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Everything posted by Kurre

  1. Kurre

    $29 ? Guitar Pro 8

    When i go there it says 35 but no biggie with that difference. I'm a bit interested but i'm not registered at Jrr. I feel tired of registering. I have so many sites registered without ever going there a second time.
  2. The first two songs were good. The last two not.
  3. Ok. Tested chordjam trial in Cakewalk and Reaper. Without unify or other extra hosts. Reaper worked with both vst2 and 3. Had to open the routing window to get some sound from Numa player. Cakewalk had problem with both vst2 and 3. That sequence parts thing worked the first time but never again after that. As described earlier i got Chordjam activated by looping the track, Also got sound from Surge. Cakewalk clearly doesn't like Chordjam. Had a couple of shutdowns too when i probably clicked a bit to much on things in Chordjam.
  4. Yea, i reacted to the short flashes of midi activity and didn't watch the whole thing. So using chordjam from unify in Cakewalk is not a problem then?
  5. If a plugin need control of the transport it can't by default on an empty track. To get the transport moving you have to make a selection of the first measure and make a loop of the selection.
  6. Kurre

    Pics of My Gear

    For big pictures i use photo hosting. My choice is ImgBB. https://www.guru99.com/free-photo-hosting.html
  7. Well, you can still use it. But you can't save anything. Which means if you come up with an excellent idea you can't save it and that's a bummer.
  8. Maybe it's the same song in disguise, over and over again, because they can't be bothered to get some new songs to their playlist. ?
  9. As Xel Ohh says it probably is about different paths to the vst. So check the paths for the vst2 also.
  10. Maybe a mismatch between audio specs in pref and the audio clip?
  11. Is there perhaps a setting to sort alphabetical or not. Seems the second one is sorted in alphabetical order.
  12. Maybe the converter mentioned in this KVR thread could be of use. It seems to handle SFZ and Decent Sampler formats. https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=575352
  13. Ok, i just followed your instructions and it works. I now have those Alesion patterns and can use them. About editing. I'm not sure if i understand the intention but to the newbies... I start with selecting a synth and a patch with a nice and usable sound. Open the midi tab in the inspector and push the on button for the arpeggiator. Look under preset/load preset and choose one from one of the folders there. If it is boring choose another one. You can shift to another preset while you're holding down the keyboard key. Then select the synth-track, arm it, get ready and record what you play. Finally select and rightclick the clip and use "bounce to clip" and you will have the midi notes to edit as you wish. By using only one key when recording you get the original pattern. Using two or more keys will give so many notes that the original pattern would be near impossible to pick out. ? I think i now know what the edit intention is about. When i edit a recorded pattern and save it as a pattern in the arpeggiator menu it does not keep the change, it plays the original pattern. Which means it have to be saved as a midifile to retain the changes.
  14. It surely is bots. A couple of hours after an upload there is 3 likes. I have not told anyone of my upload and have never seen the names before. And tbh, my songs are shit. I'm learning and testing approaches.
  15. I have tested balabolka. Thought it sounded very good. http://www.cross-plus-a.com/balabolka.htm
  16. You can use your keyboard. Tap the space bar:
  17. Track icons also look good in stream deck. ?
  18. I vote for "entire C drive". Then you have the option to restore to that point when everything worked flawless. Not only Cakewalk and plugins but anything that goes wrong with windows can then be an easy fix, loading the image. Instead of using hours to troubleshoot.
  19. Maybe a project saves file paths together with the plugins. Open a project and replace the plugin and "save as" probably would save the new path. Would delete the plugin patch but if you save the plugins patch first it should work, as you can load the patch back after replacement.
  20. Since i never throw away a functioning pc i do have a working xp pc. I installed project 5 on it but ok, i seldom start it up.
  21. I wonder if they have fixed the mixer so you can group the faders? I got fed up with lowering each fader individually.
  22. The hd's are ssd's and it wasn't stable on the usb2 hub either. It seems that 2 usb ssd's can't use the same usb connection even if you use a hub with extra power. I changed my usb connections so the keyboard and mouse used the usb hub and moved the ssd's to its own usb contact. One at the front and one at the back. They seem to play nice now and several weeks have gone without a problem. The usb cable they use has the blue contact which should mean that they are usb3. NOW googling "Transcend StoreJet" confirms that on Pricerunner. On the homepage of transcend ssd's it isn't that obvious. Which is why i thought it had to be usb2 that was the problem with usb3 hub. But you don't give up. You keep trying different things until it works. I'm a bit proud of my tenacity. I recently got the Streamdeck (15) to work on my win8.1.
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