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Everything posted by husker

  1. Any favorites? I've never really look at his instruments.
  2. I love the Ethera series. Quite a bit of value there.
  3. husker

    Output Updates

    One of my most used keys on my StreamDeck is a multiaction button that opens all the the updaters I have installed on my DAW. Simple button that I run once a day to see what updates are available, and a huge timesaver. I had to remove the Output Portal as it never remembered my account, so I never really log into it to see what updates are available. However, I did run it today, and there are updates for Movement, Portal, and Thermal. Have no idea on how long they have been out there, but it may be worth checking to see if you have any updates. No Changelog that I could see on their site.
  4. +1 on extensive midi. Plus the best integration with actual hardware if you have any. When Sonar went under, I demoed Studio One and Cubase extensively before ultimately going with Cubase. Been with it since version 9. Cubase gets quite a bit of hate, mostly related to Steinberg, the licensing, and the GUI. Some of it is well deserved. Moving off of the dongle has been really nice, and getting a couple of instances per license has been great. My key needs were related to hardware synths and Midi - from my perspective, Cubase is unmatched in those areas. If I didn't have those specific needs, I may have gone with Studio One. I've flirted with it on occasion since, but I ended up getting FL Studio as a secondary DAW (i.e. something to waste time with). I'm dealing more and more with orchestral libraries, and some things like per note expression are amazing in Cubase. Thanks to a random post by @abacab a few months ago, I got a great deal on Dorico as well. I'll definitely upgrade that to the full version during their next sale. So much better than Notion, and the integration with Cubase, though not perfect, is really nice.
  5. Hope springs eternal.... I don't want to to derail the Waves hating, but I do wonder how many hobbyists vs pros would rather see Waves ditch WUP and level all plugins at $100, or keep doing business as is. If so, how long do they support a $100 plugin. The data on that study would be fascinating.
  6. Thank you Larry. Can anyone get this to work? I don't even see where to override the automatically applied 33% off coupon. I've tried both ask.audio and ask.video
  7. Very timely for me, as I was looking at two courses just last night. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work. Putting three courses in my cart doesn't doesn't reflect the $19 price. Was that an email you received Larry?
  8. Good price, great sounds. Most confusing UI ever. Love Sample Logic.
  9. Not bad at all. They aren't super rare (it was a million seller after all) but it is a bit more uncommon to find one with the original sleeve. Going to mount it and hang in the music room.
  10. I prefer Good Vibrations. (I'm a Brian Wilson fanatic - and I just found this at a Dallas record store a few weeks ago - an original 1966 Capitol Records "Good Vibrations" 45).
  11. I was today years old when I first realized the Arturia store also existed within Pigments....
  12. That's a great pice. Still looking for a Moog One 16 Voice at $849.....
  13. So we should just start calling him "Cobb"?
  14. 2023 is the year I actually complete a song. I swear. I have about 187 bits, one of them has to turn into something.....
  15. Story of my life with everything on this forum...
  16. At this juncture, I feel the same way (though I actually don't have Anthology 3, should probably hit up KVR this weekend).
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