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Magic Russ

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Everything posted by Magic Russ

  1. The Ohmygod was given away as a freebie on CM discs for a long time. Is this any different than that version?
  2. The voucher did not work for me. Since everything else but Duets was either in Komplete or the Soundwide Free Bundle I can pass.
  3. But Sonar X3 and higher is apparently supported?
  4. I am on version 3.4.0 and I can't remember the last time it made me log in.
  5. Just to reiterate the problem... I can save a project containing the VST2 version and it will recall the state of the plugin. I can save a project containing the VST3 version and it will recall the state of the plugin. However, when Cakewalk migrates a VST2 instance of Reaktor 6 to VST3, I lose the state of the plugin. I don't recall seeing this happen when Cakewalk migrated other plugins from VST2 to VST3. Is Cakewalk supposed to retain the state of a plugin when migrating from VST2 to VST3?
  6. Just imagine how much slower it will be when all the PA and Izotope is added.
  7. https://www.toyboxaudio.com/pages/tangle-pack-lite
  8. And now Microsoft gives us azure devops which uses the same acronym as their still in use ActiveX Data Objects.
  9. First, the group buy will probably go well above 2 so you probably will end up with most if not all on the list. The Fulltone collection is great. OCD is one of the better distortions available for Amplitube, the TERC is a classic chorus, and SSTE is what you'd expect. Each of the X-Gear effects has a bunch of models associated with them. Many are models that exist in other packages although with a few extended controls. In the case of the X-Drive, a few of these existing models are better than the original ones. The Delay and Reverb have a few unique models in them. Most of the T-Racks here are the older models and not really ones I would normally reach for.
  10. Me either. I already have the Contour Wah from A4Max, so 49.99 (or 35 after jam points) for one pedal that I might use (Oilcan) and another I might not (Fuzz/Wah) is not really appealing.
  11. I never noticed this before but Bun E Carlos looks like he should be complaining about how someone took his red stapler or that the ratio of people to cake is too big.
  12. I'll also throw in just about all of Led Zeppelin's first album.
  13. Surprised nobody has mentioned this cover of an Al Green Song...
  14. I outlined steps to recreate in the post above. Let me know if you would like me to send a project or two.
  15. In Preferences, there is an option to automatically load VST3 if both VST2 and VST3 versions are available. When I load a project where I saved with VST2 and this option is unchecked, it recalls the state of the plugin correctly. When I load a project with that option checked, it does not recall the state of the plugin correctly. As far as I know, Reaktor 6 is the only plugin where I have had that problem.
  16. I think $29.99 is a great price for what it is, but there are a lot of things they need to do to make it a better product. First, if I buy the Sunset reverb for T-Racks, I shouldn't need to buy it again for MixBox. Second, they aren't including support at all for any of the later T-Racks plugins. The goal is to make this a one stop shopping environment, and it sort of defeats the purpose if you can't integrate all of their products. Finally, they should take a lesson from Guitar Rig and include some envelope generators, LFOs, and step sequencers.
  17. So am I alone in feeling that the Fire Breather and Fire Seeker amps are a bit too similar?
  18. Release notes say it came out today. Here's the description for the Fire Seeker in the updated manual: Fire Seeker is the sonic companion to Fire Breather, modeling the sound of a hand-wired American boutique amplifier that builds on British legacy. Its clear and detailed character with a tight low-frequency response can be used in a variety of styles, from Blues and classic Rock to Hard Rock and Heavy Metal. If that sounds familiar, let's revisit the description for the Fire Breather amp: Fire Breather models the sound of a contemporary amplifier that builds on British legacy. Its clear and detailed character with a tight low-frequency response can be used in a variety of styles, from Blues and classic Rock to Hard Rock and Heavy Metal. Other than the font and a slightly different shade on the baseplate, the interface for these two components is exactly the same.
  19. Added: New ICM Amp: Fire Seeker
  20. SampleTron 2 has a good sampling of classic sounds from Mellotrons, Chamberlins, Optigans and such, but doesn't offer the complete selection of original tapes. IK added a couple of unique free expansions. The first is the Lost String Quartet which is a nice sounding string quartet including individual instruments. The other is the Grunge expansion, which has some roughed up lo fi sounds. Some of them sound like tron tapes run through the laundry, some are digital synths recorded on cheap cassettes. I don't know if M-Tron has the ability to import your own samples, but SampleTron 2 will allow you to do that. In case you want to tronify something like a Casio synth. If you have M-Tron Pro you probably don't need SampleTron 2, but it does have a few sounds you won't get from M-Tron.
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