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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. Interesting photo story about moving pianos in NYC https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/03/06/arts/music/ny-piano-moving.html
  2. Lynn My wife teaches Balkan dancing so I hear the music pretty often. 7/8 is a common time signature in Bulgarian music, and in that area they also have 9/8 11/8 13/8 and other weird (to us) time signatures. Your song could be a big hit in Bulgaria!
  3. Doug, another great song. I'd like to suggest you have another singer perform in some of your songs. I don't mean instead of you but as a duet. I know that's not easy but just thought I'd throw that out there.
  4. Makke, I always enjoy hearing your tunes and your playing. Great organ track in there too.
  5. bjornpdx


    Cool cool jazz. Really like the sax. I was especially taken with the drums. Don't know what that pattern is called (~1:20) but it hooked me. Reminds me of the soundtrack to Dunkirk.
  6. David, this is very innovative. Sounds like something Spike Jones would come up with.
  7. bjornpdx

    Desert Chant

    I've been in a slump lately. Can't seem to finish any of the several projects I've started. So here's one I did a few years ago. It was meant as music for a slideshow of the Natl Parks in Utah that I had visited. Desert, red rocks etc. The chant is from one of the loops that came with Sonar a while ago. I lost the .cwp file somehow so don't know the name of the loop. I wanted a Native American voice from that region but I wasn't sure where the guy singing the chant was from so I didn't use it. Anyway, I like the song. It's kind of hypnotic (ie repetitive) so it's not something to wake you up in the morning.
  8. I always think of you as a singer and forget that you're also great on the guitar. You have a cool voc delay which worked well except there were a couple of places where the tail was maybe too long eg around 2:00 Nice job on this song Lynn. I really like it.
  9. bjornpdx


    Caleb, you could keep what you have to make it a background accompaniment, then create a melody that you lay on top. Try and keep the melody notes within the chords in the progression. And apologies if I came across as too negative in my previous comment. My copy and paste left out a couple of sentences.
  10. Jerry So I'm listening closely trying to pick up techniques to use for one of my current projects. I'm really impressed with the mix, how the instruments have their own space and don't crowd out others (which I guess is the definition of a good mix.) Really enjoyed this piece. It's like an epic story you make up yourself while listening. Something like that.
  11. Daryl Another song in your inimitable style. No need to apologize or feel embarrassed for lovey dovey lyrics as long as they're sincere and heartfelt.
  12. I really like this. Simple arrangement but effective for telling the story. I'd suggest a change up in the phrasing maybe in a chorus. Thanks for posting.
  13. Listening thru headphones. Vocal is very good. It fits the genre well, as does the guitar. The drums need to stand out more. I wasn't hearing the low end much so I think the bass needs a boost. The other commenters thought the mix was good so I could be wrong about that. Thanks for posting.
  14. bjornpdx


    So it's just the same phrase repeated to the end? I listened to a couple of your other songs and they're similar.
  15. Sounds like punk genre to me. Must be the "I care even less about some things" Yep, that's where I'm heading. Really like the driving drums. Can't understand the lyrics but that's okay. Hope things get better for you.
  16. Rob, This is really good. I give it A+ on energy and drive. Not sure I noticed some of the instruments you mentioned eg sitar, didgeridoo Some impressions I got 0:08 scenes of India or thereabouts 0:17 Americana. Wagon trains, Oregon Trail 0:50 March of civilization going faster and faster
  17. There's no mistaking your voice and music. Is this a different version of a song you've posted before? Lyrics and/or subject sounds a little familiar to me. Reverb works very well IMO. Really like the chorus especially, although your voice sounds a bit different in the chorus. You posted a song a while ago which really touched me. I think it was about a family health situation which, from reading what you said above, apparently has now been resolved?
  18. Exactly how I felt. I like the episodic phrases (probably not the right term), kind of like Brian Eno. The little tweets fit right in. Beautifully relaxing.
  19. bjornpdx


    Mark, laid back song on a laid back summer afternoon. I absolutely love that ethereal cello. Abrupt ending but probably more to come?
  20. The whistle with the meow-y sound is pretty eerie. Nicely done.
  21. bjornpdx

    Celtic Electra

    Tim Beautiful. Love that Celtic flavor. I didn't think the flutes were piercing at 2:30, maybe just a tad too loud. Like you mentioned with the virtual Korg M1, I use the Kontakt Factory sounds often because I find them better than some of the high priced instruments I've bought.
  22. I looked up HookPad and I see it's a tool for writing music (looks like a good program). Seemed to work pretty well and the song is nice to listen to but it just seems a bit meandering to me. Just needs to be steered toward a more structured theme. But as always just my opinion. Thanks for posting.
  23. bjornpdx


    Really like the chorus (and the rest of the song) - sounds 60s pop to me. As usual guitar is excellent.
  24. I listened to a few of the preview tracks. Sounds promising, Bill. Good luck with it.
  25. Freddy, Reminds me of when I lived in southern Calif for a while. Surf City and all that. Very well done. You got the guitar sound down all right and the performance is excellent. This would work perfectly in a video.
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