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jesse g

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Everything posted by jesse g

  1. ZO, How many new products will you get in addition to Kontakt 7, and look at the cost of what you get for the upgrade. I got 27 new products for $99.50 including the full version of Kontakt 7. I use NI Maschine so the expansion will be of benefit to me. Also I received a Plugin Alliance Bundle serial key for ordering KOMPLETE 14 STANDARD.
  2. Nope, I emailed NI first to ask, "If I order Komplete 14 standard and install it with my Komplete 13 Ultimate, will it over write what I have. The response came back, Patrick @ NI (Native Instruments) May 15, 2023, 23:34 GMT+2 Hello, Thank you for contacting Native Instruments. This will not overwrite your past installations. Best regards, Patrick @ NI
  3. I have KU13, but I added K14 standard for the update price of $ 99.50, so with that purchase, I got the following. Full version of Kontakt 7 Playbox Session Guitarist - Electric Sunburst Session Bassist - Prime Bass Super 8 Session Guitarist - Electric Mint 40's Very Own - Keys 40's Very Own - Drums Expansion - Backyard Jams Expansion - Neo Boogie Empire Breaks Expansion - Bumpin Flava Deft Lines Ignition Keys Expansion - Body Mechanik Stacks Melted Vibes Massive X Expansion - Charge Massive X Expansion - Our House Massive X Expansion - Wake Massive X Expansion - Bump Massive X Expansion - Haze Massive X Expansion - Quest Massive X Expansion - Kino Massive X Expansion - Beam Massive X Expansion - Fade Massive X Expansion - Bounce **Just getting Session Bassist - Prime Bass is $99.00 by itself. I get to keep all everything from KU13 plus add the stuff from K14 standard, now that's a bargain. ?
  4. Very good Cover Camper. Nah, no equipment!! You win the can of spray, you just have to get to that studio and retrieve it. Oh, and there are two rolls of paper towels further along the back of the console you can use to wipe off the extra spray if you need to use them. ?
  5. Can you find the can of spray in the studio? Give exact location
  6. ? Looking aroung, mumbling to self in secrecy, (I better not let then know that I don't have a Lava Lamp in my studio either) ?
  7. Come and take a look around > Focusrite Virtual Studio ? Use your mouse and scroll wheel to navigate around.
  8. +1 I reset the 18i20 again and restored from a previous backup and the SPDIF began to show again in CbB, The problem was resolved about a week after I wrote the initial post. Thanks everyone for the assistance.
  9. Live lite is listed as a free download if you never downloaded it from your Focusrite account before. Since I never needed Live Lite, I never downloaded it. Now I have Live Lite just sitting there and I have the 50% off offer for the Full version of Live, so I could download Live lite and then apply the 50% offer, … Nah, I don't want Ableton Live on my computer.
  10. Get the SSL Native Vocalstrip 2 straight from Solidstatelogic and have it registered with them if there are any problems. The prices is $14.99 from their website as well.
  11. As you install it, you will be asked if you want to use your iLok account, if you do just select yes. then open Cakewalk and past your Soundtoys license key in the first sound toys plugin that pops up during scanning. The entire bundle will activate and now you can see it in iCloud when signing in. I think that's how it went. Sorry, those instructions were for License manager.
  12. $70.31, get outta here with that Larry. LOL
  13. Purchased and installed!! I had Soundtoys 5.3 bundle, and paid $29.99 + tax for the bundle upgrade to 5.4, and there was Super Plate, the Electromechanical Plate Reverb. ?
  14. I'm with Husker, They should have offered 50% off of WUP while begging for our forgiveness on their scabby knees. (Was that a bit harsh)?
  15. What a nice title for your post Craigb Here is a strange piece of Fruit And a strange dog
  16. Here's what happened. I was using my Icon Pro Audio QCon Pro G2 Control Surface and I found out by accident that the F2/Copy button along with the Rewind button turns on ripple editing. I was trying to press the M1 button and the rewind button to go back to the beginning of the song, but I mistakenly hit the F2/Copy button, which is under the M1 Button, and my clip movement went bonkers. Thanks again for helping out SCOOK!!
  17. I found out by accident that the F2/Copy button along with the Rewind button turns on Ripple ripple editing. I was trying to press the M1 button and the rewind button to go back to the beginning of the song, but I mistakenly hit the F2/Copy Button under the M1 Button, and my clip movement went bonkers.
  18. Scook, Thank you sooooooo much, Ripple Edit was checked off. I unchecked it and was able to move my clip with out any problems. ?? ??
  19. Hello All, This is my scenario. I open a saved project and import a wave file onto a new audio track. I then go to adjust the imported wave file on the audio track and every track splits and moves starting at the beginning of where the imported track begins. What is happening? I am not sure what I turned on or turned off, but it is weird. I thought it would be Options > Drag and Drop Options (Slide over and make room) but I've always had this checked off. My tracks just split and start moving ?
  20. I used my buy Any -2999-2 coupon to get Xtressor last week. That is a great plugin.
  21. Ok, I misread your entry, sorry about that. I though you were saying to install Sonar Platinum and just use that. ?
  22. abacab, He just reinstalled Sonar Platinum after having it uninstalled for 5 years. Why wouldn't you recommend a new install using Bandlab? Bandlab is a more updated version than Platinum and he can install what he previously purchased by logging into the Cakewalk Command Center and downloading what he wants.
  23. +1 I too would recommend that you download the Cakewalk by Bandlab version for you Computer and remove the Platinum version. If you had a Cakewalk account, you can log into http://www.cakewalk.com/Command-Center to use the Command Center and retrieve your purchased instruments and plugins.
  24. For everyone who fell asleep during sale, I know they must be kicking themselves in the butt right now. The selling price is between $89.00 and $99.00 new. Used it sell for $39.00-$89.00.
  25. I got the Kiives Extressor, that plugin is Sssswwweeeeeet!!! I think that the best 29.99 dollars I've ever spent. Sorry, I have to take that Back, The TC Electronic TC8210-DT Desktop-controlled Reverb Plug-in is the best 29.99 EVER spent.
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