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Base 57

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Everything posted by Base 57

  1. Be aware that this works on the "Current" track. Not on "Selected" clips or tracks.
  2. "Show Aim Assist Time" has to be selected. If you right-click the timeline it is under 'Aim Assist".
  3. On the Input Dropdown, select Manage Presets. You will figure out the rest from there.
  4. Find someone local to you to set-up your guitar. Inexpensive guitars can be dramatically improved with proper set-up. If a guitar is difficult to play, it is more difficult for you to improve as a player.
  5. I'm not sure this counts as a critique of the music but, in early 1984 we had just finished a gig down in Cutoff Louisiana. A group of guys approached and informed us that if we didn't keep playing, they were going to turn over our truck. We declined. So, a bunch of them lined up next to the 22-foot U-Haul and started rocking it. I doubt they would have been able to actually turn it over but, we played another couple of hours. Afterward those wonderful, enthusiastic people turned out to be very generous tippers.
  6. What you are looking for is called "Fit Improvisation". Look it up in the reference guide. It is much easier to do than explain.
  7. The Cakewalk Forum is my homepage. Life is too short for any of that other b******t.
  8. Base 57

    Track Notes

    Yes. The Track Inspector has a notes panel called "Description" in the Properties tab. And each take lane has one as well.
  9. I am planning to go see Melvin tomorrow. C&M is a great store with an awesome staff.
  10. Bounce the Clips not the Track. Bouncing the track may change the Interleave which could result in the 3db increase.
  11. Track Templates are available in the Browser. This already exists.
  12. Amicably synonymous sobriquet. Sorry couldn't help overhearing. ? My beer is getting warm... I should probably go.
  13. Look into "Groove Quantize". Cntrl-C to copy the reference clip. Then select the clip you want to follow it and use Process-Groove Quantize. The clip you copied will be on the clipboard as the default Groove File.
  14. It is very unlikely that the tempo actually changed. What changed was your perception of the tempo. The tempo seemed correct during practice, but in a performance environment your perception of the tempo was that it was too slow. Changing the buffer size will not affect tempo. Cakewalk will not allow a sample rate change if there is audio in the project. If there is no audio, then changing the sample rate will not affect the tempo.
  15. Be sure that Input Echo is turned on for each instrument track.
  16. I knew that. I believe John, Byron and Glenn knew that too. It just seemed like the OP was not grasping the concept and needed a more direct answer.
  17. There are no rest icons in the PRV. Blank spaces are rests.
  18. Clips with a musical timebase will play in the Matrix at the project tempo.
  19. That is a different cat. These guys keep closing the box and then reopening it because someone told them that a cat in a box can be alive or dead.
  20. I agree. Between Cakewalk for DOS and SPlat lifetime, I bought at least a dozen top tier versions of Cakewalk software. The cost was waaay over $1000. I believe that I got every penny of my money's worth. My only gripe is this big tease.
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