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Everything posted by Kurre

  1. I would use the midi channels to handle what instruments to be used. The rest is for others to answer. I haven't yet connected any midi hardware.
  2. If current hd is mechanical, a ssd will give better performance.
  3. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eiVH_I1clbbRtWFh4-3Mo7HANjCxR8SwqHJtYXy19gw/pub Towards the end of the page there's the CbB Tools. It contains a ReadMe.pdf on how to use it. It was last updated 2023 Mar 06. It downloads ok.
  4. Yesterday i had to activate my CbB. Clicked "sign in to Bandlab" in the help menu. Firefox opened with a blank page and got stuck there. I shutdown the browser and repeated the same steps. This time i got the login page and it activated as expected. My guess was that windows defender was updating and took hold of all bandwidth. The reason being the pc had been offline over a month and needed it. At the second attempt it was done updating.
  5. I just open TTS-1 and click on the instrument name. Select first item which is "preset". Select last item which is drum set, Select brush set. It has a 3 digit number which is 041. All other presets that don't belong to a drum set has 6 digits. With the brush set selected click the edit button. There you see the note and the sound it produces. The note is one octave lower than in the piano roll view. So a F1 note should be played as a F2 note in the prv.
  6. Command Center would indicate this is about the old Sonar x. When i saw the title of the topic it indicated that the nuSonar has problems. Isn't this a problem when old Sonarx pop up in this subforum?
  7. Ok, thanks. It's an old Korg707 with din connection so - not mcu. I've thought of why that Mackie device turned up in the first place. I think Sonar picked it up from my Stream Deck installation.
  8. I now have done a brief test run of Sonar. I got a notification about disabled controler. I went to it, Mackie controler, and selected the midi in and out from the dropdown menu. Then tested to play some synths. It didn't react to my midi keyboard. Switched over to CbB and could establish that the midi keyboard sent notes as it should. The control device was the only thing that differed between the daws so i deleted the Mackie controler and tried again. Success. ✨ Why does a controldevice block the midi keyboard? I thought they could coexist.
  9. @Noel Borthwick@Jesse Jost Stop working or working but with "save" disabled? I can see several user posts that says Sonar stops working if you don't activate for some reason. I also does not see it being denied by Bandlab admins. So...what happens when Sonar isn't activated?
  10. That would also be cool. How to implement it is of course up to the Bandlab crew. I thought of it as a one time plugin scan started in the preferences. Then adding the thumbnailview to the view menu. Plus adding user input for textfield and a rescan for later installed plugins from that view.
  11. Ever wondered if you forgot something for the track? Do you remember what every plugin of the 200-500 plugins you have, has for function? What did it look like? What was it called? Maybe a thumbnail window could ease the task of getting some grip on your wast amount of plugins. ................. Take the plugin pic and add a textfield under it for user input. Click on the thumbnail pic to open. Click part of the pic to open only the textfield. ------------ Nothing necessary but a cool thing to stand out from the competition. ?
  12. Second hand shops usually have tons of cd's to a lower than low price.
  13. The BandLabAssistant menuitem doesn't lead anywhere. Which isn't surprising as it is no longer associated with the daw. To remove this menuitem, open: PC\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Tools Menu Select and delete the folder named "BandLabAssistant" . Obviously, do it while CbB is shut down. Then upon opening you'll no longer see the BandLabAssistant menuitem.
  14. I found out how to export to midi in the standalone. I can't get it to work in the daw. Funny thing is that the pc i have used from the day CbB got released can do the conversion. And doing it the easy way by dropping the audio in the miditrack without opening Melodyne. Seems it's similar to the TTS-1 situation. It keeps working and doesn't have an end date as demo's have.
  15. When studying infovideos, those bits and the formant thing cought my eye.
  16. Nice to hear that it wasn't just wishful thinking from my side. ?
  17. Anyoune use it on instruments? I got this thought, maybe i could use it to modulate vsti sounds. I've got some simple flute vsti's that could be more alive with a bit of manipulating.
  18. I'm new to Melodyne. Can you tell me if i have to "Help > Check for updates" both in the plugin and standalone?
  19. Yes. There's a definit improvement when using acoustic together with brightness all the way down to the left. Recording without any effect plugin gives this sharp metallic overtone from my piezo. With mentioned setting it goes away and sounds like an acoustic sounds irl.
  20. From Full bucket music: The Six-Traq is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AAX) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AU/AAX) simulating the classic Sequential Circuits Six-Trak synthesizer from 1984. https://www.fullbucket.de/music/sixtraq.html
  21. There is a free version of Sitala. https://plugins4free.com/plugin/2912/
  22. It sounds like you have the setting in "edit/preferences/vst settings/recycle plugin windows" checked. Uncheck it if you want to see multiple vsti windows.
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