good but redundant for me, and a few were unique enough to be interesting but I haven't used yet. For someone who is starting out this is a great way to build a library of sounds, but only at this price. Those that have a more komplete selection of sounds might find it a great way of putting unused space on their hard drive to work.
  19. It would be nice if we could have some information on it since it has been 2 months since last posting.
  20. There is also an oil can model in echoes. If I remember correctly you have more options in the Oil Can plugin but it does not tempo sync like Echoes does.
  21. I don't but it's at the same per-item price as the complete your collection offer for me.
  22. I'm into more organic sounds.
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