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jesse g

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Everything posted by jesse g

  1. laglag, Get Komplete Start first, if your are trying this out for the first time and just dapple in it for a while. ~~> NI KOMEPLETE START After that, you may then want to invest the $99.00 into Komplete Select, however, I would skip Komplete Select and go for Komplete 12 during the during 50% off Sale. You may even want to wait for Komplete 13 when it comes out.
  2. No questions for me either, I just cliched on "Get Studio Rack" from the Waves Site and it said it was added to my account. I then opened Waves Central and Waves Central updated and studio Rack was waiting for me to install. Maybe it's because I had the previous version as well. The new studio Rack look beautiful. I love the Multi band Split and the built in Waves S1 imaging functionality and also the Parallel processing Rack. WHEW!!!!
  3. Thanks Jim, I had a rough time trying to figure this out until I spoke with a Logic user who had experience with Cakewalk by Bandlab
  4. I recently looked in my M-Audio account for a driver for my Code Midi Keyboard and saw an offer for me to download a D-B33 organ from Air Music Technology. Now Where do you think they got that organ idea from?? It sounds great. If you have M-Audio gear, log in to their website and check your owned products, you may be in for a surprise.
  5. I love using Melodyne 4 Editor, however, I don't use it very often so i think I will wait for the 50% off email also. I like the new features in version 5 and I though it was way past due for an upgrade to a newer version. Now if we can only get XLN Audio to move their butts and give us an update! ?
  6. Currently I am trying to get my head wrapped around this N.I. Maschine stuff, so recently had to download several Maschine tutorials since tGroove 3 is having a 33% off sale. I've learned so much by just watching those tutorials and learning about the functionality of the Maschine software and hardware.
  7. You can create a drum midi pattern in BandLab using either a Drum VST like the ones that come with CbB or install one yourself, like the one I use from Addictive Drums 2 . You can also use and electric Drum set if you have one. Record the Drum pattern into a midi track, I suggest using a simple instrument track first to test with. After you have your pattern recorded, highlight you Midi track and select, View > Staff View you can see the staff view and play along to your music with it as well. OK, Start here and READ THIS Start with Page 1121 Here is something to look at for some of the functionality of the staff view.
  8. I love Groove 3. I think everyone of us knows the name Eli Krantzberg from one tutorial or another. I used to like watching the Mixing videos from Yoad Nevo and Kenny Gioia a lot as well.
  9. Great information I picked up investigating Tape Machines. All About Tape Machines
  10. Through June 2nd, get T-RackS Tape Machine Collection for a special price of $/€99.99! That gives you only two weeks to add these tape machines to your arsenal to re-create the complex interplay of machine, tape, and audio to capture even the smallest detail of each machine. If you till have your 34 Jam points that was given to you for free as a gift a short time ago, you can use 30 of them for the total cost of $69.99. The Offer is good until June 2nd, 2020.
  11. I'm out of NI vouchers, do you think they will accept some IK Jam points? ? he, he, he!
  12. Hey All, The problem is solved !! I remember that I a person by the name of Stefan Guy used The Maschine Mikro MK3 in a video I saw about two months ago . I was more interested in his chord progressions than the Mikro MK3 he was using. Anyway, I reached out to him and he shared a video tutorial with me that he created about using Mikro MK3 in Logic. He informed me of two important steps. ~~> Do not to use Midi mode on the Mikro MK3 ~~> Do not to do anything else after you set the External Outputs in the Maschine software. It worked!!! 16 tracks recorded from Maschine into BandLab using the Mikro MK3, I am saving this beauty as a track template. Watch the Video
  13. Hello All, I am trying to use My Maschine Mikro MK3 to record into CbB instead of exporting out of Maschine and importing the tracks into CbB. The instructions that Native Instruments provide are not working because they are instructions for Any DAW besides Logic and Abelton Live, for which they have specific videos to watch. If anyone is currently using Machine 2.10.X with the Maschine hardware inside of CbB and you are able to record using the pads directly into the track pane using separate tracks, please let me know how you got this to work. This Video didn't work - Recording MIDI Notes in your DAW from MASCHINE - NI This was a waste of time - HOW TO INSERT MASCHINE INTO YOUR DAW (SONAR PLATINUM) This is too old - Configuring Maschine as a Multitimbral Synth In Sonar X2 Tutorial Thanks.
  14. Hello All, I love using Maschine form Native Instruments, however I was having a tough time getting Maschine to write the notes directly to the tracks in CbB itself. This video assisted me with figuring out what I needed to do. This tutorial shows how to get CbB to work with any version of the Maschine Hardware controller you have. Currently in my studio, I am using the Maschine Mikro MK3 as a starting point. Enjoy the video and I hope it inspires you to continue to make great music now that you've gotten a step further with Maschine. Special note: ~~> Do not use Midi Mode ~~> Do not do anything else after setting the external outputs ~~> Turn off the Metronome in Maschine and only use BandLabs Metronome I received 16 channels of audio being recorded to BandLab using my Mikro MK3 via the Maschine Software. I've only tried it with the Maschine Mikro MK3 and it worked.
  15. Larry, Will this update have any affect on my Version 10 plugins that I haven't WUPED, WUPTED, WOOOPTED ..., uuh you know, updated yet? ?
  16. Hello Everyone , I was watching a YouTube channel about chord progressions, which led me to the website Popular Progressions. I play the Bass Guitar, so when I am trying to create a song, it's hard for me to get the right chords unless I have someone come over and play my keyboard to the sounds I hum to them, yes, I do that. This is a good pack of Chord progressions. There are 90 in a pack and you can use them as .wav or .midi files to apply to any virtual instrument. The cost is only $22.00 and you will have to use PayPal if you decide to purchase, so click the PayPal button after clicking Check Out. The Owner told me that his website payment system is declining credit cards. This is what happened to me; until I wrote, the owner and he told me what to do. There is no need to sign into PayPal and after the $22.00 payment was processed, I received my download about 15 seconds later and an email confirmation. These are great chord progressions.
  17. Oh Boy, Alesis Passive M1's were the fist pair of studio monitors that I ever mixed on. I was in a studio that Donald Robinson owned back in the early 90's. He taught me how to use a mixing console and how to use outboard studio gear. He has written and recorded many well know artist and has been an excellent keyboardist for so many groups. Check out Donald Robinson
  18. Fleer, Did you mean to say, Presonus 5 XT Active Monitors? I have the KRK V 4's, the KRK V 6's and recently, the Adam TV 7''s, however, I would happily trade them all in for used working pair of Genelec 8260A's ?
  19. The price is for EACH active monitor, not for the pair. Thanks for the Deal Larry.
  20. Carlos, Don't worry about it, Larry always has an early posting around here somewhere. I don't thinks he ever sleeps as he is always posting deals to the forum. Darn you cclarry!!! ?
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