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Everything posted by husker

  1. I think 8Dio learned something during their crazy never ending sale last year. I think they may have come to the conclusion that Waves did.
  2. Common problem with 8Dio. I experience it with almost all of their libraries. The Kontakt batch resave does help.
  3. Preach.... Those Steam sales get me. Every. Single. Time.
  4. One of the common complaints about 8Dio
  5. Let me know if anyone doesn't want their voucher?
  6. I think next year I'll go to the pro version...
  7. Anyone know the difference in this new Version 2? I have the first version, just want to know if it is worth buying the second.
  8. I upgraded from 13 to 13 UCE. Worth it in my opinion. Once I upgraded, the air smells better, water tastes better, the temperature is warmer, and my dog became friendlier. Jesting aside, I'd jump on that deal.
  9. 80% off plus Silka - that is a great deal....
  10. On a related note: has anyone changed the location of the sound sets or Syntronik and Sampletank? I just bought another SSD, and am rebuilding my Daw from scratch. I think that @Peter - IK Multimedia mentioned a process a few months ago, but I would like to find it. If I remember, you go through all the process downloads, sound bank installers, etc, which seems to place on the C drive somewhere. I guess you can move that whole directory to another drive, the point Syntronik 2 and Sampletank to the new location. Is this the correct procedure? Anything else I need to be aware of? Thank you.
  11. Anyone found anything on the store $5 or less? @pseudopop - Thank you for posting these each day. Good reminder for me to grab them.
  12. husker

    FL Studio

    What do you prefer about Bitwig?
  13. That is a great price for that collection.
  14. husker

    FL Studio

    The recent thread regarding "who uses Cakewalk" was interesting to me, as I've been in the market for awhile for a secondary DAW. I started with (cough) Sonar For Life (/cough), and still feel a little jaded about that. I went with Cubase when SPLAT went under, and am very pleased with it. I'm not a DAW collector (I'm a synth collector) (well, and string library collector). I would, however, like to get a secondary DAW. To me, Cakewalk/Bandlab and Studio One (two other popular choices) are very similar to what I have already in Cubase - I've been looking at something radically different. I'm not really interested in Ableton, which leaves FL Studio. I do have a version of Studio One Producer, so I could upgrade for around $100 to the latest, but I actually really like how "different" FL Studio is. The current deal is the full version for $399 - I've had it in my cart for a few days, and Imagine Line sent me an addition %10 off coupon to entice me to buy. In cart, it is $359 for the FL Studio All Plugins edition. Is this my best deal for this?
  15. In 21 more years, I'll have the complete Berlin Inspire I....
  16. I value @Matthew Sorrels input as well. I actually really like the Cinematic Studio series, but I'm a hack...
  17. Wait, you actually make songs? I must be in the wrong forum....
  18. No, please do post, they may be useful to someone. Your posts remind me each day to get them.
  19. I'm at Horizon now, Mercury is the only place to go for me.
  20. Yeah, my upgrade to Mercury with all the coupons is $422. That is as low as I've seen it for me.
  21. Wonder if it would work with separate orders.
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