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jesse g

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Everything posted by jesse g

  1. jesse g


    WOW!! It looks like we all took the same IK Syntronik train from ProAudioStar to the IK Group Buy. ??
  2. jesse g


    They are definitely legitimate. I have purchased several items from them.
  3. This still happens with XLN Audio. I just had a Windows 10 update and then I restarted my computer and tried to open Addictive Drums 2, but I I received a message from XLN that the Computer ID wasn't recognized. I had to clear the computer ID from my XLN account online and then run the XLN online installer to have my computer ID added back to my XLN online account again. I hate that XLN hasn't fixed this problem yet.
  4. Crucial has a 2TB Internal SSD doe $199.99 that I am thinking of upgrading one of my backup drives to. See the ~~> 2 TB Crucial Drive
  5. WHoooo hooooo We have a 4th download. Gotta get myself Sample Tank 4.
  6. I just saw that too abacab. Come to Papa Sample Tank 4
  7. My pockets are empty Fleer. She has her own place but she's always coming back home. I think my wife and I are going to pack up in the middle of the night and move. Knowing her, she'll be chasing the moving van down the street yelling, "Dad,.. wait,... can you get me... !!"
  8. She has an electric guitar, an acoustic guitar, a drum set and and a clarinet. This is the last instrument she is getting from my wife and I, we ordered her a M-Audio Code 49.
  9. Ed, She's my baby girl, but she is 22 years old. She said she wanted a MIDI keyboard to create songs with, so I was as going to hand it to her and say good luck kiddo ?
  10. I enjoyed re-arranging my studio once, It did nothing to make the songs better, so I put it back to where it was before. Now my songs sound great again. ?
  11. I believe I can, I believe I can. or is it, I wish I can, I wish I can.
  12. jesse g

    Gone again!

    Larry, Don't go, I need a coupon code to buy my next car.... Gonna miss you man.
  13. Larry is my Hero, When I grow up, I am going to be just like Larry. He's Super Man who plays guitar.
  14. Darn those IK folks, why do they have to cause me sooooooo much trouble. Whyyyy, oh Whyyyy oh Whyyy !!! ?
  15. Wow, there are 95 Participants left to receive 4 free products. I thinks it's no brainier time now, I have to get in on this... Maybe buy the Mod Bass, and get for free = Mod Drums, Miroslav Philharmonik 2 CE, 37 keys iRig Keys 2 Pro (for my baby girl), and Sampletank 4.
  16. jesse g

    JRR Shop

    From their FaceBook Page "JRR Shop Hello Everyone! Yes we are still alive, we hope to have the site up soon. We are still currently taking orders directly. Feel free to message us via the fb page, or at sales@jrrshop.net. Regards, Jesus//Jrrshop"
  17. This is the combination of all of the plugins from T-RackS, AmpliTube and SampleTank. Although I like the fact that they changed the design, they are just re-selling to us what we already own as a 500 series plugin.
  18. Fitzroy, Thanks for the confirmation. It is strange that they did that with the Effect Rack.
  19. Fitzroy, It was stated earlier that the purchasing the Effect Rack doesn't allow you to used the plugins separately from the Rack, that the Rack must always be loaded to pull up a plugin, is this true? I own the Sountoys 5 Bundle and I can pull up each plugin as a stand alone plugin without the Rack.
  20. Reid, You can load the plugins inside the Rack, or as I do in CbB, I load them as individual plugins. Go here > See insertion of single plugin and go @2:33 to see the insertion.
  21. Larry, Have you tried it yet, and if so, what is your impression of it. Since I am at work right now, I have to wait until I get home to download it. I like the GUI, very nice looking and not cluttered. ?
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