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Everything posted by husker

  1. Looks like the 10 off is only good for one plugin. Multiple plugins don't work.
  2. About as useful as APD cash...
  3. That's two freebies for me this year!
  4. @cclarry said it best - we're not a forum, we're a family. I'll always have a fondness for this forum and Sonar users. Early in 2017, I ended up having some spare time due to my service ending. I was driving my wife nuts, and she suggested I find an additional hobby (I have several). I grew up playing piano, and I work in the IT field. As a music fanatic, I thought I would look into buying a synth and doing some home recording. I can't express how little I knew about anything (and how much of an obsession it has become for me). I literally bought a "Home Recording For Dummies" book. I started reading some forums, but I just found myself so confused about the basics. I started researching DAWs, and had settled on either Studio One or Reaper. I posted a few questions in both forums - the Studio One forum was just dead, and the guys in the Reaper forum were just simply jerks. Same for KVR. I don't recall how I found out about Sonar, but I do remember being interested in the "Sonar For Life" offer. I tentatively asked a few questions in the Sonar forum, and I couldn't believe the amount of friendly forum members who pitched in to patiently answer my questions. Members (like @abacab and @scook and countless others) were so generous of their time and knowledge, and just went out of their way to educate someone who knew nothing. That sealed the deal for me - I bought "Sonar For Life" - three months before it went under. Much like everyone else, I was close to devastated when that happened. I ended up with Cubase (which I use to this day), but this forum is always my first stop of the day. The jovial nature of this forum is unique, and the fact that everyone is interested in simply helping each other (instead of tearing each other down) is refreshing. The world needs a little more kindness, and all of you contribute to that on this forum. Thank you.
  5. Outside of Larry's tireless work, the good fellowship and amazing camaraderie of like minded plug in buyers, and the amazing wealth of knowledge and experience here........I always love seeing Abacab posting, as it reminds me of that amazing song.... (Neither full Kontakt or ILok required)
  6. 8 Dio sales = the Waves of orchestral sampling.
  7. I'm actually a bit disappointed in IK on this rollout. From the installation issues to the purchasing issues, it is certainly not a customer friendly experience. I wanted to purchase it (I have some completist tendencies [right @Matthew Sorrels?]) but IK has not made it easy - now support has told me I can't use Jam points to do so.
  8. Does anyone know how long this Output sale will be running? I have a fairly decent upgrade price on the bundle, just need to collect a few more duckets. (Also, any thoughts on the complete bundle?)
  9. Well, I hopped on the chat, and they wouldn't do it.
  10. Crap. I just bought this 2 days ago. I could have waited and saved $50... FWIW, you can ONLY buy the Diamond Edition now - they no longer offer the Gold version of Opus.
  11. Just a bump for SFM. Their stuff is great! Well recorded, well organized, and includes Kontakt instruments as well.
  12. How is that possible?
  13. Put it in your cart. I show the same thing, but then there is a discount automatically applied. Unfortunately, I can then not add any Jam points.
  14. Can Jam Points not be used on this purchase?
  15. Been waiting on this. This will replace Loopcloud for me since they crippled it...
  16. I have Syntronic Deluxe, but I can't seem to choose and upgrade or crossgrade on this. ???????
  17. If its true, hope Peter will be OK.
  18. I keep looking at Bitwig as a secondary DAW. I'm %100 on Cubase now, but keep thinking I should get something different to mix things up a bit. I've looked at Studio One, but it is very similar to Cubase. I'm currently looking at FL Studio and Bitwig - both are substantially different than Cubase.
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