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Eusebio Rufian-Zilbermann

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Posts posted by Eusebio Rufian-Zilbermann

  1. @ZincT when you mentioned about the free upgrade I searched my email and couldn't find anything about it but I noticed that I had an activation code for the autotheory 5.5 beta.

    I downloaded chord prism, entered the key I had received for the 5.5 beta and it worked! Thank you!

    (the compatibility of autotheory activation codes and chord prism is not that unexpected, but the beta codes still working on the released product that is a little more unusual)

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  2. Reminder for WA free after coupon items - if the coupon doesn't work, remove the "free product for this month" from the cart

    Btw, there are some other nice discounted items at the WA site (e.g., MidiQ for $17.70. This is the re-launched re-compose i2c8, a chord sequence generator)

    • Thanks 1
  3. 2 hours ago, fret_man said:

    Just received Total Studio Max 2 and have lots of individual plugins to sell off. I assume I cannot do that here, right? Where do you suggest I go to advertise and sell these? Also, how do you figure the going rates for these?

    I am in the same boat. I was thinking about selling on eBay, and using the "sold items" search option to get an idea of realistic pricing. For non-auction probably KVR is good (following the example in the link in cclarry's signature)

    Btw, from what I've seen, reselling an IK license has a good share of rules and pitfalls:

    a) We need to find the details of our original purchase and determine whether we'll be reselling a full license or a crossgrade. If transferring a crossgrade the purchaser must comply with crossgrade requirements. If transferring a full license we need to be careful that crossgrade licenses in our account don't become invalid after the transfer (we must keep in our account at least one product >$99 that is not a crossgrade or NFR "Not for Resale" version from a free promo like the bonuses when purchasing hardware or a group buy bonus)

    b) We will lose the corresponding jampoints (I haven't found info on what happens if we have already used those jampoints and don't have enough in our account to return them)

    c) We need to purchase a Transfer Credit from IK (we can use Jampoints to lower the price of a transfer credit). One way to do that is: Go to the User Area>My Products page, click on the serials/transfer button for the product we intend to sell, click on the Transfer button and then it shows a message that we need a transfer credit,  with a link for purchasing it. Important: if there is no Transfer button in the license that means it is a NFR.

    BTW - when preparing your list of items to resell, keep in mind that the Syntronik in TSM2 is the standard version and not the Deluxe version, e.g., memorymoog is not included

    • Like 1

  4. Thank you!

    I thought that the bands could be individually turned off and It would be possible to leave just one, but I just read the manual and saw that I was mistaken, that there is a dropdown with options for 2-band or 3-band (or other ways to split the input like m/s), and that the disable button for the band just disables the application of effects to the band (a bypass for the band rather than disabling the band split)


  5. I use the Chainer from time to time to get VST's loaded in Pro Tools. Without purchasing a license for the full version it will load plug'n'mix plugins and I think others will load in demo mode (with the typical "occasional inserted noise") although my recollection may not be accurate. After purchasing a license you can load plugins from any vendor.

    I have many vst-to-AAX adapters and I haven't found a single one that I'm happy with. Stability is often a problem, and usability as well. I guess that for a handful of vst's they're ok but if you have a nice collection of vst2's and vst3's, in 64-bit and 32-bit versions, and sprawling a few folders, it starts getting ugly. Compared to others, the Chainer is possibly above average, with options to either scan plugin folders and display a list of available plugins or use a simple "File Open" dialog to load the dll you want.

    • Thanks 1
  6. In addition to the announced restrictions (not applicable to bx_console SSL 9000J, Gig Performer, Shadow Hills Class A) looks like it won't work for the Byome&Triad bundle (which is a bundle and not a single plugin, but sometimes has worked as a single plugin for voucher/discount purposes)

  7. The plug'n'mix bundle was my "starter set". Pretty good for covering all the bases at a decent price and then slowly expand with other plugins. For $49.99 it's a really good deal for getting started on Gear Affection (maybe less interesting for people who already have a large collection)

  8. On 4/18/2020 at 6:18 PM, Lee D said:

    Run the installer for each of those unzipped archives.  Then delete the unzipped folder from the desktop.

    Personally I think that unzipping the folders into a flash or portable USB drive and preserving them is a better option. That way when you need to reinstall (upgrades/failures...) you will not need to go through all the downloading/unzipping again. The time saved is probably more valuable than the cost of a USB drive.

    As a side note,, when I got Komplete on a usb drive, I noticed that more than half of the disk was blank (unpartitioned). TSMax2 almost all fits in that half

  9. 51 minutes ago, cclarry said:

    As I mentioned earlier, most likely Total Studio MAX 3 is coming real quick....

    TSM has already seen 2 editions so next could well be a product with a name like "Complete studio plus" and no upgrade path from TSM2.

    Larry, do you have some info we don't know about on this "Max" designation being worth something, not just bait? ?

    Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating. I'm looking at my box of Total Studio 3 and they allowed that to get to 3 before resetting

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  10. Does it make you uncomfortable how people are "using this calamity" to expect freebies?

    Jokes aside, altruism should be an individual choice. To me, demanding altruism from someone else doesn't sound right. Just take the freebies that you like and thank the giver for it (and cclarry et al. for spreading the word), then tune out those you don't care for.

    Even if it doesn't have value for you, don't underestimate the value of an extended demo for others. For some people unable to go to their workplace, having easier options to set up temporary replacement systems at home can bring plenty of value.

    (and if anybody is curious - no, I don't work for a music software company, this post is not a defense of my employer)

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