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Everything posted by Kurre

  1. Maybe change the base note from 0 to -2 in the preferences?
  2. It's a bit funny that. My pc have a couple of Usb3 connectors. I bought another external HD and together with that a Usb3 hub. Connected the Usb3 hub to the Usb3 connector on the pc. Connected two external HD to the hub and they showed up in the file explorer. The day after, restarted pc, it was only showing one HD. No matter what i do it would end with only one HD showing. Thinking the hub was buggy i switched it out for an old Usb2 hub connected to the same Usb3 connector on the pc . And now it's working. I see both HD's and they are still there after restart. I checked the info about the HD's and found out they was not Usb3 as i thought but Usb2. The mystical thing is > Why did the Usb3 hub accept one HD but not two? ?
  3. Midi hardware can be chained by connecting the midi out from synth X to midi in on synth Y. Then midi out on synth Y to midi in on synth Z and so on. In such a case it is necessary to filter out channels. Synth Y should be set to its own channel that differ from the rest of the synths in the chain. Otherwise it will play a midistream that's meant for another synth in the chain or, if omni, play every channel. It would probably freeze the synth because of the problem with playing the same notes at the same time. (Just some general info for those that find the topic title interesting.)
  4. My guess is that it has to do with a plugin. Probably a Sonar plugin.
  5. I agree that there's no info about free plugin at Best Service or UnitedPlugins. Maybe it's that tomorrow bit that's important. Lets see if there is info tomorrow.
  6. Just re-discovered SuperTron. It has cool arpeggios. SuperTron by Solcito Música is a Virtual Analog synth with retro architecture for vintage and modern sounds. It's available as VSTi and as Stand Alone Application. Suitable for arpeggios, bass, pads, atmospheres, solos, leads, noisy and Sci-Fi sounds, electronic drums, etc. It's resizable and Free. https://www.kvraudio.com/product/supertron-by-solcito-musica
  7. Kurre

    Reaper gotta have

  8. Spot the false one competition. I have two: https://www.livescience.com/goldfish-memory.html https://www.thoughtco.com/who-invented-scissors-4070946
  9. Yuja Wang plays the Flight of the Bumble-Bee
  10. A tiny thing. My locked screenset where unlocked after update. So tiny as in not true. It has nothing to do with the update.
  11. Or try the free Adam Monroe's Tremolo. https://adammonroemusic.com/free-tremolo-vst/tremolo-vst-free.html
  12. We have the loudness war. Bad or not. Music seems to be louder nowadays. Could have to do with the studies that say louder music is experienced as better sounding. We have the overuse of voice. Bad or not. Wailing, wobble, warble and glides singing technics wasn't used that much back then. Could have to do with room to come up with new good songs isn't that easy nowadays. Seems that the new in a song isn't the song itself rather the technics and performance.
  13. They are not built for upward compression. But they can be used in a similar way which is also true for a fxchain if you build one in Cakewalk. W.A. Productions The King 2 is in my wishlist on Plugin Boutique so i'll wait for that to come down in price. I'm in no hurry.
  14. There are lots of compressors. Does any one know if any of them has upward compression?
  15. Alan Parsons Project - Lucifer
  16. Ok. Thanks for the info about it being crippleware. Don't see the need for hording plugins that's not "really" fully functional when there's so much good freeware around.
  17. Could i have an option to sort the rows in the step sequenser? Sort by note number. Low to high or high to low. I miss that option now when i'm working in there.
  18. I saw this. Seems it could work. ? https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=575352
  19. This is what happened last time he had a group buy deal. Product(s): Wusik 2019 Group Buy Delivered: 1. Wusik Station V9 (+ the V10 update later this year) 2. Wusik EVE V5 3. Wusik 8008 4. Wusik ZR 5. Wusik One 6. Wusik P2000 7. Wusik X42 8. Wusik SQ200 9. Wusik DLooper 10. Wusik MSTR Coming (was said to have started development and should be finished under 2020). 1. Wusik JP99. VA Synth 2. Wusik Prototype. VA Synth Creator 3. Wusik PR82. Performance Product In his store but not delivered. Reason is the url for download is no longer working. 4. Wusik DR7. Drum Pads Sample Player In the store as DRS1 ? 5. Wusik SEQ1. Wavesequencer Synth 6. Wusik PWM 7. Wusik ARP+ 8. Wusik MOD800 So, you got a lot of plugins for a good low price. If he never had promised to deliver those plugins listed under coming, it would have been fine. Or at least quickly explained that he couldn't follow thru on those. To keep quiet and do nothing was the worst thing he could do.
  20. Rename it to - Instant installer. Think about it...Bandlab assistant is also a web installer.
  21. Ample Sounds acoustic guitar. Started me on a collection. I've bought six instruments now.
  22. It turned out i had downloaded it to a folder but never installed it. I now have it installed and got the same silent behaviour as you. Got it to sound by clicking on the bagpipe image. And by changing the keyswitch under it i could find a keyboard key that affected it. I got it. ? Clicking the image OR using the keyswitch turns the air/sound on and off. The chanter to the left of the image have to be on. The led should be orange. The notes used is very high up to the right on my keyboard so i missed them first because i normally play from the middle down left. I like low tones. The drones led should also be orange and on.
  23. You must have one of these to get that ultrasuper audio experience. https://audiophilestyle.com/forums/topic/62753-nvme-ssd-designed-for-audiophiles/#comments ?
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