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Glenn Stanton

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Everything posted by Glenn Stanton

  1. i guess the essential or assistant versions support poly-midi conversion but not the actual poly editing. that's good to know. one trick is to copy the part to be converted, into a new clip, and cut the LF and HF so you get mainly dull notes without rumble and squeaks (unless you need the harmonics which may need more HF to properly "appear as notes"). then commit the EQ to the clip. then drag to midi track or create a region fx. this generally helps the algorithm find the notes better which seems to create cleaner midi.
  2. while you're trying it... yes, unless i'm really sloppy, the conversion works quite well and editing the individual notes - pitch, timing, noises, etc all work as expected. i have the editor version but presumably the studio version (multi track polyphonic vs single track polyphonic)
  3. i use the Melodyne get MIDI from guitar parts for adding bass, piano, organ, pads, solos, etc especially where its quicker to just lay down parts i know will be used for something else while i have my guitar in hand. because it's sourced from the guitar, keyboard parts will be different than if i played them on the keyboard. and if i use a keyboard to drive a guitar instrument VST (e.g. Strum GS-2 or the Kontakt Session Guitarist), those parts also have differences you don't normally get from a guitar performance. so like anything, it depends on the effect you're going for...
  4. yeah, the "take" lanes are all kept in a single clip and simply referenced... which makes any edits outside of the UI tricky...
  5. are the velocities set to a given level? the SD kits can have varying volume levels available. so if you set the velocity to 100 (as an example) does the volume still appear problematic?
  6. if you're account is problematic - reach out to support@cakewalk.com to get them to reactivate your account or reset your password. i though concrete limiter and a few other products were not dependent on the CW version.
  7. +1 to using the directory junction approach. my stuff is on the D:/ drive but the directory junctions on the C:/ drive make the app think its running on C:/ and all new installations just do their thing. and as i discover new locations on the C:/ drive which contain "stuff" which i don't want there, i move it and create a new junction to match the old folder and viola! as a note: dump a list of your directories periodically to a text file so you can re-create the junctions should you decide to wipe the drive for an OS refresh or replace it with a larger one later.
  8. it sounds like @RexRed has all his "tracks" feeding a set of "mix busses" that outputs to a "master" buss (for monitoring) from which ultimately a WAV file is rendered. not a problem unless you're trying to use all those effects chained across the tracks and busses. at that point you're at the mercy of the slowest effect being used. for example, if all my effects have a 5ms latency, but i use a reverb with 30ms latency, then ALL routes will be delayed as necessary to accommodate the 30ms. so where you put that reverb will have more or less impact on synchronization of tracks. if it's on a single track - viola! all tracks will be delayed. if you put it on your master buss, then all tracks will sync to the lowest effect latency, but all will be delayed at the master buss. so then turning on or off the master buss reverb (as an example) will change not only the sound (the reverb is being used presumably because you want reverb) but the overall latency of the system will drop. you could use the PDC button to turn off the latency compensation but there are additional side effects from that. best bet - turn off all the stuff you absolutely don't need while tracking, including muting tracks that aren't needed while tracking. i have something similar for workflow in my templates except i turn off all my effects when tracking, and if later in the mix i need to add or significantly change something, i disable the effects to (re)track something and the turn it back on to continue the mix. once far enough along on the mix, the master buss limiter is kicked on to simulate the master levels i'll do in Ozone later. this way the mix is balanced and will pretty much be how i expect it when i apply the final bits. i use low latency settings for recording, and high latency for mixing. high latency recording of soft-synths once the performance is completed in MIDI. freezing to lock in if i think i'll be doing more performances later. archive all non-used synths and effect. WASAPI is what i'm using with my built-in sound card, or the ASIO specific for my larger IO units.
  9. actually most Kontakt "instruments" (not libraries, those have to be registered, free or not) can be used in Kontakt player HOWEVER they can be run in demo mode which means they will cut out after 10 mins (or so). took me a while to figure this out, just as i was getting ready to finally record something, Kontakt would produce no output until i restarted it...
  10. uninstall it and reinstall it from your original installation files. rescan the plugins. if you need to do some activation steps - i'd run it as standalone. also, that would be a good time to set up the paths for the transfers and separation folders - i put mine in their own folders away from the backup paths to avoid getting thousands of temporary audio snippets backing up...
  11. you can also use pitch correction like Melodyne to control the vibrato. more expensive versions of it allow for polyphonic and even multiple track effects...
  12. as Terry mentions - a modulation effect would likely be a better tool, or use the wave function on the envelopes - triangle, sine etc to create the vibrato instead of using fader moves.
  13. Will - it also depends on the system architecture - not just CPU. more processors mean more contention over limited resources such as memory access or IO paths. for example, a "residential" PC will likely only have a single CPU and single or perhaps dual memory bus pathway. a commercial server with 4 physical CPU will likely have multiple NUMA channels to alleviate contention on the memory bus. so even with less cores and slower speed, the commercial unit may very well perform better because it has multiple paths for all of its cores to access memory and IO than a plain old home PC has (which generally includes gaming and DAW workstations).
  14. 10 Pan Position / Balance The Mono Panning CC10 is used to control the Left/Right balance for instruments with stereo signal output. Note: CC8 is occasionally used instead to control panning. 0-127 MSB 8 Stereo Balance The Stereo Panning CC8 is used to control the Left/Right balance for instruments with stereo signal paths. Note: CC10 is often used instead to control panning. 0-127 MSB
  15. <dr evil on> i'll sell you mine for one million dollars <dr evil off>
  16. if the clips are identical, why not fix one then copy? or groove clip it? can you use the silence function to set the threshold on the weak kick and have it removed? or eq it out? or selecting the clips, then ctrl key and drag edge to shorten?
  17. i'd try to do updates until the DPC check comes back clean. the video drivers, audio drivers, network drivers etc all can cause issues with latency. also device specific drivers (Dell, HP - you know what i'm talking about) and finally OS updates. then a nice clean install of the CW software to ensure all the runtimes are at the right levels (i've found a few times the RT from other products and even the OS seem to overwrite with older or otherwise incompatible versions which then had to be reinstalled to get things working properly).
  18. as a note: only if you install the software and agree to the license. the purchase and resale of un-opened (or un-installed) software has no binding on the purchaser (or resellers wouldn't be able to resell the products even if authorized by the vendor) because of the non-transfer agreed only when clicking the accept button or checking the accept box. the exception would be if you signed up for a constraint solely on the purchase. with modern digital online software, they circumvent the problem by assigning the license to an individual account versus having it attached to the CD (or DVD) case. so without advocating any copyright violation, the old hard license versions, if unused and not bound by a purchase license restriction, could be resold (we know because resellers do it all the time) but modern software, especially subscriptions, are now controller by user accounts (imho a much better approach since it also makes it possible for software to be portable across systems if that is an option).
  19. also turn all "audio enhancement" features in the windows sound control because if you leave any of them enabled it will skew the results you listen to.
  20. i know in editor i can open the files directly and process in Melodyne. i've forgotten is the essentials version provides a standalone UI. otherwise i tend to just use it as a region FX and also take a copy of the MIDI generated (never know when that will come in useful - sax solos based on vocals. etc). the Region FX is applied to the audio clips - when you create it - Melodyne creates a bunch of files called "separations" which it uses to manage what you see in the UI. then once you're happy with the edits in the region, render it. this saves the clip with the updates and cleans up the separations. then it's saved as a normal audio track in your project and you can do your other work - eq, effects, etc - same as any other project.
  21. seems like you have 3 or 4 audio drivers involved. i doubt this has anything to do with Cakewalk. i suggest uninstalling or disabling every audio driver except the default Windows WASAPI drivers. then test. and if that works, then use WASAPI Shared with CW to allow it to cross-operate with other audio apps. skip the ASIO4ALL, VoiceMeeter, etc as they're often problematic if not properly configured.
  22. render the region fx (same menu as create region fx)
  23. the melodyne essentials will do a decent job of monophonic fixes. lots of power there. i have the Editor version which is single track polyphonic which is quite nice (but as you noted $$$). i also have Waves Tune which i have only used a few times and (to me) it seemed easy enough to use (dragging notes, etc) but i didn't try out the automatic features or custom scales etc. maybe some quality time with the Waves Tune manual, or some youtube videos, will get you working. i know i learned a lot of tricks for melodyne watching the Celemony content.
  24. have you tried the Melodyne that comes with the CbB?
  25. C# is in the D major scale ? TTSTTTS (tone - semi)
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