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Base 57

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Everything posted by Base 57

  1. A mono track panned center will play from both speakers equally. Mono sources should always be recorded to a mono track. In Cakewalk, even stereo sources like keyboards should be recorded as dual mono (separate left and right tracks). In Pro Tools (and some other DAWs I believe), there are separate left and right pan knobs for stereo tracks. But in Cakewalk the pan knob in a stereo track is a balance control. It only reduces the volume of the side you pan away from. If you record dual mono you can pan each side anywhere in the stereo spectrum without using a plugin like Channel Tools.
  2. I have an Orion 32+ which I love. I use the Thunderbolt driver which is ASIO only so I use a different device for Youtube and Spotify. While the driver seems to be bulletproof, the Control Panel can only be opened with the Antelope Launcher which has crapped out on me twice. Cakewalk and Reaper could see and use the device with no problem but the Antelope Launcher could not. Both times Customer Service was unable to help. They were very friendly and prompt but the solution both times was to reload Windows 10. My only other complaint is that there is no remote control capability for the Effects which means no automation. They sound fantastic but I can only control them with a mouse in real time and for me that makes them unusable. I have had the Orion 32+ for over 4 years now and the problems with the Antelope Launcher has only cost me a couple of days reloading Windows. And both times I've done that I have been glad I did. The machine works so much better afterword. So, I am glad I bought mine. If I ever have to buy another interface it will be the 32+ Gen 3.
  3. As you have found, there are only 2 decimal places in Cakewalk's BPM. But there is no need to do any destructive editing. Just add a tempo change of +/- .01 BPM before the difference becomes noticeable. At an average BPM of 120 a .01 difference adds up to .03 seconds in 6 minutes (I think, math is not my best subject) so you shouldn't need more than 3 or 4 tempo changes to keep everything on the grid. And maybe the slight variation will keep it from sounding like robots recorded it. FWIW I would be happy to see another decimal in the Tempo grid. So +1 to that.
  4. The $99 family plan allows 6 total users at 1tb each.
  5. To emphasize what @William W. Saunders, Jr. wrote above, any midi devices you will be using in CbB (ever) should be connected before you start the app; EVERY TIME. If you are using a USB keyboard or any other midi device when you save a project, that device needs to be connected when you open the project again or you will suffer the problem in the OP
  6. Try out @Colin Nicholls 's FLAT WHITE theme in the "UI Themes" sub-forum. It has colorful clip backgrounds. It's my go to theme for daylight hours.
  7. Ripple Edit is not a workaround. It is the solution to the problem you are having. Just be sure to turn it back off after the edit.
  8. The way that I approach this is to first do a comp edit. Then flatten that comp. Next duplicate the track and in the duplicated track delete all of the lanes except for the flattened comp. Then in the original track delete the flattened comp lane. Then select the original track so that all of the clips are highlighted and hit the letter k which will toggle the mute state of all of the clips. Now all of the clips that were in the original comp are muted. Right click on the parent track and select "delete muted clips". Then you can create a second comp without worrying about using duplicate clips. Repeat the above steps as necessary to create as many comp edits as you wish.
  9. This does work. But try editing the clip. That is when the real fun begins. The phrasing of this is more diplomatic than I would have been but I agree and use the Notes panel as well.
  10. This would be very helpful. An Arranger track display for the Staff View wouldn't hurt either. In the meantime, have you tried the Inline PRV?
  11. At the top of the app under "Project" the first selection is "Audio Files". I don't know if that will help anymore than what you are already doing.
  12. To deselect with the select tool in Staff View, click and drag anywhere off of the staff.
  13. To stop the other lanes from following the slip edit, hold the Shift key. Once the split point has been decoupled from the other lanes you can move it without the modifier.
  14. This is the likely suspect. I have had 2 different keyboards that the pitch wheel crapped out causing the problem you are having.
  15. Oh okay. You can't. That is a long-standing feature request.
  16. Use Process/Fit Improvisation for this. Whenever I need to create a tempo map for rubato or syncopated parts that Melodyne doesn't analyze correctly I tap the beat out on a microphone and run Fit Improvisation. The reference track that you tap out must be 1/4 notes and run the length of the piece. Set Measure/Beat at Now works very well but can be tedious when the tempo is changing constantly. When using SM/B@N there is no need to record another track. Use the metronome instead.
  17. That is the Loop Construction View. The Scrub Tool is for Track View. Hit J and then drag across the clip in track 12.
  18. That is correct. I don't remember if it is included with CbB or is left over from SPlat but I use BlueVerb for this.
  19. While participating in this thread last month I created a test project that I wanted to work on some more today. When I opened it the mono inserts were all broken. I opened the Insert UI's and the inputs and outputs had reverted to "None". I had saved a few presets so I loaded them one at a time. All of the mono presets had reverted to "none" in the input and output fields. The stereo presets all loaded properly. So until this is repaired there should at least be a big red label warning (Lark's Vomit) For Stereo Use Only Now I remember why I had stopped using External Inserts altogether.
  20. For me, I also like having the old-style tools in the Staff View windows. However, that should be in its own feature request thread. The Tool menu is easily called up in all of those Views with the "t" key. One key press and the tool menu pops up under the mouse cursor. Or learn the corresponding hot keys for each tool (F5-F10) and switching tools is even quicker and easier. I understand how moving from Pro Audio 9 to CbB can be confusing. All of the old functionality is still there plus a whole lot more. The learning curve however, is steep. Now back to the OP. I love your idea. +1
  21. Base 57

    bad wav playback

    This post should be at the very top of the main Forum page and it should also be page one of the user guide PDF.
  22. I bought into Cakewalk when it came on a 3.5 inch floppy disk and I loaded it onto a Huge 40mb hard drive. But I've been using the current lanes for so long I could not remember how layers worked. So I opened SONAR 8 (which seems to run very well on this W10 machine) and reminded myself of the difference between lanes and layers. @Keni, you can now consider me a convert to your cause. The way layers are displayed in SONAR 8 should definitely be an option in CbB. I know less than nothing about writing code so maybe it's not something that can be done easily. If that is the case it would be nice if the bakers would just say so. You have been complaining about this for a long time and the silence from their end has been deafening.
  23. I can't duplicate this. However, I do find it annoying that Zoom expands all of the lanes in a track.
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