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Magic Russ

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Everything posted by Magic Russ

  1. Nothing in particular. I feel I could use a better algorithmic verb, maybe the full BREVERB or MTurboReverb.
  2. Ends in only 4 hours? I had 8 of the bundle already and it was still a killer deal.
  3. IK Multimedia has a few things in their group buy that might work. Head over to the deals forum and Larry will be sure to find the cheapest way to get you in. Nomad Factory is also highly discounted right now.
  4. Rayzoon has just released a new mini-pack called Odd Time, with a new drummer Bill, which caters to odd time signatures. They also have in the pipeline another one, NEO 60, which focuses on 60s pop and soul. Included is a new drummer called Star. It should be released in the next week or two.
  5. How does the LA 2 mode compare with other LA-2A models? Also how does the 2 mode compare with the 3 mode and where would you use one vs. the other?
  6. One of my favorite sounds is the Pinnacle distortion into the Princeton amp. Neither of these is in any of the bundles. I've also done a fair amount of patches with the Vox. And the Silvertone, Orange AD-30, Orange Rockerverb, Silver Anniversary Marshall, and various Fenders.
  7. Don't forget that there are some nice effects in some of the collections. For example, I was recently going through components and found that the Chorus from Ampeg 1 sounds nice with guitar. In chorus mode, it has one sound which is between chorus and flanger (still a good sound), but I like its vibrato mode a lot too.
  8. You can get individuals in the custom shop, but usually if you want a couple of things from a collection you may as well go for the collection.
  9. SO4 is great in a lot of ways, but for me, CW allows me to get ideas down and formed faster.
  10. It would also be spelled with a K.
  11. NI listed the names in their Massive X Feedback/Support Forum today. https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360006954818-Massive-X-100-Presets-Added-en-us- Massive X Factory Library version 1.0.2 new presets: All Luck Ancient Strings Apocalypse Forever Arena Hands Artocaster Ballers Ivory Balloon Time Bellody Bohrium Bracket Butterherz Calm Rocket Cathedralium Celestial Plum Circuit Celesta Club Tropics Crayon Cruella Crush Star Daft Dark Heart Deep Blue Digital Ghost Dodo Scream Dunkle Earthly Electra Fizzle Electric Flow Epica Extinction Now Fallen Crush Fancy Fist Front Forest Metal Funk Glider Future Switch Galaxy Quest Glitch Line Golden Age Goon Walk Granny Hang Ten Harvest Iron Ivory Kingson Brown Kong Donk Lately Lets Dance Lola Lost Lovely Eighties Mashed Melancholic Rims Melo Square Mini Ark Missing Beats Modern Funk Modern Slap Mystery Metal Naked Saw Neo Soul Noise Pulse Paloma Passive Phat Phase Pipe Man Plastique Plucky Port Meadow Puffy Quack Quantum Foam Rampenschutz Retrograde Rising Star Rising Sun Robot Wars Sagittarius X Shifter Spaces Sid Arp Sky Hands Slim Jim Smash Piano Spaced Spiked Stabbath Steam Pan String Bundle Sub Pop Subterra Summer Metal Sweet Heaven Techtronic Tuby Tuesday Wafty Whirly Gate White Wild Pitch Wobbly Orbit Woozle
  12. That's great, but I was looking for the names of the new presets. The list of changes tells me that 100 new presets were added, but doesn't say which ones.
  13. As far as I know, NI did not provide a list of the new presets, nor any way of telling which ones are new.
  14. All the fuzzes are in the Hendrix collection. I also like the Silvertone for rough blues. Slash has some decent amps, but I like it more for the effects. Fulltone has the OCD, which is one of the better drive pedals in Amplitube. Orange - Rockerverb and AD-30 are my favorite in this collection. For bass, I like to layer the Bassman 300 from the Fender collection 1 with the BA-500 from the first Ampeg collection. Mesa Boogie turned out to be a nice surprise for me. I've never been a big fan of the Rectifier thing, but you can get a lot more out of these than I expected. The Model III sounds a lot better than the one in the core package.
  15. Sadly inertia has dampened my GAS. I've seen a lot of cool stuff on super sales that I just never got around to getting. It also seems like there are a lot of sales that come around regularly. There are very few once in a lifetime sales anymore. I know the patterns and can wait for the next turn of the cycle.
  16. I think the Meter plugin comes as part of the T-Racks custom shop, I think I had it when I registered their LA-2A which came as a freebie with CM. I haven't had a chance to test the "classic" ones that were listed at $49, but I suspect they might have been surpassed by newer offerings. The other 4 have a lot of potential, so I'd definitely recommend picking up the suite if you got in at the $149 level or higher and one or more of the 4 newer ones look at all interesting to you.
  17. The sad state of pop vocals also owes a lot to Alanis, as well as American Idol.
  18. Yes, they are either part of the custom shop or a collection. You are not the only one annoyed by that. I created a folder called "Unsupported" and moved all of those types of presets to that folder.
  19. The one where you got a whole bunch of AAS expansion packs for $10 or so. Even taking into account that I already had half of these, it still was a jackpot. The IK pick and mix. Even if I don't use half of it, I still came out way ahead.
  20. I just heard that song on my wife's crummy pop station. Case closed.
  21. Similar to Kontakt instruments, some are Player certified, others not. If it works like Kontakt, vendors need to pay a fee to NI to be licensed in the player. If it's something NI is selling, it will work in the player. If its something you find in the user library, it won't.
  22. "Disco Duck" was a joke, and obviously intended as such. "We Built This City" was by no means a good song. It didn't even rise to mediocre. I might be able to list a hundred worse songs that were popular. What really makes it so hated though, is the way that it embodies everything that was wrong with rock/pop in the 80s. You've got the artificial peppiness, the mechanical rhythms, cheesy horn stabs, awkward synth fills. You have anti-corporate lyrics in a song that was a symbol of corporate rock. And fewer things are more 80s than crappy sellout music from bands that used to be good in the 70s.
  23. I gave in when I realized that the things I craved (TA-30 and Flanger/Doubler) would have cost as much to purchase individually as the discounted Fender 2. So I picked up Tracks Leslie, DBag, and MB as bonuses. Trying to decide what else I should get.
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