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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. The Sondelux (Bock Audio) 251 gets/got amazing reviews as well, and it was/is a fine microphone. BUT, tube mics are a PITA frankly, and it DID NOT magically elevate my vocals to new "heights". There are lots of LDC mics in that price range that are "very good"; the TLM 103 comes to mind. HTH, YMMV t "A compact, energy saving power supply unit and 7-pin XLR cable are included" I would have to confirm that this is actually a high voltage power supply and NOT running the 12AU7 at 50 volts (so called "starved plate")
  2. Not exactly, although it certainly “implies” releasing Sonar is eminent; to me. BUT what I’m really referring to, is in June, Sonar was “coming soon”. Well that backfired, and S1 is the dominant DAW on this forum now. Henry couldn’t have handled this any worse… (and that’s saying something) t
  3. Without a doubt!!! But, don’t advertise “coming soon” until the Cake is out of the oven and cooling, and you’re preparing to serve… t
  4. BiaB, EZDrummer, EZKeys, the Wrecking Crew; just “tools” in the toolbox. Sounds like you got the “most” out of it to me! Especially the pedal steel. <on a mission>Didn’t see a lot of likes or comments on SoundCloud. Now SC HATES my iPhone. But I persevered and was finally able to login. Help a brother out, eh?</on a mission> John, thought the Uncle song was great as well… t
  5. DeeringAmps


    I thought it had more of a 70’s sensibility than “grunge”; but then what do I know? (defining “genre” never has been my strong suit) <kidd gloves off>Left my like and nickel98 over at YouTube. Didn’t see any familiar “faces” in the comments; typical. What are y’all “busy”?</kidd gloves off> ?’s ? t
  6. beetlejuice, beetle bitflipper, bitflipper, bitflipper?
  7. No maestro, you don’t “need” it! But those of us that have marginal piano skills, and none of subtlety that the B3 requires, would “lap up” any “in the style of” midi you produced… And gladly pay for the privilege. t
  8. What will make me consider buying highest tier of upcoming Sonar? Simply offering it to the public! This has become the biggest boondoggle in marketing I’ve ever seen! Sadly, Cake is bleeding user base faster? than when Henry “screwed the pooch”. Still here, still loyal, still waiting; but it’s been more painful than a root canal… t
  9. @bitflipper, could create some clips I see where there would be some real value in that... t
  10. True that. We’ll just have to see. Perhaps someone “clever” will write a “drum map” that handles all that? t
  11. “Score” the track in EZK, then render in B3X! Simples! t
  12. On a serious note; if everything we hear in the demo is available in the included midi this will be a “winner” for those of us that are Hammond “challenged”! t
  13. I honestly thought that “EZ3” would be a unique instrument with a midi universe all its own. But what do I know… t
  14. The latest update from IKM to ToneX has the same issue. I haven’t checked Reaper or S1 to see if this is just peculiar to CbB or not. If it is just CbB, hopefully the bakers will sort it… t
  15. I don’t “book” so all I saw was the thumbnails. Looks (and sounds) like you had some well deserved R&R! Happy to have you back! Save up for the next adventure… t
  16. Evidently that is what is/was happening. Simple solution, remove the “.” t
  17. $11.09 at Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/en/ezkeys_midi_dream_pop.html No generic code this time... t
  18. @Billy86 IKM has included the folder Tonex.vst3 in the install. For some reason that is confusing CbB. Rename the folder TONEX. That "fixed" things here. Tonex standalone and the the vst3 is now working. See the screenshot below: . HTH, t
  19. Again, left my like and comments at YouTube, hope y’all do too! Stunning Jerry. ? ‘s ? t
  20. DeeringAmps


    Always a fan here Makke! ?'s t
  21. Some nice tone and tasty licks on the guitar Paul. t
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