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Everything posted by Will.

  1. To act as a mono "width" effect on each Left and Right. So that means if you pan the individual Left channel slightly 15% to the left, you can use the additional two knobs to widen it as an extra pan. I do it with patch points. You get a true mono sound and pan option that acts as a width effect. Plus, both Left and Right sounds more isolated in their fields.
  2. The idea is to get CbB to eliminate the use of plugins for this.
  3. Hey team. I've been extremely busy lately, currently working on a project for radio. I was playing around the Mono and Stereo button, also creating my own stereo channel with two patch channel going into a third as a single channel. This give me the option to - not only create a stereo to mono field but it also acts as a width field, which sounds awesome. It's a method i use a lot. This got me thinking - what if we split the mono/stereo button into two separate mono buttons with each having its own pan knob underneath it on one individual channel/track? Now, I know this sounds like the "pro tools" Mono/Stereo Concept, but with the' two seperate buttons and their pan knobs, it acts as a width/widening effect too, and more control. It will allow you to take a mono track and pan it 20%L and 20%R (creating a Width effect on mono tracks) or Hard left and Hard right creating a stereo track. Concept: Two individual left and right Button/Knobs for Mono to Stereo and two pan Knobs to isolate the channels in each field. ?Don't know if I am painting this idea fluently right now. It's in my head though. ? Let's brainstorm.
  4. @scook Cool - Yeah, I know. Trying to eliminate the use of plugs for that. I think it is something that shouldn't be done with effect plugins rather through the channel itself. Flip! Does my idea still cut through as the Pro Tools concept? ?
  5. Hey team. I've been extremely busy lately, currently working on a project for radio. I was playing around the Mono and Stereo button, also creating my own stereo channel with two patch channel going into a third as a single channel. This give me the option to - not only create a stereo to mono field but it also acts as a width field, which sounds awesome. It's a method i use a lot. This got me thinking - what if we split the mono/stereo button into two separate mono buttons with each having its own pan knob underneath it on one individual channel/track? Now, I know this sounds like the "pro tools" Mono/Stereo Concept, but with the' two seperate buttons and their pan knobs, it acts as a width/widening effect too, and more control. It will allow you to take a mono track and pan it 20%L and 20%R (creating a Width effect on mono tracks) or Hard left and Hard right creating a stereo track. Concept: Two individual left and right Button/Knobs for Mono to Stereo and two pan Knobs to isolate the channels in each field. ?Don't know if I am painting this idea fluently right now. It's in my head though. ? Let's brainstorm.
  6. Just update all your windows Netframe - especially the "3.5" version. 2: Disable your anti-virus and see if the problem remains. 3: Try moving all your plugins folders out from Cakewalk. There could be an old VST causing your problem - especially those that was compatible with "platinium" such as "Concrete Limiter, L-phase plugs, some of those old 32bit channel CA-2A compressor? I promise you now it's not Cakewalk.
  7. Third day working 5 hours straight, each one - works fine so far. No annoying audio dropouts - that's the first thing I always check for. Every other update -- awesome stuff. Great job. ?
  8. Great to have these visible again. ? Awesome seeing the Channel Tool again. Would love to see an update on the UI's of these though. It's extremely hard to use them from a far on a bigger screen/monitor. Maybe a resize option for now on all UI's? Great job on the updates team.?
  9. Strange. It works fine by me. Disable your firewall, reinstall it and see how that works. Try these steps too.
  10. I on the other hand find the +6db boost to be just fine for me. I never go above +4db boost, well that I can think of ever done - probably has to do with my mic placements. Why don't you try and cut the desired section, normalize it or gain by +6 than boost it with Automation. It's never good to boost higher than +6db, but than again - I don't know your setup and of course preferences. What I can advice is, try to keep it within the "humanize" spectrum, like a +3 or even +6db less than what you prefer to have set. Let the compressor with Automation on it balance things out for you with a human feel by not boosting that high? ✌️
  11. I still think this needs a slider or knob popping up on the area selected, instead of the dragging down method.
  12. With 1909 there were a lot of issues with Windows 10 updates running Cakewalk. Most older vsts constantly required you to a dotNET update manually. throughout the entire build of 1909 - which still remains a flaw in the build itself. The 2004 for me personally? I find it to be heavily hungry on CPU and RAM, which also requires a 32 GB hard drive space alone for installation. So, you need to run an i3 5th gen' or higher to eliminate some of that sluggishness it will bring if you have a less powerful machine. I've been a program insider for Microsoft since 2016. Visually wise, the 2004 is great with fewer issues than 1909. Which brings me to say, Cakewalk ran it's best on the 1809 build of windows. I didn't have any problems with it - also probably because I didn't find any problems with that version build of windows. I also have to add - I was doing all BETA testing on an H81M Msi motherboard, i7 3rd gen CPU, with 8GB ram before I did all necessary updates or upgrades on my studio machine to CbB and Windows. Since I bought this machine 3 years ago, I had to get an extra 8 GB just for the 2004 to run slightly smoother on the "BETA TESTING" machine. Thoughts: 1909 build: Irritably flawed! I've reverted back to 1809 on my studio machine running Cakewalk before the new 2004 build was launched. 2004 build: Highly recommended! I find the 2004 build to have eliminated the use of "Jbridge" on certain plugins being used in Cakewalk. With all this being said. Certain outdated hardware attached also leads you to run problems. Therefore always update your equipment drivers too, before doing updates. I'm running Windows 10 2004 build on my studio machine with Cakewalk 2020.09 update without any problems so far.
  13. Well, there's a difference between a "Major upgrade" and a recommended cumulative update of your current windows build - not so? ? Update and Upgrade (aka "Major") see the difference? We upgrade to a newer version and "update" a current build version you're running - meaning, if you're current version is 1903 you'll constantly be doing updates. If you want the new 2004 version of W10, that's an upgrade.
  14. The M-Audio interface, is your "sound card." Just plug it into a USB port on the computer you're owning now. No need to reach for your pockets to buy an extra unnecessary Pc/Mac at all! Just download Cakewalk - it's literally all you need. Ps: Windows 10 should pick up your drivers by itself. If not - update your windows drivers and cumulative updates. I'm stressing on "dotNet3.5." This version of Net frames seem to be a highly important to most hardware and plugins. Think of it as a "Jbridge."
  15. I hear you. This is where I find the Arranger to be more advanced. I've been close to 4weeks at it hours at a time and found that the "Arranger" for me works best. I can easily draw in crossfaders/envelopes, automation, effects and so much more "LIVE" with the arranger than the Matrix and this is what's confusing to me. ? For me they're same. I don't know, maybe I need to watch more video's on the Matrix to understand it deeper. Hope to get a more light on this here too.
  16. Hey family, how is everybody doing? "Question time" and this is making me feel stupid, but first . . . Recently I have taking some time of mixing to spend more time with the family. Well, my hand was forced anyhow - by taking full advantage of the pandemic, unless it's a really important client. This led me to start plying around in the MATRIX window, which I don't normally do - and the newly ARRANGER window. QUESTION: Aren't they the same thing, with one just being more flexible and advanced ("Arranger") replacing the other one?
  17. Once you have all recommended updates of your windows build installed, it should runs smooth. It was never a CbB issue - but a windows update issue, especially not having the dotnet3.5 installed. To help you with some other issues - go here. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/16404-solving-known-issues-please-try-this/
  18. Guy's let's not turn this thread into a political debate about plugins - please. Keep the peace. Begging.
  19. Lol! Why would you insist and assume that we have the same taste in food, when I've already said we have different taste in "cars, food and clothing."? That will always be the reality. I love the Sonitus delay, you dont - AKA "different taste." Every mixing engineer has it's own taste in plugins. I'm not agreeing, nor am I disagreeing on the free plugins. Reason for that is . . . There is better plugins, but than there's not too. Again, it's about taste.
  20. @Starship Krupa Try out the TL - 64 -Tube leveler on vocals and tell us what you think about it. Try all 3 hidden plugins. Lazy to type now so I will drop a link on how to get them, if you haven't got them open yet. I think it's the first 3mins of the video.
  21. The thing with this statement is . . . If it gives you a better feel of a 80's chorus effect and depth on drums, vocals or guitars with a second reverb, chorus and delay within your chain - why wouldn't you want to use them? I mean, mixing goes both ways. What sounds "ugly and degraded" can sound pleasing to the listeners ears, and what sounds "clean and beautiful not so pleasing." There's no right or wrong way in sound creation - only taste. We all have different taste in food, clothing, and cars.
  22. This is another reason to why I think this need to be considered, other then "clients asking unnecessary questions all the time." Generating capital and gaining users, it's every brands number 1 rule. So, I'm sticking with my request -- a facelift will be a benefit. I think you've phrased it very well. @Starship Krupa
  23. How do I move this thread to there? It is in the feedback loop forum. ?
  24. This is so true. I never understand the concept of it, because no one question the PT. stock plugins. I use the Tube Leveler on lead vocals often, The Vocal strip VX 64 for it's Deesser and Doubler effect. There's a come back in a few genre's making their way up the charts again the past couple years . . . and that's the "Mid 80's" Pop, Rock and Disco Vibe, the others include the 90's RnB, HipHop and House/electro-house (The Daft punk Vibe) with a modern feel. So these plugins come in handy to bring out that feel.
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