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Base 57

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Everything posted by Base 57

  1. The following is taken directly from the Reference Guide. It clearly states that Comp mode will mute clips in previous takes. It says nothing about muting regions. "Comp record mode will record all takes as independent Take lanes. At the end of a recording pass, only the most recently recorded takes will be audible. This is achieved by automatically comping, isolating the clips in the recording and muting other clips in existing Take lanes. Splits are created in all lanes at the start and end record times. All clips within the recorded region are automatically "healed", removing any unnecessary splits from prior takes. All clips in Take lanes that are obscured by the latest record pass are muted. The comp splitting process follows the same logic as the Comping tool, and will mute all clips that are not part of the latest recording" The way it is currently working is not new. I got caught out by this years ago. I learned then how to use the Mute Tool. The problem is that if an old hand like Bassman can be confused by this, imagine how it must affect Noobs. Maybe calling this a bug is a misstatement. However, if muting the region is the expected behavior it should be reflected in the documentation.
  2. I addition you can unmute all of the clip waveforms in one swipe. With the Mute Tool selected Click and drag partway across the top of the first clip then down and across the top of the last clip.
  3. I did. It does not show you dragging across the top of the clip. You are only clicking on it in the video. Dragging across the bottom of a clip mutes the waveform. Dragging across the top unmutes. FWIW, recording in comp mode, if the start of the recording doesn't line up with a previous clip it will often mute the waveform not the clip. That is likely a bug. It certainly isn't what I expect. edit. In the video you can see the state of the mute tool change from Mute to Unmute as you move it from the bottom to the top of a clip. At one point of the video you drag across the bottom of a clip.
  4. When the waveform is hollow (like in your picture), you must use the Mute Tool to unmute them. Select the tool then drag it across the top of the clip.
  5. Save the effects/settings as an FX Chain. Then drag the Chain from the browser onto the desired clip(s) and bounce.
  6. Add the new synth. Change the output of the track to the new synth. Simple.
  7. I hate to sound argumentative but trimming a video clip is editing. The Forum has discussed this subject ad nauseum. Like CbB, Da Vinci Resolve is free.
  8. I have found an unexpected behavior with this new feature. It works fine within a single screenset. But if you change to a screenset that has the Track Folder closed; the track focus will switch to the first track, unless it is also in a folder. Otherwise, this EA is working well for me.
  9. If you have a controller connected, perhaps the pitch wheel in it is going bad. I have had that problem with 2 different keyboards. Simple to rule out. Just disconnect the controller(s).
  10. Yes. Keeping in mind the subject of this thread. My interface has 64 outputs and I have used multiple external inserts many times.
  11. I am actually happy with the way recording currently works. I am only trying to find a way for Erik and others to get the behavior that they wish for also. If Auto-Punch is enabled in Sound on Sound mode, there are no splits, previous takes are muted (if that option is selected in Preferences), and you can start and stop recording anywhere within the punch region. So as far as I am concerned this is at least a viable workaround for the OP.
  12. So, as long as the last take is the longest one there are no splits to heal if recording in Comp Mode. And, there are no splits when recording in Sound on Sound mode but previous takes are not muted automatically. What about having an option to automatically mute previous takes in SOS?
  13. Hold down the Cntrl key when changing a grouped control that you don't want the rest of the group to follow.
  14. You can use "Offset Mode" to increase (or decrease) the actual level when the fader is at the 50% position. But use this with caution. Much like Ripple Edit, Offset Mode can create problems if you forget to turn it off.
  15. Those are unused in CbB so you could custom bind that in Cakewalk.
  16. Yep, I member now. Those are Windows defaults if I am not mistaken. [After review I believe I am mistaken] I changed to the above sometime after I realized that custom key bindings were possible.; for no other reason than that I could.
  17. I don't know if "Select through end" has a default key binding. But it can be custom bound to anything you want. I have selection range bound to the bracket keys. "From Now" and "Through Now" are bound to the open bracket and close bracket keys. And "From Start" and "Through End" are bound to Cntrl+ open bracket and Cntrl+ close bracket keys.
  18. It is called "Revert". Right click the control and you can revert to the previous setting.
  19. For your specific example, you should use Quick Groups for that. Select the tracks you wish to solo, then hold the Cntrl key while clicking one of the Solo buttons. That will Solo all of the selected tracks. All track controls will respond to Quick Groups. However, there have been several threads lately complaining of unexpected scroll wheel behavior. Try clicking in the area you want to scroll before scrolling. FWIW I have not noticed a difference in the way Cakewalk responds to scrolling in the Track View compared to Sonar Platinum; but I switched the day CbB became available and have not looked back. Perhaps I have just forgotten how it used to work.
  20. I can't duplicate this. Track Templates and Project Templates are saving correctly here.
  21. Thanks John, That's the next addition to the Band Name List.
  22. Base 57

    MIDI Device Issues

    Perhaps CbB could handle this better, but I believe the real problem lies with how Windows reacts to disconnecting and reconnecting USB Midi peripherals. I don't know specifically about your devices. But I used a MidiSport for many years and had problems similar to yours. Eventually I discovered that there were hundreds of instances of the MidiSport listed in the registry. Windows was creating a new instance of the device every time I reconnected it. After removing the extra entries from the registry I stopped disconnecting the device and didn't have problems with it afterward. FWIW, I have since replaced the MidiSport with an iConnectivity MIO xl. It connects via ethernet and RTP Midi. The ports show up in Cakewalk even if the device is turned off. And you can connect class compliant usb midi devices directly to it instead of the computers usb ports.
  23. You mean like the Tempo Track (Alt-T)?
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