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Everything posted by Will.

  1. The idea for my topic is to skip as much volume riding with automation. My idea would cut the working process in half if this gets introduced. Though it wont eliminate the process of volume automation in general, but with create a far powerful method in getting those gaining levels as close as possible.
  2. Unfortunately, that depends on your screen size, OS and resolution. The new updated version of Windows 10, sizes things down extremely compact. But of course, a wider 23inch screen monitor or 28inch will fit best here.
  3. The only update I would like too see in Cakewalk this year, is the ability to "visual gain" the selected region without having to go up to process, and guess how much gain you need to add on the selected waveform.
  4. Highlight only the strips you want to narrow. So, every time you want to narrow only a specific group of tracks, you have to highlight only that group you wish to narrow. 1: Click on the first track of the group, and drag as you highlight at the bottom. 2: Next- hold down Ctrl and select narrow strips. Move to your other groups and do exactly the same. Step 1: Highlight the other 4/5 group tracks. Step 2: Hold down Ctrl and Narrow those. When you highlight don't press down on Ctrl. You only press and hold down on Ctrl when selecting "Narrow Strips"
  5. Hope I have made mixing more easier for you. ?
  6. Hope this helps. Don't forget to set accordingly. 2: DITHER: Go to the playback and recording tab just at the bottom of "Driver Settings" and change your Dithering settings to triangular, rectangular or which ever sounds better to you.
  7. Been doing it over 5 years now. Select all strips, hold down Ctrl, Right click and scroll down to narrow strips and select it. To undo, follow the same steps and deselect "Narrow Strips"
  8. SEE ATTACHED FILES. I'm crying out for an improvement on each Tracks/Aux channel to get more control over the mono and stereo field without using extra plugins. All that needs to be done is to separate the Mono and Stereo tracks/Aux individually, to bring more control over the mono/stereo channels. So, we would have the option to insert a Mono or Stereo channel with the two knobs on the stereo channel strips of left and right, for more effective control over the stereo channel. Not only do we get control over Mono/Stereo panning, but this method will also improve the width of the track/aux channel. The stereo aux channels work perfectly as is. Just imagine the ability to pan the left and right channel at any percentage you want. Placing both L/R at 25% or placing a snare dead level on 40/50/60% right up to 100% in the stereo field. I sometimes have to use the sonitus phase plugin just to narrow a stereo channel and have to fight with phase issues. So basically by separating the stereo channels on one individual track/aux, this will give you the ability to widen and narrow a stereo track individually. I hope I'm making sense right now.
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