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Everything posted by Will.

  1. Lol. Yeah well. If it works for some, hey, it works. But, yeah, I had to invest in one, i can't complain (business wise) that's for sure.
  2. Gladly! Are you ready . . . ? F . O . R . T . Y! What are we now 12? ? No! I'm not gona entertain you on this.
  3. Exactly. That how every heaphone is built today. From your commercial headphone right up to the high-end studio Hphones with some fairly noticeable than others. There were some recently that tried to go that route, but with epic fails and went rather commercial with it. "Beats"They have since corrected that issue, but kept their popularity and added deeper bass. It's how GOD greated them. Great little secret into how to should mix you're left and right hard panned Guitars or Vocals with every second one swapped. ? Unfortunately, does not matter how it's built your right ear will always filter out that lower registery for detail.
  4. I don't wana step on toes here. I just want to point out, this is actually inaccurate. I can name you 40 that doesn't, but that's not the point. Both are correct in this topic. There's both Windows and Mac in the business. One less than the other one in Major Studios ("professionally.") You can perhaps argue this with the "Home Studio Guys." perhaps more windows than Mac users - who knows. ??‍♂️??‍♂️But Major Studio - it's definitely Mac every where. We forget theres 3 worlds in the industry. The industry standard. The dedicated Home Studio setup and. . . The bedroom setup. I Myself had to invest in a dang Mac because 75% of the projects I get are freaken Logic projects. It's ridiculous! The other 25 are split between PT and Ableton both on Windows obviously. Dont ask me why, I don't know, i just go with the flow and grow with it as long as I get paid! Extremely Important! It's not because windows are better than Mac. My Surface Pro out performs the Mac (which of course is my Studio machine now.) Its just that "STANDARD illness " the industry believes in. Its still a Kane and Abel story. But we don't need Noah now.
  5. Nothing wrong with the Sontius Gate. It cleans vocals pretty good. I use it when recording drums too. Only downside is, its really tiny on a big monitor.
  6. ??‍♂️ Singing in the rain. ??‍♂️
  7. I had a mentor (sadly not with us today) that had the same problem. Here's the thing with the human ear. We perceive more bass in the left ear than we do with right ear. This is also true with Heaphones, it's how they're built. To test this: Listen to the left side (always the one with the cable connected) with the right side off and than do the same with the right side on the same ear that still receive good information. You will notice that the left side has more bass than the right headphone speaker, with the right headphone speaker having more detail in it. The point here is to start swapping the headphones out with monitors and always tilt your head slightly to bring your left ear forward. Manny Maserati does this quite often, but that not to say he is partially deaf in the right side. In a well treated room this will be more noticeable. I recently moved my studio to a space double in size in the backyard, that i had in the house and only starting to notice the results recently again after 5 months of training and adding more acoustic treatment to the new space, to achieve that equivalent of my previous control room. So don't fear using normal monitors. You just need to invest some time in finding the right volume that will work to your advantage and keep training. You wont find it in a loud dB level, this I can bet you. You already have a little advantage here and that is acknowledgement and acceptance on this. If mixing does not workout for you anymore there's always the availablity of focusing on composing and writing. You don't have to give up music all together. I'm going towards my mid 30's and I always try to help my peers as much as possible.
  8. ? This sounds wrong on so many levels. ????????
  9. Because i added Hifi and LoFi together, it created "My-Fi" (Mifi,) which was adopted by many around the world. So now "We-Fi" (Wifi.) But, I guess it's "So nit (not) us" (Sonitus.)
  10. Like how you would treat any other directory. ?? Glad you're sorted.
  11. ??‍♂️ a Kane and Able situation - the Apple has been bitten.??‍♂️ Can we get some sunshine through these Windows?
  12. Yeah. I remember with Sonar I used to publish through the DAW. Bummer though.
  13. Funk + Ultra = "So not (nit) us."
  14. Seems to be working fine except for one bug, but I hardly use the last step. I alway use lanes. Envelope.mp4
  15. When Asio4All runs with an Interface it has no known issues than what it does without one inside of Cakewalk. Enjoy your day.
  16. This is annoying yes. This resets with every project and even in the same project when the DAW was closed.
  17. ??‍♂️ I think their hate for each other turned into love and created the MiFi? ? MiFi might be able to explain this in detail. ?
  18. You can't publish to youtube without an Artwork. It's the requirements of youtube and not Cakewalk. That being said, this is all that's available now and that is to create the video only. To open the Video Window in Cakewalk just press the "V" key on the keyboard. Publish.mp4
  19. No problem. Yeah, it copies and paste the entire clip with all its information as is - hence "Duplicate." Groove clip is not suppose to do that though.
  20. Asio4All drivers is good enough when you have an interface and works perfect in Cakewalk with no known issues. Don't let others tell you that you can't use it or record with it.
  21. Will.

    Where is "Wipe"?

    Yeah! I was thinking now, do we have a new version out that removed this.
  22. You need to change the input by D in the picture to INPUT 2 for guitar whereas Input 1 is for Microphones. Asio4All is good enough when you have an audio Interface.
  23. Might be because you have 2x2 of the same midi devices, Cakewalks maps get confused. In other words: You need to run one midi an octave higher than the other. Like how a normal 49 Keystation would work. I never had ×4 25 keystations, so I might be wrong.
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