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Magic Russ

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Everything posted by Magic Russ

  1. I think SO4 owners get a Waves reverb and the Proxima EQ as a bonus for purchasing from Plugin Boutique.
  2. Magic Russ

    iLok Freebies

    Lately it seems like I have been seeing a lot of opportunities to acquire products as freebies that are PACE (prot|inf)ected. It just seems odd to spend a bunch of money to protect your products from pirates only to have them given away as freebies.
  3. It used to be that S-Gear never went on sale, now this one six months after the last. Hopefully this will indicate a new release.
  4. I can't remember where exactly, but someone on one of the other boards said that Eric of JRR Shop told them that it doesn't officially start until Monday. Which is weird because the European retailers seem to be advertising that it started on 5/31.
  5. Seeing it at AMS now. https://www.americanmusical.com/Item--i-NAT-25778?src=Y0802G00SRCHCAPN&adpos=1o2&scid=scplpNAT+25778&sc_intid=NAT+25778&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxMjnBRCtARIsAGwWnBOWb7AfU2J37tS90YynmO9pqlyZLhuOe28bGRW2tqaBOgxNd2DH2hoaAlhcEALw_wcB
  6. It looks like Best Service has run out of serials... https://www.native-instruments.com/forum/threads/anyone-waiting-for-summer-of-sound-2019-sale.356417/page-16 Maybe next week.
  7. So far I have only seen this on European sites such as Thomann, time and space, or best service. No USA sites yet.
  8. I thought that was rule #3. Seems people haven't been following rules #1 & #2.
  9. More like I am jonesing for the deal (the one from NI that usually happens around this time).
  10. It seems to be coming late this year.
  11. That instrument is just too expressive to be adequately captured in midi.
  12. Yes, although I think it might be called Octaverb.
  13. If I'm not using the guitar sim's reverb, I will probably use convolution or Breverb CW edition. Speaking of, I am really impressed with the reverb in S-Gear. It just does so many things so well. Also, Guitar Rig's Vintage Verb is really nice. One trick I recently discovered is to use the Octoverb's "Guitar" preset with a short time and mixed low or against another verb to give a bit of life to rhythm guitar.
  14. That's one of the things I hated about Mixcraft too. They have the transport right there in the center.
  15. I was current up until v7. It can do some neat sequences but never was a go to for me.
  16. Everyone loves my avatar but not enough people buy nighthawks to keep them in production.
  17. I like Studio One's aesthetics better. Being a long time Cakewalk user, I still have some issues adapting to the workflow. I don't like that the transport is on the bottom because having any plugin open will obscure the transport.
  18. Are the impulses in a standard format or proprietary?
  19. AudioMidi was fond of that price point, but they aren't around anymore.
  20. After reading this post, I found that I have a license to Regroover essential. And it just so happens that I would like to extract stems from a few tracks. Who knew that reading a thread about an underwhelming software release would turn out to be so useful?
  21. Or $3.99 US, which is a little cheaper.
  22. I can use the stretch to tempo to align these loops to the correct tempo, but even so these clips become twice the bpm if I try to loop them.
  23. I have some loops which I want to import into a project. My project is at 75 bpm. When I import some of these files that say they are at 75 bpm, and use Ctrl-L to loop them, they suddenly become 150 bpm loops at twice the length. Is there any way to force these to import correctly? In case it matters, these loops come from the Cymatic Lo-Fi free pack that they are giving away as part of a contest promotion. I don't have this problem with most loops.
  24. They must be really proud of their tubescreamer to be asking $50 for it.
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