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Everything posted by SteveStrummerUK

  1. So many appealing curves - I'd love to have a strum on it right now. Oops - wrong image.
  2. So many strings. Does one tune them all to the Am note? Enquiring minds etc ...
  3. So many knobs. And that bass has a lot of rotary controls on it.
  4. He promised me a free tour jacket ..... many many times ? Good times :- )
  5. If the LL complains, just tell her a younger Straummy made you do it ?
  6. Let us not forget - the most famous cat/vegetable of all time: RIP Maurice.
  7. I was a catholic. Indeed yes, I was addicted to cats. I'll get me coat.
  8. Atomos How wrong those ancient Greeks were.
  9. ^^^^^^^^^ Have at it Kenny ? ^^^^^^^^^
  10. Do you want the short or long 'thank you' to your kind comment ☺️ Fixed ?
  11. Developing the technique of playing The Am Note is the holy grail of all musical achievement - the pinnacle of centuries of understanding condensed into one short pluck. First discovered by legendary bass-man 'ThatOrEd'* way back in the late 2000's, this once mythical fretting pattern still proves difficult for others - not only to play - but to simply understand the concept therein. So powerful a harmonic and melodic tool has The Am Note become, its mere mention in academic circles has become synonymous with those who have reached musical enlightenment and whose company those without 'the knowledge' are not fit to keep. Either that, or some bit-part bassist with too many basses (and plugins) who possessed an extremely limited understanding of music theory made a boo-boo** in a long forgotten post back in the ol' forum and the rest of us have subsequently never allowed him to forget it ? * ThatOrEd = Bapu * * Boo-boo = the French for faux pas
  12. Bow Wow Wow - C30 C60 C90 Go Dreadful. Thanks Malcolm.
  13. can really 'see' the portrait described here .... At least I had the good grace and common decency not to include the words 'massive', 'red' or 'quivering' ☺️
  14. Did he empty his bulging sack to your complete delight?
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