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Everything posted by Kurre

  1. Drum plugins uses patterns. Drag a pattern, the name is the pattern, to the track. Build up a full track with patterns of your choice. Input echo on and press play in Cakewalks transport to hear the serie of patterns. Arm and record when you're ready.
  2. For Kontakt 6.6.1 or higher (Free Kontakt Player is NOT supported).
  3. Kurre

    Not able to record audio

    It is Realteks driver software that make use of hardware sensors on the motherboard. It makes the logical but wrong assumption that if there isn't anything connected to the hardware recording input, there isn't a need to activate the driver for recording. Happy recording. ?
  4. Do i have to make a template to have the metronome, both play and record, disabled all the time? When i start a new project, which i do often, i always have to click the metronome in the control bar to turn off the record option. I really don't need it. Instruments take care of the tempo just fine.
  5. Kurre

    Not able to record audio

    Look at the sound settings in windows. Rightclick the volume icon in the system tray, select recording devices. It's in Swedish but you get the point. You should have a Realtek recording device. Find it and activate it. Make it default. Then open Cakewalk and go to device settings and select the Realtek recording device.
  6. Kurre

    Not able to record audio

    @sim8t3 Thanks for the picture. It seems Cakewalk is ok. Before we go to were i think the problem is i'll show you how it show up for me. Settings devices: Settings drivers: Track view: The red is a setting that show how much and what info you can see in the track pane. Well, if you expand the track. ?
  7. Kurre

    Not able to record audio

    We need more info to help. A picture of the track/s with the inspector open and control bar visible would be nice. Set track pane to "all".
  8. Kurre


    Should be menu bar. Shift is a verb in this case.
  9. Kurre


    I preview audio and drag audio from the mediabrowser in to the track. I never used alt a. I didn't react to that because i thought it was personal and necessary in this case. Regards playlist i use another way to shift songs, sometimes. It isn't automatic and it probably have limitations in number of songs. I open projects without closing them. You can find the open projects in the filemenu under windows. Then select and shift to the one to use next. I have had 4 projects at a time so far but nothing suggest there can't be more.
  10. Kurre


    I checked out "playlist" now. Never used it and it seems you can't do much wrong. It have a column for bpm. Does it tell the right bpm? It's natural for the pitch to change when the bpm changes. I tried 3 project songs. 2 was fine but the third complained about an vsti missing. It wasn't but i think it was an updated version. It wouldn't play that song. All three showed the right bpm. It only loaded the first song but didn't start playing. Had to click play manually in the transport. It continued ok to the second and wouldn't play the third.
  11. Kurre


    Ok. I was thinking of midifiles that keep the tempo information if you open the midifile instead of importing it. I have no idea what could be wrong with the playlist. Do you export the song from the project to a folder somewhere? Where you go and load them into the playlist. If so, it could be the export that messes them up. It happens sometimes when there's a wrong or missing setting in the export.
  12. Kurre


    Try the "open" command in file menu.
  13. Black Betty by Starstruck (pre Ram Jam)
  14. Google about "hosts". There's many and Savihost and Nanohost is some free ones. Use vsti's from the "freeware instruments thread".
  15. When downloadin/installing Cakewalk there was also an option to dl/install add-ons. One of them being studio instrument suite. Cakewalk Studio Instruments includes a Drum Kit, Bass Guitar, Electric Piano and String Section. You can, in the daw, go to help menu and select "check for updates" and that should give you the option to dl/install the add-ons you want if you didn't go for it the first time. There is lots of free vsti plugins from third parties. That also goes for free effect plugins. This forum has topics for that:
  16. Musicradar write: As well as being offered as a standalone download, Pro Tools Intro also comes baked-in to all Pro Tools 2022.9 installations, meaning that, if your paid subscription or trial version of that software expires, you’ll still have a DAW that offers basic functionality. We should also mention that Pro Tools Intro can be installed and used without the need for an iLok.
  17. One thing that you can't solve by using a plugin is CLAP. Hopefully they adopt this format. ?
  18. Maybe it has to do with keyboard shortcuts that's messed up? Check W (delay) and D (remove) in preferences. Another way is to remove all songs from the playlist and close it. Shutdown Cakewalk and restart the computer. Try with a new playlist.
  19. These guys is part of an acapella group called Home Free. They had opera training in college 15 years ago. The last ten years they have been singing country and pop. Stunning performance. ?
  20. You could try a search on KVRaudio forum for syxg50. I remember seeing someone had made an interface for it. Don't remember if it said to show patches. It was over a year ago.
  21. Kurre

    $29 ? Guitar Pro 8

    Yes. I have installed it on two pc's and activated them with the same license (redeemcode).
  22. Kurre

    $29 ? Guitar Pro 8

    The guitar pro tab archive marked with "download" in red is a working dl. It's gp3 and gp4 files. Viruscheck after download but before you open the zip. I checked it with MS defender. Didn't find anything bad. http://alwaysoldschool.blogspot.com/2014/07/guitar-pro-tab-archive-55000.html I stayed away from those further down. Seems a bit too eager.
  23. Kurre

    $29 ? Guitar Pro 8

    I got my licence (redeemcode) now and dl'ed the exe. You dl the trial from guitar pro site and then use Jrr's licence to unlock it.
  24. Kurre

    $29 ? Guitar Pro 8

    How long do you usually have to wait on the redeem code, and the plugin itself? Jrr way to handle things is new to me. Manual handling? Waiting time?
  25. Kurre

    $29 ? Guitar Pro 8

    Thanks. It's nice of you. I already use protonmail and like it. I have bought it and waiting for licence. PS. I'm registered at 43 different plugin sites. It seems that every plugin that interest me is sold from a different site. Apart from Ample Sound. Is it some law of nature??
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