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Everything posted by husker

  1. Well, after a bit of back and forth (where I had to continually remind them of their policy), I finally got my Elements 12 Activation key. Which, I guess I could sell now, since I don't really need it now.
  2. So, I opened up a ticket on my Elements 11 to 12 not working. I activated both versions of 11 on 11/11/21, which was after their grace period started. My Pro activated corrected, but my Elements did not: This was their response to my ticket: "Hello, Thank you for your reply. Your Elements 11 is not working because you purchased the upgrade or version of Elements 11 cubase before the grace period which started on Black Friday teh day after Thanksgiving of 2021. Your Elements purchase was before that as it shows your code in your email that was sent being used on 11/11/2021. Also neither of these are your receipt of purchase for elements 11 which we would need to verify that specific date is what qualifies. You would need to purchase the upgrade from elements 11 to elements 12 to proceed. Thank you Steinberg US Support" That is 100% Not Correct, and total bull. I responded with: "That is 100% NOT true. As you can see from your own site, the grace period started November 10th. As you can see, I activated on the 11. As I said, it worked for Pro, but not Elements. https://helpcenter.steinberg.de/hc/en-us/articles/4408738020498-Free-Grace-Period-Update-to-Cubase-12 Please advise."
  3. So, you basically have the freebies? $119 for the collection + EFX is a great deal. I really do specially like the delays and the reverbs. (But I'm a delay and reverb kind of guy). Delay Eternity is one of my favorites. I have the $29 deal, but I haven't jumped yet, but I will. I just wonder if there is going to me a couple more "EFX" effects, which will then be bundled. I really do like Arturia - their products are good, their licensing customer friendly, and their product rollouts are really smooth. (Unlike IK and Steinberg).
  4. I read an article in Fortune the other day about the global supply chain crisis. Apparently, it is affecting rats bahookis specifically, so maybe that's why Steinberg doesn't have any to give.
  5. Well, I finally got i's dotted, the t's crossed, and jumped through the hoops. 12 Pro is installed and activated. The odd thing is that the Activation assistant kept erroring out on transferring the license, but I just reboot, and it showed up in the Activation Manager as something that could be activated. It then installed and activated fine, but I still show a Cubase 11 license on my ELicenser. My next question is what about my Elements 11 license. That was purchased within the same grace period, and I see now way of upgrading that one. I'm not sure I really care, as I can now install Pro on 3 machines (which obviates my need for Elements). Have faith Larry, I'm sure it will be sorted out.
  6. After a few tries, I finally got it.
  7. I get the same thing.
  8. Love the Dronar series. You can get lost for hours in them.
  9. Yup, totally forgot about that....
  10. In 2017, I upgraded my Anthology X (which I got on KVR) to XI for $149, which added Blackhole, Fission, Tverb, UltraTap, MangledVerb and 2016 Stereo Room - $24.83 per In 2022, I can upgrade XI to XII for $199, which adds SplitEQ, Physion, SP 2016 Reverb, Spring, ShimmerVerb, Tricera Chorus, CrushStation, Rotary Mod, Undulator, Micropitch, and Crystals - $19.90 per
  11. Should IK Multimedia pay attention to how this product rollout goes? I mean, it is Arturia, which means I predict: Little to no complaints about the product pricing, upgrade pricing, loyalty pricing, or crossgrade pricing A smooth installation and authorization experience A relatively robust and bug free product upon release Long term support at no cost Right?
  12. This is the way it looks to me.
  13. I may bite at199 from just XI.
  14. Looks like Split EQ and SP2016 are new
  15. $199 upgrade from Anthology XI. That is direct from Eventide, not sure if resellers can do better.
  16. Though it is not nearly as feature rich as Sononym, the nice thing about Cosmos is that it can search all libraries at the same time. Very helpful.
  17. That you for this. Ever since Steven posted this thread, I was trying to remember why I didn't get along with ADSR. When I ditched Loopcloud after they crippled the program, I went on a "sample manager hunt." I tried most of them, and liked ADSR the best of the freebies, but it would ALWAYS gray out folders after they were updated. I just couldn't remember this. I ended up with Sononym which is OK, but is awfully slow with large sets of samples.
  18. This released today. Looks like $47.95 and 20% off if you are an existing Ethera owner.
  19. Ah, another mass confused roll out by IK.... I actually regret buying into the Group buy last year....
  20. @cclarry - Can you list the 10 "new" kits that you have in your sounds tab please?
  21. So I don't see any updates - this is an example of what I see for all Modo drum. Is this right?
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