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Glenn Stanton

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Everything posted by Glenn Stanton

  1. seems like it's inexpensive enough - maybe buy it and provide a detailed review of it for others to assess to see if it's right for them.
  2. that's why you need to be both a musician and a DJ. or vice versa. sometimes even DJ between band sets. oh, and practice those MC skills as well. ?
  3. @rescareguy answers for Softube breakages are all here: Softube Audio Plug-ins Forums - Audiofanzine https://en.audiofanzine.com/audio-plugin/softube/forums/ Support | Softube https://www.softube.com/support
  4. if you signed up for BandLab using your Google account, then that would be the way you could access the signin for CbB. if you're trying to sign in with Google but you use another email address then signing up for BandLab, that may be the reason for the re-direct. as to the 400 error - maybe you need to clear your browser cache?
  5. i save fx (and other) presets as well as track templates etc for projects and sometimes songs - this way if i find something (usually drums or bass) that i want to change across projects, i just load the new preset (best when using Pro Channel because the FX rack + PC effects all come in) or i insert the track template and move the clips into it. then if the presets or templates aren't something i'm likely to reuse elsewhere, i zip them up and stick them into the project folder in case i need to revisit it. i think it would be way worse to have an hour of material trashed because of a ripple edit or a template (or other) insert/delete (without ripple edit) or push the arranger "make it happen" button... and just having backs ups of the same project over and over... for me, it's like OO - encapsulate to decouple something that "thing" really well...
  6. why not set up a project with majority of instrumentation and use it as a template. then each song has roughly all the same settings without the risk that you f*ck an entire album worth of material because of a single big mistake in one song... and if you run through each song project to track everything for a given instrument, then whatever your instrument behavior (temp, humidity, sunlight or lack thereof, etc) will also be consistent.
  7. i'm not sure that you can disable controls etc on a single buss or track, so hiding may be a good choice once it's configured as it's still in the list of busses to export from.
  8. what would be the function of the master buss? in my case, i have several and most using Pro Channel vs FX bin - MASTER (main listening into HW), MASTER-12 (-12db from master send w/ noise listening for mix thingies jumping or disappearing into HW), PRINT (export buss from master send w/ some additional FX things). MASTER-MONO (mono interleave to a single speaker) plus stem busses. with the exception of LOW stem (mono), all are busses are stereo interleave and only the PC used for anything other than volume and gain. so no improvement for me having a dumbed-down buss...
  9. yeah, what he said. and get rid of those pesky expensive dynamic EQ and multi-band compressor plugins ?
  10. i just use the workspace settings and sometimes the mix recalls but i always disliked the screenset stuff. too many times typing a number into a dialog and ending up chasing around trying to reset my screens...
  11. "With the “Melodic” algorithm, however, this happens automatically, whereas with the “Percussive Pitched” algorithm, sibilant control is by default switched off. To switch it on, go to Note Assignment Mode and check “Sibilant Handling” in the Algorithm Inspector"
  12. you could change the name in the plugin manager (it will reset on the next scan though), so i'd suggest you reach out to UAD and have them reset the name on the product since it doesn't seem to add value to users of the plugin...
  13. i think the statement was meant as "it would not be unreasonable to expect blah blah blah... so "not-unreasonable" => "not be unreasonable" ? i don't adjust meters too much so it wouldn't really matter to me unless some new button or keystroke then kept interfering with my workflow - then it would be an unreasonable change imho...
  14. maybe have the green section at the top of the list? already create aux tracks or patch points below it?
  15. not so much as getting all the associated plugins and media... same for the older installs (at least my part). this way when i open up older projects in CbB i can get the settings from the older plugins, and then if i'm interested, swap in newer plugins and have a starting point.
  16. hmmmm. @scook looks like it's updated, probably not to the latest build, although there is a link to the release notes: New in Cakewalk 2021.04: In addition to workflow enhancements and bug fixes, the following new features are introduced in the 2021.04 release: Integrated BandLab library access Tempo track and Tempo Inspector PC2A T-Type Leveling Amplifier ProChannel module Loop current arrangement Convert between MIDI continuous controller (CC) events and automation envelopes Optimizations Misc enhancements ? ....
  17. i install a bunch of stuff from sonar 7,8, and XL 2,3, and SPLAT if i do a rebuild on my OS/software drive. before installing CbB. this way i have all my stuff from those programs available. sometimes this means installing some of the patches and updates. i keep all the CW and Waves, etc products as "offline" installers as well keeping the command central. a PDF of my licenses etc. a few hours work at most and since i only rebuild every few years, it's not a problem. thus i'm able to open projects from early 2000's to present with little or no issues.
  18. @treesha - same experience here - once you apply the Melodyne to a given take, it flatten inactive portions, and then if you drag the boundary lines in either direction it stays flat on those sections in both Melodyne and CW. and applying to multiple take lanes - same issue plus not selecting notes in parallel segments. when i get the chance i'll play with this more and see if i can document it as it definitely is not working as expected.
  19. @Clovis Ramsay - in the Celemony video - they make a claim it works with all versions - which makes sense to some degree because all the takes reside in a single WAV file and the UI is rendering the appearance of "multiple" tracks using markers etc to divide up the WAV. (guessing here but it seems a reasonable assumption). i have Editor which supports the full polyphonic but not Studio which support multiple tracks as well.
  20. the aliens were checking peoples ability to be compliant with instructions, however, they discovered that CW registration didn't result in a significant statistical basis so COVID-19... ?
  21. in the video though, Melodyne is using ARA to somehow in sync with the takes and didn't seem to need to flatten them. flattening would seem to reduce or eliminate the ability to flexibly adjust things without un-flatten/re-flatten. maybe the ARA functions on the take lanes are not communicating on the take boundary/edits? we know the takes are already embedded in a single WAV file, so maybe the take edits need ARA to sync their locations data with Melodyne? edit - @Noel Borthwick definitely not behaving like the Melodyne video which claims all versions support this... whether applying to each take lane or the entire segment, the non-selected portions of a take are flattened - effectively resulting in no ability to slide sections etc because the content of those are now zero'd out. so for now, basically you need to get all your edits done before using Melodyne... which negates a bunch of the features like sliding sections and adjusting node timing, adjustment of pitch across takes in the same selection, etc... maybe this needs a some love?
  22. use the default themes - there are several themes that worked correctly up to build 175 and need some tweaking (flat white, minimalistic orange etc) but the default mercury works correctly in 175. i had problems with all themes in build 141 and then 155 - but the "EnablePluginMenuFix=1" in the cakewalk.ini addressed that issue with the spacing on the inspector. so that may help until the theme you're using is updated
  23. there were some but they died off. now, it's just easier to wait hours or days frantically waiting for an answer from a posting (typically titled as "HELP! I NEED TO MAKE 473 TRACKS ON MY LAPTOP WORK BY TOMORROW??!!!") on a web forum rather than look to see if it was in the manual (also online, or offline for the paranoid) and thus answerable in minutes...
  24. wow! what's scary is i've seen some guitar players with that number of foot pedals at their feet (in like a 4ft x 6ft tray)
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