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Everything posted by Will.

  1. All I know is, I'm not changing back to Mac ever again, I'm loving my microsoft surface 3 laptop for personal use too much. I've also been sitting heavily on the idea to upgrade my studio machine to the Surface studio 3 - with one main monitor against the wall, when microsoft launch it soon.
  2. ? Shot myself in the foot with this one. ?
  3. Yeah. That makes more sense. Like I said, I'm not using this, so I'm not familiar with it - just happen to over heard another team figuring this out, on a visit to a friends label and newly build studio. Perhaps @MediaGary can try this again with one Primary Interface Asio Drivers?
  4. Glad it could help in some way. Try to clear your machine's "registry" from all Asio files too -- including Asio4All. Make sure there's no traces of them and reinstall ODeus Asio link - perhaps that will create some sort of improvement (Usually the case.) I'm curious to know what affect the network speed might have on this? Different locations, different signal. My city had heavy thunder and lighting rain storms 3 days ago, and it interfered with my 5G connection - slowing it down a bit. One of the reasons I'm hesitant trying this out.
  5. Pleading request to highlight only the tracks from which you double click on to the last track/bus. The drag and highlight tracks or bus to mute or solo together is cool and been great for years - double click on any track is even better, and became a favourite in my workflow as it select every track instantly - cool way for easy mute and solo with Ctrl (but the downside is, it selects every track.) So it got me thinking, what if you have 64 tracks, but only want to solo or mute every track from track 12 to 64 - wouldn't it be great to just double click on track 12 to select every track from 12 up to 64 by holding down Ctrl without having to move the window to select ever track/bus and leave every track from 11 down track 1 not selected? That would be a simple but awesome feature to have too.
  6. Will.

    Strange dropouts

    This right here could be your problem. Everything you install from your second drive get's installed on your OS drive and in return taking space - therefore causing your SSD to run slower/block, when reading your second drive to grab the samples on playback, causing the dropouts (assuming the 1TB is not an SSD as you didn't mention if it is.) My dropouts disappeared since I've copied all my samples on the same drive - keeping the originals on my external. My projects get saved every 1min automatically on my OS driver, but do the necessary manual Ctrl+S to save it on my second drive. I also only increase sample rates when I bounce/render/export the final product on both plugs and CbB. In return NO DROPOUTS for me on 60 + tracks.
  7. Will.

    SSL 2+?

    1: Choose the interface Asio driver. 2:Than click on the Asio box at the bottom. 3: Set to desired latency. 10ms for 44.1K is the default option that Cakewalk choose self for latency.
  8. Not a bad idea, but it's gona take a hack of a coding relationships between CbB and Vst manufactures for this to work.
  9. You sure? Cause the prochannel clip indicator is really that good. If a plugin clips and I mean any plugin (not only the channel modules,) the indicator on the pro channel lights up red.
  10. I remember visiting a friend at a pro studio, where they had the same problem in the newly build control room of their Studio D -- can still hear the frustrations lol. ? They've finally figured it out - as I was listening in on the conversation. For this to work successfully, you have to uninstall all previous instances of any Asio drivers installed on your machine. Some hardware Asio drivers clash with this. I don't use this drivers. Just thought I'd share some information that might help someone using this. Again - for this to work , uninstall all previous installed Asio drivers on your machine and only run this drivers. Will.
  11. For this to work you have to switch the pro channel on ("E") and the Console Emulator Channel Module. I hide my "Prochannel Model" (which is the box underneath, also known as the Prochannel EQ.) Have no idea why it's linked to the pro channel on/off switch/strip. I prefer to insert and read a VU meter on the master bus and use my ears. Awesome free VU's out there, such as the Presonus VU Meter from Studio One - it's free and extremely accurate.
  12. It's not that I can't. I think that's where the miscommunication comes in. There's Aux Tracks/Patch points and Pre-faders sends too. That being said, In my control room, through my monitors, this routing insert sounds true in the form of a wet/dry/parallel or sidechain track - especially riding automation. It just sounds direct.
  13. Different People, Different Producers, Different Mixing Engineers, Different Styles, Different Workflow, Different approaches. It's that simple. There's no right or wrong way, only limitations.
  14. I bet you it's a dotNet3.5 issue. Most plugins was developed with this pack at the time of it's release with Windows. Go to Microsoft and update your dotNet3.5 (be sure to search for the latest update on the "dotNet3.5") cumulative pack. Sonar 7 was running this update back then under 32bit. So what ever was saved for sharing purposes still used dotNet3.5. Try step 2 and 4 in the link down below. If your issue disappears - inform CbB and Steinberg so that they can contact Microsoft for future release in all parties. https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework/net35-sp1 Best Solution: Download the "All-in-one Runtimes" pack here: https://www.itechtics.com/net-framework-versions-offline-installers/
  15. The pro channel itself has an indicator that tells you that. It's Highlighted as "B" in the picture attached. Every other Pro channel module has their own indicator LED too - if you're using them in your projects.
  16. There's some great free VU Meters out there, with clip indicators and peak levels metering to put on your Master Track - especially the Presonus Analogue VU Meter, which is absolutely free to download.
  17. The DAW did. ? That's the only way I got it to work. There's no sound going into Cakewalk when switching to Asio to record guitars. I have the lastest Focusrite drivers installed v4.6 or something. So, using MME was the only way I'd figured out to record my guitars. UPDATE: Solved my problem. You triggered a clue. I went and scout for it and found the culprit - ASIO4ALL was installed. Uninstalled it and problem - SOLVED.
  18. No need for sarcasm . . . What I'm referring to, is in the Question and explanation above - it's clear as daylight.
  19. Thanks @scook. I'll play around with this. It sounds useable. Is there any chance this will be added to the main file source in the near future?
  20. Yeah - it's hassle sometimes. I basically work it the same way. I sometimes have a region in a midi freeze track that I've chopped up and reversed, but unable to bounce it to one whole clip again. When moving them around one piece sometimes don't get selected and stay behind - this you don't notice unless you zoom in. It's not much of a problem when you get use to it, just painstakingly at times. I would've been awesome if we could bounce it as one clip - like with audio tracks. e.g: There's sometimes one or two notes/chords in the freeze track I make either Mono or Stereo for creative purposes, but can't bounce the chopped clip as one.
  21. Good Day. Trying to manipulate a freeze has limitation. 1: After freezing a track and doing few cuts here and there and reverse a note or two, it does not want to bounce the track as one complete clip - nor can it be converted back and forth between mono and stereo or route another tracks (Audio track) input to it. 2: When freezing a file it leaves - close to about 4 Ticks of space/gap at the beginning of the file. Is it suppose to work that way? Not sure if I should do a request on this. Thought I should place a Q&A first.
  22. Yeah, it's an known issue with focusrite and Cakewalk - just switch to MME 32bit drivers. That's how I'm still doing it. It became second nature. ?
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